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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Convergence Program of Healthcare and Biomedical Engineering
Se-Hyuk Park
Leisure-sport marketing
◾ B.S. Yonsei University 1985
◾ M.S.T. Portland State University 1989
◾ M.S.R. West Virginia University 1994
◾ Ed. D. West Virginia University 1994
◾ 4/1998 – present Professor, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
◾ 9/1988 – 6/1990 Part-time Lecturer, Portland State University
◾ 6/1989 – 4/1990 Full-time Instructor, Moore Street Community Center
◾ 2/1986 – 9/1987 Full-time Instructor, Sport for All Korea Association
◾ 7/2008 – 6/2009 Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Florida
◾ 1/2014 – present President of Korean Society of Sport Management
◾ 1/2004 – present Board Member of Leisure & Recreation Association in Korea
(Director of Continuing Education)
◾ 1/2002 – present Board Member of Jump Rope Association in Korea
◾ 2/2011- present Board Member of Korean Society of Sport and Exercise for the Elderly (Vice president)
◾ 3/2011- present Board Member of Korea Olympic Academy (Vice president)
◾ 6/2013 – present Advisory Board Member of Korea Council of Sport for All
◾ 6/2014 – present Review Board Member of National Research Foundation of Korea
Research Areas
One of my interests related to research inquiry is the application of relevant theories from consumer behavior social psychology to the study of the leisure and sport marketplace. In particular, I am interested in the involvement, specialization, and loyalty of sport spectators and leisure participants and have completed a variety of studies on these topics. My second research interest is related to adolescents’ leisure behaviors. I have focused on examining adolescents’ delinquency from leisure and managerial perspectives. I have recently published papers related to acculturation and volunteerism in leisure.
◾ Sport Marketing
◾ Sport Marketing Research
◾ Leisure & Recreation
◾ Research in Leisure
◾ Swimming
◾ Bowling
◾ Tennis
◾ Sport Management (Both at undergraduate and graduate levels)
Selected Publications
◾ Park, S. H. (1994).
Antecedents of behavioral loyalty to a selected recreational sport/fitness program. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.

◾ Kim, J., Kim, M., Henderson, K., Han, A., & Park, S. H. (2016). Serious engagement in sport and health benefits among Korean immigrants in the USA. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. 11: 31340-

◾ Kim, J., Han, A., & Park, S. H. (2016). Stress-related growth experience: Listening to Korean adolescents who have visual impairments. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/10720537.2016.1246991.

◾ Park, S. H., & Jung, J. H. (2016). The relationships among purchasing tendencies, brand identification, consumer-brand relationships, and brand loyalty of sports club members. Korean Journal of Sport Science, 27(3), 575-587.

◾ Park, S. H., & Han, S. A. (2016). The analysis of the relationship between flow experience and happiness for baduk players. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 65, 191-200.

◾ Song, J. K., Kim, M. R., Cho, K. M., Park, S. H., & Kim, S. J. (2016). Developing intercollegiate sport programs through integrated marketing strategies: Based upon Korea University Sports Federation. The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 55(5), 399-410.
Journal Papers
※Journal Articles

◾ Park, S. H. (1994). Segmenting target markets to increase participants’ loyalty to a selected recreation program. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 11, 99-107.

◾ Park, S. H. (1995). Participant involvement profiles in recreational sport activities: A conceptual specification. Journal of Sport and Leisure Studies, 3, 83-91.

◾ Park, S. H., Byun, W. T., & Chang, K. H. (1995). Impact of worksite sport programs on employees’ organizational commitment. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 12, 77-86.

◾ Park, S. H. (1995). Determinants of volunteers' commitment to a leisure service organization. Journal of Physical Education, Sport, & Leisure Studies, 2, 99-118.

◾ Park, S. H. (1996). Marketing for recreational sport: The moderating role of involvement. Journal of Physical Education, Sport, & Leisure Studies, 3, 39-50.

◾ Park, S. H. (1996). The influence of cost information on consumers’ reference price for recreational sport program. Journal of Korean Society of Sport Management, 1, 85-96.

◾ Park, S. H. (1996). Relationships between involvement and attitudinal loyalty construct in adult fitness programs. Journal of Leisure Research, 28(4), 233-250.

◾ Park, S. H. (1997). Conceptualizing for recreational sport: Leisure and recreation perspectives. Journal of Physical Education, Sport, & Leisure Studies, 4, 17-40.

◾ Park, S. H. (1998). Involvement profiles as a psychological segmentation tool for recreational sport market. Journal of Korean Society of Sport Management, 3(2), 271-287.

◾ Park, S. H. (1998). Prevention and therapy of juvenile delinquency through recreational sport participation. Journal of Physical Education, Sport, & Leisure Studies, 5, 34-46.

