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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Architectural Design
Ryu, Jaeho
Information Technology in Architecture, CAAD
Hanyang University(Seoul), Department of Architectural Engineering, B.S. (1997)
Hanyang University(Seoul), Department of Architecture, M.S. (1999)
Tokyo Institute of Technology(TIT), Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ph.D (2005)
Korean Government Scholarship Researcher, 2002.4 – 2005.3
Tokyo Institute of Technology(TIT) Graduate School Researcher, 2005.10 – 2008.2
Kookmin University, Graduate School of Techno Design, Visiting Professor, 2008.3 – 2009.2
Texas A&M University, Department of Architecture, Visiting Researcher, 2018.3 - 2019.2
Research Areas
Information Technology of Architecture, CAAD(Computer Aided Architectural Design), Virtual Reality, Ubiquitous Computing Space, Augmented Reality in Architecture
Computer Programming Language, Digital Architectural Application, Creative Engineering Design, Computational Architectural Engineering Design, Capstone Design
Journal Papers
Selected Papers

Jaeho Ryu et al. “A Study on the Comparative Review in the Application of Technology at the Architectural Works of the Metabolism and the Archigram”, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.18. No.2, (2002.2), pp.63-70.

Jaeho Ryu et al., "Human-Scale Interaction with a Multi-Projector Display and Multi-modal Interfaces", 2004 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Tokyo Waterfront City, Japan, PCM 2004, LNCS 3333, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004, pp.23-30.

柳在鎬,外2人, "沒入型ディスプレイの映像提示領域による沒入感への影響",映像情報メディア学会誌,Vol.59,No.7,2005,pp.1051-1058.

Jaeho Ryu et al., "Application of Human-scale Immersive VR System for Environmental Design Assessment - A Proposal for Architectural Design Evaluation Tool", 2007, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (JAABE) vol.6 no.1 May 2007, pp.57-64.

Jaeho Ryu, “A Study on the Philosophical Meaning of Metamorphosis of Metabolism as the Architectural Movement in Japan” Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.24. No.12. (2008.12), pp. 161-168.

Jaeho Ryu et al., “A Basic Study on the Senior Residence Planning of u-City Ubiquitous Technology”, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.25. No.4. (2009.4), pp. 81-88.

Jaeho Ryu et al., “A study on the application of the Froebel system in the F. L. Wright’s architecture”, Journal of Korean Institute of Interior Design, Vol.19. No.6. (2010.12), pp. 47-58

Jaeho Ryu, “A study on the interface for user interaction with architectural digital model”, Design Convergence Study, Vol.12, no.5 (2013.10) pp.159-172

Jaeho Ryu et al., “A study on application of augmented reality technology in presentation of architectural digital model”, Design Convergence Study, Vol.13, no.1 (2014.2) pp.83-97
◾ A Proposal for Partial Automation Preparation System of BIM-based Energy Conservation Plan - Case Study on Automation Process Using BIM Software and Excel VBA -, KIBIM Magazine, vol.12 No.2 pp.49~59, 2022류재호
◾ A study on the auralization system using flexible rendering for virtual reality-based acoustic simulation, journal of advanced mechnical design, system, and munufacturing, vol.13 No.5, 2019류재호
◾ The Influence of Information and Communications Technology on the Educational Facility Design - Focused on the Review of Literature and Current Issues for the Change of Education System According to the Development of ICT -, Design Convergence Study, vol.17 No.6 pp.195~211, 2018류재호
◾ Display of 3D Digital Contents Using Pseudo-hologram and Interaction Technology - Focused on the Pyramid Shape Pseudo-hologram Technology -, Design Convergence Study, vol.17 No.6 pp.19~36, 2018류재호
◾ 웹 3D 디스플레이를 통한 3D 콘텐츠의 전시 및 정보제시 방법에 대한 고찰 - 웹을 통한 사이버박물관의 구축을 중심으로 -, Design Convergence Study, vol.16 No.2 pp.115~132, 2017류재호
◾ 증강현실 앱을 이용한 디지털 3D 콘텐츠 디스플레이 방법에 관한 연구 - 전시기술 구현을 중심으로 -, Design Convergence Study, vol.16 No.2 pp.99~113, 2017류재호
◾ System of the creation and evaluation of realistic digital contents in virtual space, Information, vol.19 No.8B pp.3527~3534, 2016류재호
◾ The Relationship between Pataphysics and Architectural Design, Design Converge Study, vol.15 No.2 pp.267~284, 2016류재호
◾ 파타피직스와 가상현실기법을 이용한 건축디자인 교육에 대한 고찰 - 파타피직스 건축 워크샵 사례를 중심으로 -, 디자인융복합연구(구.인포디자인이슈), vol.15 No.1 pp.19~36, 2016류재호
◾ 건축에 있어서 가상성에 관한 연구, Journal of AIK, vol.31 No.12 pp.51~61, 2015류재호
◾ Development of Augmented Reality Tool for Architectural Design, Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, vol.20 No.1 pp.46~62, 2015류재호
◾ A Study on Application of Augmented Reality Technology in Presentation of Architectural Digital Model - Focused on the Suggestion of Desk-top and Mobile Architectural AR Application and work-flow -, Design Convergence Study, vol.13 No.1 pp.83~97, 2014류재호
◾ 건축 디지털 모델의 활용에 있어서 사용자 인터랙션을 위한인터페이스에 관한 연구- NUI 인터페이스를 이용한 건축적 산책 제안 -, 디자인융복합연구(구.인포디자인이슈), vol.12 No.5 pp.159~172, 2013류재호
◾ A Study on Distance Estimation in Virtual Space According to Change of Resolution of Static and Dynamic Image, Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information, vol.16 No.3 pp.109~120, 2011류재호
◾ A Study on the application of the Froebel Systems in the F. L. Wright's Architecture, 한국실내디자인학회 논문집, vol.19 No.6 pp.47~58, 2010류재호
◾ u-City의 노인복지주택계획에 있어서 적용 가능한 유비쿼터스 기술에 관한 기초 연구, 대한건축학회논문집, vol.25 No.4 pp.81~88, 2009류재호
◾ 일본의 메타볼리즘 建築運動에 있어서 메타몰포시스槪念의 哲學的意味에 관한 연구, 대한건축학회논문집, vol.24 No.12 pp.161~168, 2008류재호
◾ Application of human-scale immersive VR system for environmental design assessment - A proposal for an architectural design evaluation tool, JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING, vol.6 No.1 pp.57~64, 2007류재호
Conference Papers
Selected Presentation

