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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Architectural Design
Wonpill Kim
Architectural planning & design
◾ Educational Background
* PH.D., Texas A&M University, 1994.8-1997.12.19
* M.Arch, University of Oklahoma, 1989.8-1991.5.11
* B.Eng., Dankook University, 1981.3- 1985.2
◾ Professional Experience
2003.7~ Present: Professor, Dean, School of Architecture, Seoul National Univ. of Science & Tech
2000.3~ 2003.6: Dean, School of Architecture, Youngsan University
1991.8~ 1992.1: Assistant Designer, John Kim Arch & Assoc, Los Angeles, CA
1985.6~ 2000.2: Manager, Korea National Land & Housing Corp.

◾ Professional License
* Registered Architect, 2000
* Professional Engineer in Building Construction, 1995
* International P.E. in Civil Engineering ROK 2014-2018, APEC, EMF
Research Areas
◾ Major Research Interests
* Architectural Planning & Design
* Buildng Codes & Regulaion
* Architectural Plannng & Devlopment
* Environmnal Psychology & Human Behavior
* Housing Culture and Planning
* Research Methods
* Building Constrution
◾ Courses & Teachings
* Undergraduate program
- Architectural Design Studio I, II
- Building Codes & Regulation
- Architctural Plannng & Development

* Graduate program
- Research Methods,
- Theory of Architecturl Planning & Development
- Theory of Housing Culture
- Environmental Psychology & Human Behavior
Selected Publications
* Kim, Won-pil(2014), A Study on the Evaluation and Improvement of Student Convenient Facilities at University,
Campuses, based on Universal Design Concept- Focused on the university campuses in Texas, U.S.A.-
Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities, 21(3), pp. 19-28.
* Kim, Wonpil (2013), “The Effects of College Students’ Satisfaction in Perceived Public Outdoor Spatial Environment on the Level of Academic Achievement. Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 27-34
* Lee, Hyebok & Kim, Wonpil (2013), A Study on the Improvement and the Residential Satisfaction with the Small-size Urban Life-type Housing through Public Opinion Survey, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.29, No. 4, pp. 159-166.
* Kim, Wonpil (2012), A Cross-cultural Investigation of Adults’ formation of Sense of Community through Environmental Autobiography, Architectural Research, 14(4), pp. 125-132
* Seo, Wonil & Kim, Wonpil (2012), A Study on the Improvement and Application of Epoxy Method for the Renovation of Deteriorated Water Pipe, Journal of Korea Community Development Society, Vol.37, No. 2, pp. 3-8.
* Shim, Jaegyoo & Kim, Wonpil (2012), A Study on Optimum Method for the Efficient Building Construction in Selecting Top-down Method for RC Structure, Journal of Korea Community Development Society, Vol.37, No. 2, pp. 39-44
* Park, Woonyong (2012), A Study on Quality Control of Exposed Concrete in Site, Journal of Korea Community Development Society, Vol.37, No. 2, pp. 17-21
* Kim, Wonpil (2012), “A Study on the Evaluation and Improvement of Student Convenient Facilities in University Campus based on Universal Design Concept. Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 11-20
* Jung, Wooksoo & Kim, Wonpil (2011), “A Study on Residential Satisfaction and the Development of the Deteriorated Single-Family Housing in Metropolitan Area- Focused on SFD in the City of Seongnam, Journal of Korea Community Development Society, Vol.37, No. 1, pp. 43-56.
* Seong, Byoengmin & Kim, Wonpil (2011), “A Study on Residential Satisfaction with Diversion of Expanded Balcony Area at Multi-family Housing through Residents’ Survey,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.27, No. 11, pp. 317-324.
* Seong, Byoengmin & Kim, Wonpil (2010), “A Study on Problems and Design Improvements according to the Diversion of Balcony Area at Multi-family,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.26, No. 12, pp. 237-244.
* Kim, Hyeongcheol & Kim, Wonpil (2010), “A Study on the Limit of Efficient Remodeling which Considers Economic Value at Apartment Housing Complex,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.26, No. 11, pp. 257-264.
* Kim, Wonpil (2010), “Effects of Childhood Emotional Experience in Physical and Social Community Environment on the Formation of Community Sense,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.26, No. 3, pp. 169-176.