◾ Park, S. H. (1999). Marketing strategies for aerobic program consumers: A practical approach to involvement profiles. The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 38(1), 609-620.

◾ Park, S. H., & Yoo, B. Y. (1999). Determinants of physical leisure activities for male adults over the life-span. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 16, 155-168.

◾ Kim, Y. M., & Park, S. H. (2000). The effect of attitude toward Olympic games on purchase intention for official sponsor’s product. The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 39(1), 701-715.

◾ Park, S. H. (2000). Propositions and research directions for developing and analyzing the risky sport framework. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 19, 105-118.

◾ Park, S. H., & Kim, Y. M. (2000). Conceptualizing and measuring the attitudinal loyalty constructs in recreational sport contexts. Journal of Sport Management, 14(3), 197-207.

◾ Park, S. H. (2001). A further exploration of the involvement profiles in selected recreational sport activities: Results from a study in Korea. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 10(2), 77-82.

◾ Park, S. H., & Oh, S. Y. (2001). Controlling excessive violence in sports: Societal sport marketing perspectives. Journal of Sport & Physical Education of China and Korea, 1(1), 69-76.

◾ Kim, O. J., Cho, T. K., Park, S. H., & Mun, Y. (2001). Establishing the department of recreation and leisure studies at the universities in Seoul. Journal of the National Academy of Sciences. 40, 31-89.

◾ Park, S. H., Yoon, M. Y., & Byun, W. T. (2002). Relationship between organizational commitment and shirking among employees in middle management positions in sport organizations. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 7(1), 97-110.

◾ Park, S. H., & Kim, K. (2002). Reducing and removing constraints to sport participation among Korean Juveniles. Journal of Sport & Physical Education of China and Korea, 8(2), 225-232.

◾ Park, S., H., & Park, S. I. (2003). Analyzing the differences of sport consumers’ perception on sponsorship and ambush marketing based on the socio-demographic variables and involvement. Korean Journal of Sport Science, 14(2), 51-65.

◾ Park, S. H. (2003). Organizational commitment of instructors and managers in community based sport centers in Korea. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education, 1 (1), 53-60.

◾ Park, S. H. (2003). The relationships between perceived service problems and service quality, customer satisfaction, and recommendation within a ski resort context. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 15(2), 40-50.

◾ Park, S. H., Yoon, M. Y., & Lee, Y. H. (2003). Application of specialization theory in market segmentation for a particular swimming class. The Journal of Korean Society of Leisure & Recreation Education, 4(1), 122-126.

◾ Park, S. H. (2003). Spectators’ differences in involvement, loyalty, intention to repurchasing, and intention to recommendation according to socio-demographic characteristics at professional baseball games. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 8(2), 375-393.

◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Customers’ differences in loyalty, satisfaction, intention to repurchasing, and intention to recommendation based upon socio-demographic characteristics in golf driving ranges. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 9(1), 1-14.

◾ Cho, Y. H., Cho, H.. B., Choi, J. P., Park, S. H., & Lee, J. H. (2004). Developing sport management curricular standards for undergraduate level in Korea. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 9(1), 201-219.

◾ Park, S. H., Park, S. I., Choi, J. H., & Sagas, M. (2004). The impact of perceived service quality on behavioral intentions for adult swimming participants of commercial sport centers. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 9(2), 153-166.

◾ Park, S. H., Buck, D., & Song, W. I. (2004). Assessing customers' perceptions of service quality in a bowling alley: Service quality attributes and choice behavior. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 26, 69-80.

◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Constraints to recreational sport participation for adolescents exposed to internet-related delinquency: Developing marketing strategies for increasing sport participation. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 16(1), 41-54.

◾ Lee, S. C., & Park, S. H. (2004). The consequences of service problems in golf driving ranges in Korea: A gap analysis of service quality. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 2(1), 35-42.

◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Factors affecting spectator attendance at professional baseball games in Korea. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 2(1), 43-48.

◾ Park, S. H., & Lee, S. C. (2004). The causal relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction, repurchasing intention, and business performance in commercial sport centers. The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 43(3), 485-493.

◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Customers’ differences in loyalty, satisfaction, intention to repurchasing, and intention to recommendation based upon socio-demographic characteristics in golf driving ranges. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 9(1), 1-14.

◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Marketing implications derived from the differences of affective loyalty between professional football and professional spectators. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 9(3), 123-137.

◾ Hur, J., & Park, S. H. (2004). Different effects of the engagement in spectator sport and participant sport on leisure satisfaction among sport consumers. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 27, 43-52.

◾ Park, S. H., & Yeo, I. S. (2005). Different degree and range of specialization across recreational sport activities: An issue for sport marketing. International Journal of Sport Management, 6, 141-153.