Jaeho Ryu et al., “Multi-Projection Display System for Architectural Design Evaluation”, The 9th Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADIRA) 2004, Paper Number 81, pp.901-910; (Best Presentation Award, Young CAADRIAN Award)

Jaeho Ryu et al.,“Study on Factors of Distance Estimation at Architectural Presentation Tool in Immersive Virtual Environments”, The 10th Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADIRA) 2005, Short Paper Number39, New Delhi, India, Vol.2, pp.116-122

Jaeho Ryu et al, “Influence of Resolution Degradation on Distance Estimation in Virtual Space Displaying Static and Dynamic Image”, 2005 International Conference on Cyberworlds, Singapore, Paper Number 186, pp.43-50

Jaeho Ryu et al., “Development of Effective Tool for Virtual Experience of Environment Hazard - A Survey of Disaster Education Facilities in Tokyo”, Third International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, March 2006, Tokyo, Japan, pp.197-204

Jaeho Ryu et al., “A Game Engine Based Architectural Simulation on Multi-Projector Display”, The 11th Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2006, Kumamoto, Japan, pp.613-616

Jaeho Ryu et al., “Developing A Novel Room Relayout Tool Using Real-time Physics Simulation and Portable VR System for Preparedness of Earthquake Disaster”, Fourth International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, March 2007, Tokyo, Japan, pp.583-589

Jaeho Ryu et al., “A Novel Room Re-layout Design Tool for Preparedness of Earthquake Disaster using Real-time Physics Simulation and Force-feedback Interface”, 12th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design (CAAD Future 2007), July 2007, Sydney, Australia, pp.541-554.

Jaeho Ryu et al., “A study on Ubiquitous Resting Space for Department Store”, JSSD, Japan, 2008, pp.256-257.

Jaeho Ryu et al, “A Study on Ubiquitous Exhibition Space Design for Gallery”, JSSD, Japan, 2008, pp.258-259.

柳在鎬,外 2人,“仮想環境システムを用いた地震災害に対する防災教育ツールの構築―都市地域の防災施設の調査から得られた子ども向けの防災教育への提案”,日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東),2006年9月,A-2,pp.421-422

柳在鎬,外 3人,“移動時の空間形状の知覚に有効な視環境要素 その1 平面で構成される空間形状の知覚”,日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東),2006年9月,E-1分冊,pp.1071-1072

柳在鎬,外 3人,“移動時の空間形状の知覚に有効な視環境要素 その2 曲面で構成される空間形状の知覚”,日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東),2006年9月,E-1分冊,pp.1073-1074

柳在鎬,外 3人,“地震災害に対する防災教育のためのポータブルVRシステムの構築-リアルタイム物理シミュレーションを利用した防災教育”,日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(九州),2007年8月,A-2,pp.469-470

柳在鎬,外 2人,“操作対象のレイアウトと動作の身につきやすさとの関係”,日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(九州),2007年8月,E-1分冊,pp.841-842

Jaeho Ryu, “A study of the Possibility of architectural application using augmented reality technology according to the emergence of smart devices & Mobile Computing”, KIBIM Annual Conference 2012, pp.21-22