◾ Han, H. W., Kim, Y. J., Kim, Y. S., & Park, S. H. (2005). Managing constraints on recreational sport participation for young adolescents: Leisure, gender, and life satisfaction. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 3(1), 9-15.

◾ Youn, S. K., & Park, S. H. (2005). The relationship between participation motives and life satisfaction for female participants in golf driving ranges. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 28, 17-29.

◾ Park, S. H. (2005). Prevention and play therapy for children’s problematic behaviors: Integrated approach. The Journal of Korean Society of Leisure & Recreation, 6(1), 92-102.

◾ Park, S. H., & Ji, H. J. (2005). Dance sport participants' involvement profiles at public recreational sport facilities. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 29, 375-386.

◾ Park, S. H., & Ji, H. J., & Jung, J. H. (2005). The effect of title sponsorship activity of the K-league on brand awareness, brand preference, and brand image. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 10(4), 97-107.

◾ Park, S. H., & Oh, S. S. (2006). Examining the relationship between perceptions of constraint on recreational sport participation and gender among college students. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 30, 105-113.

◾ Lee, S. C., & Park, S. H. (2006). An assessment of the relationship between service quality and behavioral intentions in fitness centers in Korea. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 4(2), 57-63.

◾ Choi, J. H., Sosa, J., Sagas, M., & Park, S. H. (2006). The impact of leadership on organizational culture in NCAA division I and II institutions. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 2(2), 141-161.

◾ Park, S. H. (2006). Improving organizational effectiveness through the combination of transformational and situational leadership in leisure and sport organizations in Korea. The Journal of Korean Society of Leisure and Recreation, 7(2), 29-37.

◾ Park, S. H., Kim, Y. M., & Jun, H. M. (2007). The influence of involvement profiles of professional basketball fans on team identification, corporate identification, and corporate image. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 12(1), 57-70.

◾ Park, S. H. (2007). The personal meaning of professional basketball spectatorship: Service quality, involvement, and behavioral intentions. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 5(1), 88-94.

◾ Park, S. H. (2007). The current status and future directions of leisure industry in Korea. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 8(1), 28-59.

◾ Choi, J. H., Sagas, M., Park, S. H., & Cunningham, G. B. (2007). The Transformational leadership in collegiate coaching: The effects of transformational leadership on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior. International Journal of Sport Management, 8, 429-446.

◾ Park, S. H. (2007). The impact of involvement profiles upon satisfaction and intention to repeat patronage among users at 4 riverside parks in Seoul. Seoul Studies, 8(4), 175-188.

◾ Choi, J. H., & Park, S. H. (2007). The comparison of research trend between Journal of Sport Management and Korean Journal of Sport Management. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 5(2), 10-15.

◾ Park, S. I., Park, S. H., & Choi, J. H. (2007). Total quality management for spectators at professional baseball games in Korea: The impact of service quality on behavioral intentions. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 5(2), 78-82.

◾ Park, S. H. (2007). Factors that influence spectators' purchasing behaviors and behavioral intentions for professional basketball games in Korea. International Journal of Human Movement Science, 1(2), 51-60.

◾ Park, S. H. (2008). Analyzing the relationship among leisure satisfaction, commitment, and life satisfaction for tennis participants. Journal of Leisure & Recreation Studies, 32(2), 13-20.

◾ Han, A. R., & Park, S. H. (2008). The impact of involvement and organizational identification on satisfaction and repurchasing intention for participants of leisure and sport program. The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 47(3), 409-422.

◾ Seol, S. Y., & Park, S. H. (2008). Psychometric properties of loyalty scale for recreational sport program in Korea. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education, Sport and Dance, 6(2), 103-108.

◾ Kim, Y., Hultsman, J., & Park, S. (2009). Do youth, program staff, and administrators differ in their perceptions of desired recreation program outcomes? International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education, Sport and Dance, 7(1), 32-40.

◾ Park, S. H. (2009). The causal relationships among involvement, satisfaction, and organizational commitment for volunteers in recreational sport programs. Journal of Leisure & Recreation Studies, 33(3), 193-203.

◾ Oh, S., Park, S., & Shin, K. (2009). The reliability and validity of the leisure constraints scales in social activities among Korean employed adults. ICHPER‧SD Asia Journal of Research, 1(2), 53-58.

◾ Park, S. H. (2009). Constraints to Korean adolescents' leisure: The value of recreational sport activities. Pan-Asian Journal of Sports & Physical Education, 1(1), 46-52.

◾ Park, S. H., Kim, Y. K., Park, S. H., & In, S. W. (2009). Exploring the relationships between consumers’ behaviors and media consumption: The process of curiosity in sport spectatorship. Korean Journal of Consumer and Advertising Psychology, 10(3), 437-459.

◾ Park, S. H., Lee, Y. J., Seo, H. J., Choi, J. H. (2010). The impact of involvement on leisure satisfaction for volunteers: A multi-dimensional approach. Journal of Leisure & Recreation Studies, 34(2), 135-144.

◾ Park, J. H., & Park, S. H. (2010). Factors affecting instructors’ commitment to recreational sport organizations in Korea. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education, Sport and Dance, 8(1), 56-64.

◾ Park, S. H. (2010). Increasing volunteers’ organizational commitment in leisure service organizations. Korean Society of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 11(2), 11-17.

◾ Park, S. H. (2010). The influence of respect from the organization and affective organizational commitment among volunteers for leisure service. Journal of Leisure & Recreation Studies, 34(3), 141-148.

◾ Park, S. H., Park, J. G., & Rhee, S. L. (2011). The influence of perceived respect from the leisure service organization and affective loyalty on intention to continue participation among participants for leisure service. Journal of Leisure & Recreation Studies, 35(1), 67-75.

◾ Park, J. G., Park, S. H., Lim, R. H. (2011). Spectatorship factors of the elderly and their revisit intentions according to their individual characteristics in professional sports events. Journal of Korean Physical Education Association for Women, 25(2), 117-128.

◾ Park, S. H. (2011). The causal relationships among involvement, overall satisfaction, and attitudinal loyalty among tennis club members. Journal of Leisure Studies, 9(1), 59-74.

◾ Park, S. H. (2011). Developing strategies to rescue delinquent adolescents through sport programs. Studies on Civil Culture, 11, 1-16.

◾ Park, S. H. (2012). Antecedents of adolescents' participation in recreational sport program. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 47, 653-662.

◾ Park, S. H., & Jun, S. H. (2012). Adolescents’ involvement in internet games: From therapeutic recreation perspectives. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 49, 535-543.

◾ Seo, H. J., Park, S. H., Han, A. R., & Lee, Y. J. (2012). The influence of emotional expressivity in leisure activities on leisure satisfaction and flow for Korean adolescents. The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 51(5), 591-602.

◾ Park, S. H. (2012). The impact of leisure constraints on sport participation and life satisfaction for physically inactive adolescents. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 50, 539-547.

◾ Kang, G. H., & Park, S. H. (2012). The relationship among service qualities, customer satisfaction, customer trust, customer loyalty, and repurchasing intention of a sport center. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 50, 583-595.

◾ Park, S. H., & Kim, M. (2013). Development of a hierarchical model of sport volunteers’ organizational commitment. European Sport Management Quarterly, 13, 94-109.

◾ Han, K. S., Park, S. H., & Park, H. S. (2013). The impact of program loyalty on repurchasing intention and life satisfaction for sing-along program participants. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 52, 339-347.

◾ Park, S. H. (2013). The relationships between program satisfaction and attitudinal loyalty in recreational sport programs. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 52, 461-470.

◾ Han, A. R., Park, S. H., & Seo, H. J. (2013). The causal relationships among emotional expressivity, leisure satisfaction, affective loyalty, and repurchasing intention for participants in fitness programs. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 37(1), 47-62.

◾ Kim, M. J., & Park, S. H. (2013). The influence of loyalty on overall satisfaction, repurchasing intention, and life satisfaction for fitness program participants. . Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 53, 443-451.

◾ Park, S. H., & Kim, M. S. (2013). The relationship between leisure satisfaction and life satisfaction among the Bookhansan trailer users. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 54, 735-741.

◾ Park, S. H., & Han, K. S. (2014). The influence of involvement on satisfaction and commitment in volunteerism among sport event volunteers. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 55, 351-360.

◾ Jun, S. H., & Park, S. H. (2014). The causal relationships among involvement, overall satisfaction, and affective loyalty among Seoul forest visitors. Seoul Studies, 8(4), 175-188.

◾ Kim, J. Heo, J., & Park, S. (2014). The exploration of acculturation and health
among immigrants from Non-Eastern cultures. Qualitative Health Research
24, 1138–1149.

◾ Park, S. H., & Song, J. K. (2014). The causal relationships among involvement, satisfaction, affective loyalty, switching cost, among public sport center users. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 57, 351-362.

◾ Song, J. K., Kim, M. R., Kim, S. J., & Park, S. H. (2014). Role of self-efficacy in adopting mobile sports application: From ELM perspectives. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 19(5), 121-137.

◾ Park, S. H. (2014). The contribution of participation in different types of leisure activities to the adolescents' involvement and life satisfaction. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 58, 623~631.

◾ Park, S. H., & Han, K. S. (2014). The influence of involvement on satisfaction and commitment in volunteerism among sport event volunteers. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 55, 351-360.