Jaeho Ryu et al., “The Introduction plan fo BIM collaboration modeling and visualization based on cloud”, KIBIM Annual Conference 2013, pp.55-56

Jaeho Ryu, “A study on the user interface for human-computer interaction in architectural digital model”, KIBIM Annual Conference 2013, pp.57-58

Jaeho Ryu, “Architectural design evaluation with game engine and hand gesture interface”, Spring Symposium of Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.34. No.1, 2014.4.26 pp.49-50
◾ 류재호, Proposal of essential components for construction of architectural digital twin using game engine, Spring Conference of Architectural Institute of Korea 2021, 제주국제건벤션센터, 2021류재호
◾ 류재호, 김민정, A Study on the space composition of Intermediate area of national and public natural recreation forest accomodtaion facilities, Spring Conference of Architectural Institute of Korea 2021, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2021류재호
◾ 류재호, An Analysis of Features of Using Game-Engine of Construction of Architectural Digital Twin, 2020년 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회논문집, 서울시 대한건축학회 건축센터, 2020류재호
◾ Yeongchan Lee, Jaeho Ryu, A Study of Immersive Architectural Acoustic Simulation Methodology Using Multi-Channel Speaker, ACDDE2018, Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel, 2018류재호
◾ 이영찬, 류재호, Review of the maximum buildable area using a visual programming language, 한국BIM학회 정기학술대회 논문집, 인하대학교 60주년 기념관, 2018류재호
◾ 이영찬, 류재호, A Study of Similarity Between OOP and Pattern Language in Design Process, KSDS Conference Proceeding, 대구, 2017류재호
◾ 엄병호, 김영현, 이영찬, 민다솔, 류재호, Proposal of Material Takeoff Using The Object Concept of General 3D Modeling Tool, KIBIM Annual Conference 2017, 서울 과학기술회관, 2017류재호
◾ 류재호, The relationship between the space programming and information technology environment in educational facilities, 2017 AIK Spring Conference, 제주 해비치호텔&리조트 제주, 2017류재호
◾ Jaeho Ryu, Minsuk Kim, Yeonhong Min, Minhee Jung, Jungin Lee, Sangyul Lee, Ensang Cho, Wonjong Joo, Exhibition Strategy of Digital 3D Data of Object in Archives using Digitally Mediated Technology for High User Experience, GST 2016 Conference, Jeju Island, 2016류재호
◾ 류재호, 김민석, A Study on the display design of Cyber Museum using WebGL in the Internet, Autumn Symposium of Architectural Institute of Korea, 부산 벡스코 제1전시장, 2016류재호
◾ 류재호, 민연홍, 정민희, The Characteristics of Exhibition Space with Augmented Reality Technology in View of Virtuality, Autumn Symposium of Architectural Institute of Korea, 부산 벡스코 제1전시장, 2016류재호
◾ 류재호, 이정인, A Study on the Design of Stage and Exhibition Space by Using Pseudo-hologram, Autumn Symposium of Architectural Institute of Kroea, 부산 벡스코 제1전시장 2층, 2016류재호
◾ 류재호, Possibility of Artificial Intelligence as Architectural Design Support Tool, KIBIM Annual Conference 2016, 한양대학교 백남학술정보관 6층, 2016류재호
◾ 류재호, Influence of Ubu on the late architectural work of Le Corbusier, Architectural Institute of Korea Spring Symposium of 2016, 숭실대학교, 2016류재호
◾ Jaeho Ryu, Nayeon Kim, Heeyoung Maeng, Implementation of Realistic Digital Contents in Virtual Space: create and display the virtual objects, Proceedings International Workshop Architecture and Civil Engineering 2015, Jeju Island, Korea, 2015류재호
◾ 류재호, The individual visualization for the collaboration in the concept design phase in architecture, Spring Symposium of Architectural Institute of Korea 2015, 더케이 호텔 서울, 2015류재호
◾ Jaeho Ryu, Development of Immersive Simulator for Visualization of BIM Data, Proceeding of the 20th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in A, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, 2015류재호