◾ Jun, S. H., & Park, S. H. (2014). The causal relationships among involvement, overall satisfaction, and affective loyalty among Seoul forest visitors. Seoul Studies, 8(4), 175-188.

◾ Kim, J. Heo, J., & Park, S. (2014). The exploration of acculturation and health
among immigrants from Non-Eastern cultures. Qualitative Health Research
24, 1138–1149.

◾ Park, S. H., & Song, J. K. (2014). The causal relationships among involvement, satisfaction, affective loyalty, switching cost, among public sport center users. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 57, 351-362.

◾ Song, J. K., Kim, M. R., Kim, S. J., & Park, S. H. (2014). Role of self-efficacy in adopting mobile sports application: From ELM perspectives. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 19(5), 121-137.

◾ Park, S. H. (2014). The contribution of participation in different types of leisure activities to the adolescents' involvement and life satisfaction. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 58, 623~631.

◾ Park, S. H. (2015). Disaster derived from confusion in terms and conceptualization in leisure studies: Focused on flow and commitment. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 59, 271-282.

◾ Kim, J., Park, S., Malonebeach, E.E., & Heo, J., (2015). Migrating to the East: A qualitative investigation of acculturation and leisure activities. Leisure Studies, 1-17.
◾ Analysis of leisure activities of people with disabilities before and after COVID-19 Pandemic., The Korean Journal of Sport, vol.22 No.2 pp.61~71, 2024박세혁
◾ Exploring the Relationships among Covid-19 Stress, Leisure Constraints, and Happiness for Adults During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Korea, American Journal of Health Behavior, vol.47 No.3 pp.558~566, 2023박세혁
◾ The relationships among positive and negative emotions, stress, and happiness among people with disabilities during a pandemic., Journal of Leisure Studies, vol.21 No.3 pp.141~157, 2023박세혁
◾ 코로나19 시기에 당뇨가 있는 성인의 정신건강과 여가활동유형의 관계분석, American Journal of Health Behavior, vol.47 No.2 pp.228~236, 2023박세혁
◾ 풋살구장 이용자들이 인지하는 서비스 품질이 몰입경험, 만족도, 재구매의도 및 구전의도에 미치는 영향, Journal of Sport and Leisure Studies, No.92 pp.99~110, 2023박세혁
◾ 전통문화인식, 문화유산보존과 한국무용 충성도의 인과관계 분석, The Korean Journal of Physical Education, vol.62 No.2 pp.293~304, 2023박세혁
◾ Physical Activity and Health of Koreans with Spinal Cord Injury during COVID-19, American Journal of Health Behavior, vol.47 No.1 pp.21~29, 2023박세혁
◾ A qualitative investigation of leisure benefits for social and psychological health among international volleyball players living in South Korea, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, vol.17 No.1, 2022박세혁
◾ Leisure activities, life satisfaction, and happiness among people with spinal cord injury during the COVID-19 pandemic, LEISURE STUDIES, 2022박세혁
◾ Identifying the Relationship between Leisure Walking and Prevalence of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health,, vol.19 No.13, 2022박세혁
◾ 코로나 스트레스와 여가제약 그리고 행복감의 구조적관계, Journal of The Korea Convergence Society, vol.13 No.5 pp.347~356, 2022박세혁
Conference Papers
◾ Park, S. H. (1997). The motivations for motorcycle gangs’ participation in running:
Implications for practitioners and researchers. Proceedings of the 37th Anniversary
Seminar (pp. 32-43). Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2000). The positive and negative sides of leisure: Revitalizing juveniles’
leisure. Proceedings of the 8th Korean Society of Leisure and Recreation Seminar (pp.
11-18). Incheon, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2000). The motives of participation in adventure recreation and research
directions. Proceedings of the 17th National Recreation Congress (pp. 27-40). Seoul,

◾ Park, S. H. (2001). Maximizing sport customers' satisfaction for competitive advantages. Proceedings of International Olympic Fair Seoul 2001 ASPES Sport Symposium (pp. 96-106). Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2002). Revitalizing family leisure in relation to the activation of 5-days working system. Proceedings of 1st Leisure and Culture Forum (pp. 15-22). Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2003). Determinants of sport consumers’ loyalty: Marketing implications. Proceedings of International Sports Marketing Conference (pp. 1-18). Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2003). Identity of Sport Marketing. Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference (pp. 1-7). Busan, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2003). Comparison of organizational commitment of instructors and managers in community based sport centers. Proceedings of the 2003 International Sport Management Congress (pp. 1-20). Daegu, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Propositions for effective teaching in leisure and recreation classes. Proceedings of 1st Leisure and Recreation Pedagogy Workshop (pp.5-21). Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Socio-psychological aspects of leisure. Proceedings of 2nd Leisure and Recreation Pedagogy Workshop (pp.43-55). Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2005). Saving aerobic program through marketing. Proceedings of the 1st Aerobics Leader Training Workshop (pp. 21-30). Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2005). Analyzing KBL marketing program. Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary of Korean Basketball League Symposium (pp. 59-69). Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2006). Developing sport marketing program in professional sport. Organized by Korea Institute of Sport Science. Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2006). Marketing for Taekondo. Proceedings of the 4th Sport Counselor Training program. Seoul, Korea.
Park, S. H. (2007). Delivering happiness for the public through sport. Organized by Gooro-County. Seoul, Korea

◾ Park, S. H. (2007). Seoul city marketing through mega sport events. Organized by Seoul City. Seoul, Korea

◾ Park, S. H. (2007). The current situation of leisure and sport industry. Organized by Seoul Women’s University. Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2008, May and June). Early childhood physical education through play. Organized by Hanoi Department of Education and Training. Hanoi, Vietnam.

◾ Park, S. H. (2008. June). Activating leisure market in an aging society. Organized by Kangwon Development Research Institute. Chooncheon, Kangwon-Do.

◾ Park, S. H. (2009). Segmenting recreational sport market: Utilizing recreation specialization theory. Proceedings of the BK21 International Seminar (pp. 71-86). Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2009, April). Overview of Sport Industry in Korea: The Role of Sport Marketing. Organized by University of Florida (in the Sport Management Distinguished Speaker). Florida, the United States.

◾ Park, S. H. (2010, May). Recreation for the elderly. Organized by Korea Council of Sport for All.

◾ Park, S. H. (2010, July). Sport tourists’ behavior and attitude. Organized by Mokpo University.

◾ Park, S. H. (2010, August). Sport tourism marketing. Organized by Dankook University.

◾ Park, S. H. (2010, September). Marketing approach for the National Special Olympics. Organized by Korea Sports Association for the Disabled.

◾ Park. S. H. (2010, December). Leisure trend and happiness in the digital age. Organized by Kyunggi University.

◾ Park. S. H. (2010, December). Becoming a happy recreation educator in the in the digital age. Organized by Leisure & Recreation Association in Korea.

◾ Park. S. H. (2011, February). Effective leadership in recreation program. Organized by National Youth Center of Korea.

◾ Park. S. H. (2011, June). Outdoor recreation program. Organized by Leisure & Recreation Kangwon-Do Association.

◾ Park. S. H. (2012, February). Leadership in game program. Organized by National Youth Center of Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2012, May). Analyzing Core Factors of Sport Marketing: From promotion perspectives. Organized by KSPO.

◾ Park. S. H. (2012, July). Motivating participants in recreational sport program. Organized by Korea Council of Sport For All.

◾ Park, S. H. (2012,September). Analyzing Core Factors of Sport Marketing: From pricing perspectives. Organized by KSPO.

◾ Park, S. H. (2012, October). Designing happiness with my own style. Organized by Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology.

◾ Park. S. H. (2012, October). You can be happy no matter what. Organized by Sejong University CEO Continuing Education.

◾ Park. S. H. (2012, October). Marketing strategies for revitalizing leisure industry. Organized by Society for Leisure and Culture Studies & Korea Culture and Tourism Institute.

◾ Park, S. H. (2012, October). Sport tourism marketing. Organized by Dankook University.

◾ Park, S. H. (2013, April). Analyzing Core Factors of Sport Marketing: From 4P’s perspectives. Organized by KSPO.

◾ Park, S. H. (2013, September). Classroom with fun and healing. Yonsei University Creative Education Center.

◾ Park, S. H., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Jeon, Y., & Kim, S. (2015). The relationships between involvement and organizational commitment in sport volunteerism. Paper presented at the 11th Asian Association of Sports Management Conference. Proceedings of the AASM 2015 Conference (p. 26). LANGKAWI , MALAYSIA.

◾ Kim, J., Kim, M., & Park, S. H. (2016). Serious leisure and the sport club experience of Korean immigrants in the United States. Proceedings for KAHTEA 2016 Conference (p.15). Las Vegas. USA.

◾ Park, S. H. (2016). The influence of serious leisure on happiness for the elderly. Paper presented at the 2016 Fall Seminar of the Korean Society of Aging and Physical Activity (pp.3-19). Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2016). Finding the themes and methods in leisure and sport studies. Paper presented at the 2016 Fall Seminar of the Korean Society of Leisure and Sport Studies (pp.3-6). Soonchunhyang University, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H., Han, S. A., & Park, S. Y. (2016). The relationship between flow and happiness for volunteers of leisure service. Proceedings for the 28th International Sport Science Congress (p. 168). Hanyang University Erica, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2016). Leisure in the future. Paper presented at the 56th National Recreation Festival International Conference (pp. 91-97). Olympic Park Convention Center, Korea.