◾ 류재호, Application of Virtual Factors in the Architecctural Design, Spring Symposium of Architectural Institute of Korea 2015, 단국대학교, 2015류재호
◾ 최돈출, 신혜미, 이은희, 류재호, Study on the Template construction of BIM model for CO2 calculation on architectural design process, Autum Symposium of Architectural Institute of Korea 2014, 부산 동명대학교, 2014류재호
◾ 류재호, Architectural Design Evaluation with Game Engine and Hand Gesture Interface, Spring Symposium of Architectural Institue of Korea 2014, 홍익대학교, 2014류재호
◾ 안무정, 류재호, The introduction plan of BIM collaboration modeling and Visualization based on Cloud, 한국BIM학회 2013년 정기학술대회, 서울과학기술대학교 아름관, 2013류재호
◾ 류재호, A Study on the User Interface for Human-Computer Interaction in Architectural Digital Model, 한국BIM학회 2013년 정기학술대회, 서울과학기술대학교 아름관, 2013류재호
◾ 1, A Study of the Possibility of Architectural Application using Augmented Reality technology according to the Emergency of Smart Devices & Mobile Computing, 한국BIM학회 2012년 정기학술대회, 건국대학교 상허연구관, 2012류재호
◾ Francis D.K. Ching,Corky Binggeli 저, 실내 디자인 일러스트레이티드, 역서, 9791156103912, CIRCOM, 2018류재호
◾ 비톨드 리브친스키 저, The Look of Architecture, 역서, 979-11-5610-116-1, CIR, 2015류재호
◾ 류재호 저, Architectural Application of Augmented Reality(AR), 저서, 979-11-953771-0-7, 3D Fusion Industry Association, 2014류재호
◾ BIM구축및활용(실무자과정), 저서, 978-89-967251-5-2, (사)쓰리디융합산업협회, 2012류재호
◾ 플렉서블 렌더링을 이용한 가상 현실 기반 음향 시뮬레이션 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2019류재호
◾ 웹 기반의 3D 콘텐츠 전시 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2018류재호
◾ 피라미드 반사형 홀로그램을 이용한 전시 시스템 및 방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2017류재호
◾ 행정박물의 3D 정보의 종합품질을 Test Bed에 의한 검증방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2016류재호
◾ 증강현실을 이용한 건축 디자인 검증 시스템과 방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2016류재호
◾ 창조혁신형 디자인고급인력양성사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2019.03.~2019.12.류재호
◾ HMD를 이용한 가상건축공간 체험시의 정보습득에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.류재호
◾ 일반 3D 모델링 툴을 이용한 건축설계과정에서의 물량산출에 관한 연구, 씨비티솔루션즈 주식회사, 2017.03.~2017.08.류재호
◾ 행정박물 3D 정보의 전시 활용을 위한 디스플레이 기술 연구, 국가기록원, 2016.07.~2016.12.류재호
◾ 건축 모델링 콘텐츠를 적용한 BIM 데이터 연동 VR 트레드밀 기술개발, 한국콘텐츠진흥원, 2016.06.~2016.07.류재호
◾ 디자인-기술 융합전문대학원 육성, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2016.03.~2019.02.류재호
◾ 가상현실기술을 활용한 다자간 건축협업시스템 구축 (HMD을 활용한 가상현실시스템을 중심으로), 산학협력단, 2015.08.~2016.07.류재호
◾ 건축의 모습(번역서 발간), 산학협력단, 2014.10.~2015.07.류재호
◾ [LINC3차](주)위메이드아이앤씨-BIM기반 이산화탄소 및 에너지 환경 분석을 통한 미래건축 솔루션 서비스 개발, LINC, 2014.07.~2014.11.류재호
◾ 증강현실기술의 건축적 활용기법, 사단법인 쓰리디융합산업협회, 2014.02.~2014.06.류재호
◾ BIM Data 시각화를 위한 몰입형 시뮬레이션 시스템 개발, 주식회사 위메이드아이앤씨, 2014.01.~2014.08.류재호
◾ 건축 디지털모델의 프레젠테이션에 있어서 AR 기술의 활용에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.09.~2014.02.류재호
◾ 건축 디지털모델의 활용에 있어서 사용자 인터랙션을 위한 인터페이스에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.09.~2014.02.류재호
◾ Review of the maximum buildable area using a visual programming language, Best Paper Presentation Award, Korea Institute of Building Information Modeling, 2018류재호
◾ 르 꼬르뷔제의 후기건축에 나타난 위비(Ubu)의 영향에 대해서, 우수발표논문상, 대한건축학회, 2016류재호
◾ BIM Simulation 구현을 위한 SeoulTechCAVE 시스템 구축, 공로상, (사)IT여성기업인협회, 2015류재호
◾ 건축설계 초기단계의 디자인협업을 위한 개별시각화 방안, 우수발표논문상, 대한건축학회, 2015류재호
◾ 건축디자인 구현에 있어서 가상성의 활용에 관한 연구, 우수발표논문상, Architectural Institute of Korea, 2015류재호
◾ CO2 배출량 산정을 위한 건축계획단계의 BIM 모델 구축을 위한 템플릿 구성 연구, 우수발표논문상, Architectural Institute of Korea, 2014류재호
Architectural Institute of Korea, Life Member(2002-current)
Korea Institute of BIM, Member(Vice editor and chair editor of KIBIM magazine: 2012-2016) (2012–current)
Design Convergence Study, Member(2012-current)

Peer reviewer of AIK, KIBIM, Design Converge Study, JAABE etc.
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