◾ Kim, Y. S., Park, S. H., & Park, E. A. (2016). Coping strategies to manage excessive academic stress among Korean adolescents: From leisure perspectives. Paper presented at the International Academic Conference on Social Sciences. Tokyo, Japan.

◾ Park, S. H., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Jeon, Y., & Kim, S. (2015). The relationships between involvement and organizational commitment in sport volunteerism. Paper presented at the 11th Asian Association of Sports Management Conference. Proceedings of the AASM 2015 Conference (p.26). Langkawi, Malaysia.

◾ Park, S. H., Kim, S., Seo, H., Chin, S., Lee, Y., & Han, A. (2015). Past, present, and future of sport management in Korea: Challenges for the future. Paper presented at the 20th KSSM Anniversary International Sport Management Conference. Proceedings of the KSSM 2015 Conference (pp. 72-81). Seoul, Korea.

◾ Kim, J., Kim, M., & Park, S. H. (2016). Serious leisure and the sport club experience of Korean immigrants in the United States. Proceedings for KAHTEA 2016 Conference (p.15). Las Vegas. USA.

◾ 박세혁(2016). 노인의 진지한 여가가 행복에 미치는 영향. 2016년도 춘계학술세미나 (pp. 3-19). 노인체육학회주최. 서울과학기술대학교.

◾ 박세혁(2016). 사회체육 연구주제와 방법의 시대적 방향 모색. 한국사회체육학회 추계 학술발표(pp. 3-6). (2016. 11월 25일). 한국사회체육학회주최. 순천향대학교.

◾ Park, S. H., Han, S. A., & Park, S. Y. (2016). The relationship between flow and happiness for volunteers of leisure service. Proceedings for the 28th International Sport Science Congress (p. 168). Hanyang University Erica, Korea.

◾ 박세혁(2016). 미래의 여가: 스포츠산업의 미래. 제33회 창립 56주년 전국레크리에이션대회 국제학술세미나 (pp. 91-97). 한국여가레크리에이션협회주최. 올림픽공원 컨벤션센터.

◾ Kim, Y. S., Park, S. H., & Park, E. A. (2016). Coping strategies to manage excessive academic stress among Korean adolescents: From leisure perspectives. Paper presented at the International Academic Conference on Social Sciences (pp. - ). Tokyo, Japan.

◾ Kim, J., Kim, M., Yang. H., Park, S. H., & Han, A. (2017). Leisure, social support, health, and life satisfaction among individuals with physical disability. Proceedings of 2017 National Congress for Recreation & Park (p. ). New Orleands, USA.

◾ Park, S. H. (2017). Relationships among flow, happiness, and intention to continue participation for tennis club participants. Proceedings of the 25th TAFISA World Congress (p. 49). Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2018). Gigantic Growth of Sport Management in Korea: Challenges for the Future. Paper presented as a keynote speaker at the 2018 KSSM Anniversary International Sport Management Conference. Halifax, Canada.

◾ Park, S. H., Seo, H., & Lee, Y. (2018). Identifying the impact of specialization and involvement on commitment to a particular badminton club. Proceedings for the 30th International Sport Science Congress (p. 260). Wonkwang University, Korea.

◾ 기대위, 박세혁, 서희정 (2019). 선수보증광고가 수영선수의 스포츠용품에 대한 태도 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향. 2019 한국사회체육학회 춘계학술대회 포스터 발표 (2019. 5월 25일). 한국사회체육학회주최. 연세대학교.

◾ 이윤정,박세혁, 서희정(2019). 2018 멜론뮤직어워드의 방탄소년단 아이돌(IDOL) 공연을 통한 청소년들의 한국무용이미지와 문화유산보존의 관계. 2019 한국사회체육학회 추계학술대회 포스터 발표 (2019. 11월 22일). 한국사회체육학회주최. 서울과학기술대학교.
◾ 박세혁, 서희정, 조예진, Analyzing sport spectators through OTT, 제 62회 한국체육학회 학술대회, 인제대학교, 2024박세혁
◾ 박세혁, 이윤정, 최예리, Aanlyzing leisure activities and depression for the disabled during Covid-19, 지방체육의 현황과 미래, 인제대학교, 2024박세혁
◾ Se-Hyuk Park, Junhyoung Kim, Hee-Joung Seo, The experience of stress-related growth associated with COVID-19 among Korean adults with spinal cord injury, Proceedings in Commemoration for the 1988 Seoul Olympic games, 용인대학교, 2023박세혁
◾ Wanjiru, I. R.,& 박세혁, Exploring the health benefits of leisure participation in the process of acculturation for African international students in South Korea., 2023 Spring On-line Conference of Korea Society for Wellness, 한국웰니스학회주최. 한국웰니스학회 Youtube 채널., 2023박세혁
◾ Park, S. H., Lee, Y. J., Han, A. R., & Seo, H. J., Analyzing the causal relationships among the Korean traditional culture awareness, cultural heritage preservation, and the intangible cultural asset * ., Proceedings of the 34th International Sport Science Congress in Commemoration for the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, 경희대학교, 2022박세혁
◾ Cho, J. R., Mo, J. H., & Park, S. H. , Developing marketing strategies to increase futsal users’ satisfaction in service quality, Proceedings of the 34th International Sport Science Congress in Commemoration for the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, Kyounghee University, 2022박세혁
◾ Park, S. H. (2000).
Recreation theory and application. Seoul, Korea: Fine Media Publishing.

◾ Park, S. H., Chun, H. M., & Kim, Y. M. (2001).
Sport marketing. Seoul, Korea: Hakhyunsa.

◾ Park et al. (2003).
Leisure and recreation programming. Seoul, Korea: Youngshin Publishing.

◾ Park, S. H. (2008).
The trends of leisure industry. In Y. Noh et al. (Eds.), Principles of Leisure (pp.95-102). Seoul: Rainbow.

◾ Park, S. H. (2010).
Leisure and recreation in the digital age. Seoul; Galim.
※ Grants

◾ Kim, O. J., Cho, T. G., Park, S. H., & Moon, Y. (2001). Establishing the department of recreation and leisure studies at the universities in Seoul. The National Academy of Sciences Project. Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2001). Constraints to recreational sport participation for adolescents exposed in internet-related delinquency: Developing marketing strategies for increasing sport participation. Korea Research Foundation. Seoul, Korea.

◾ Kim, Y. M., Park, S. H., & Jun, H. M. (2006-2007). The effects of team identification on sponsorship. Korea Research Foundation. Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park, S. H. (2013-2014). The influence of involvement and satisfaction in volunteerism on organizational commitment among sport event volunteers: Developing volunteerism management strategies through multidimensional analysis. Korea Research Foundation. Seoul, Korea.

◾ Park et al. (2014). Developing a model of research promotion for art and sport disciplines in 2014. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant.

◾ Park et al. (2014-2016). Acculturation, stress, leisure, and well-being among immigrants. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant.

◾ Park et al. (2014-2016). Evaluation for the specialized sport industry convergence graduate programs. This work was supported by the Grant of the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation.
※ Certifications

◾ 10/1981 2nd Recreation Leadership Certificate
(Organized by Leisure & Recreation Association in Korea)
◾ 01/1985 2nd Teacher Certificate for High School
◾ 04/1988 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certificate
(Organized by American Red Cross)
◾ 06/1988 Certificate of Standard First Aid
(Organized by American Red Cross)
◾ 03/1989 Certificate of Advanced Lifesaving & Water Safety
(Organized by American Red Cross)
◾ 06/1989 Certificate of Water Safety Instructor
(Organized by American Red Cross)
◾ 06/1997 Certificate of Open Water Diver (SCUBA)
(Organized by YMCA)
◾ 11/2001 International Diving Certificate of Advanced Scuba Diving
(Organized by Korea Underwater Diving Association)


◾ 2004 Sport Management Research Fellow, Conferred by Korean Society for Sport Management
◾ 2005 Recreation Contribution Fellow, Conferred by Leisure & Recreation Association in Korea
◾ 2008 Tennis Champion at the 2008 Men’s Competitive Doubles University of Florida Intramural Sports
◾ 2011 Outstanding Faculty Achievement, Conferred by Seoul National University of Science and Technology
◾ 2013 Outstanding Research Award (Grand Prize), Conferred by the World Recreation Educational Association at the 2013 International Leisure Sports and Recreation Congress.
◾ 2016 Outstanding Faculty Achievement, Conferred by Seoul National University of Science and Technology
    • Sang-Gu Hwang
    • Major: Radiation Cancer Biology
    • Principle Investigator
    • Pusan National University
    • Kyeong Min Kim
    • Major: Medical Imaging Physics (System & Software)
    • Principal Researcher
    • Hanyang University
    • Major: Accelerator Physics/Magnetism
    • Principal researcher
    • onsei University
    • Kyo Chul Lee
    • Major: Development & application of Radiopharmaceuticals
    • Senior Researcher
    • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Postdoc. in Medicinal & Radio Chemistry
    • Kim, Chun-Ho
    • Major: Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Nano carriers
    • Principal Researcher
    • Hanyang University
    • Chang Mo Kang
    • Major: Radiation Cytogenetics, Radiation effect on metabolism
    • Pricipal Researcher
    • Pusan National University

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