* Choo, Hyeonyeob & Kim, Wonpil (2009),” A Study on the Architectural Planning Improvement for Air Force Military Barracks through the Public Opinion Survey,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.25, No. 12, pp. 329-336.
* Choo, Hyeonyeob & Kim, Wonpil (2009), “A Study on the Facility Analysis and Space Components of Korean and Oversea's Military Barracks,” Journal of Korea Community Development Society, Vol.34, No. 2, pp. 187-206.
* Yang, Jaehyeok & Kim, Wonpil (2009), “A Study on the Wayfinding and Linear System of Street Pattern in Multi-Family Housing Complexes through the Application of Space Syntax Theory,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.25, No. 4, pp. 227-234.
* Park, Sangmi & Kim, Wonpil (2009), “A Study on the Typological Composition and Community Activity Space at the Townhouse Developments of Seoul Metropolitan Area,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.25, No. 3, pp. 215-222.
* Kim, Wonpil (2008), “A Study on Residential Life in high-rise Housing: Problems and,” Journal of Korea Community Development Society, Vol.33, No. 3, pp. 51-62.
* Kim, Wonpil (2008), “A Study on the Planning Characteristics of the Care Facilities for the elderly with Dementia,” Journal of Korea Community Development Society, Vol.33, No. 1, pp. 51-63.
* Kim, Kabkyu & Kim, Wonpil (2008), “A Study on the Public Opinion Survey on Disclosing the Original Unit Cost of Apartment for Rational Administration Method through Governance,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.24, No. 3, pp. 177-184.
* Shin, Yonho & Kim, Wonpil (2008), “A Study on the Public Outdoor Space Planning For the Revitalization of Community Sense - Focused on the Suburban Housing Complex,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.24, No. 5, pp. 185-192.
* Kim, Kabkyu & Kim, Wonpil (2007), “A Study on the Background and Causes of the Apartment Price Hike for the Control of the Dwelling Unit Cost,” Journal of Korea Community Development Society, Vol.32, No. 3, pp. 145-160.
* Lee, Junwon & Kim, Wonpil (2007), “A Study on the Multi-dimensional Development of Main Subway Station in Urban Area for Efficient Land-Use through Case Studies,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.23, No. 12, pp. 237-244.
* Kim, Cheolhyun & Kim, Wonpil (2007), “An Analysis of Parking Lot and Improvement Method at High-rise Apartment Housing.- Focused on Songpagu Area in Seoul City,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.23, No. 9, pp. 109-116.
* Min, Byongchon & Kim, Wonpil (2007), “A Study on the Planning Characteristics of Territorial Space Composition of Nonghyup - Focused on the cases of Regional Nonghyup in Seoul Metropolitan Area,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.23, No. 4, pp. 167-174.
* Jeon, Sungtae & Kim, Wonpil (2007), “Effects of Participants' Role on Project Financing - Focused on Housing Development Process,” Journal of Korea Community Development Society, Vol.32, No. 1, pp. 15-30.
* Cho, Sungshil & Kim, Wonpil (2007), “A Study on the Residents' Perception of Interior Design Style in Apartment Housing- Focused on the visual difference between designers and home users,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.23, No. 2, pp. 3-10.
* Lee, Heegyou & Kim, Wonpil (2006), “A Study on the Planning Methods of Urban Block Housing through the Case Study,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.22, No. 11, pp. 3-10.
* Kim, Inbae & Kim, Wonpil (2006), “A Case Study on the Major Ski Resort Facilities Development and Site Planning - Focused on the domestic case study,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.22, No. 9, pp. 215-222.
* Son, Sukhun & Kim, Wonpil (2006), “The Study of the Launching Strategy for the Domestic Construction Engineering and the Analysis of the Overseas' Construction Industry -Focused on the China Market,”Journal of Korea Community Development Society, Vol.31, No. 2, pp. 15-22.
* Kim, KyeongIl, Kim, Wonpil & Herm, Zeongdo (2006), “A Study on the Design Method of Three-Dimensional Planting for the Promotion of Building Appearance and the Expansion of Green Space,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.22, No. 6, pp. 247-254.
* Kim, Wonpil & Bae, Woongkyoo (2006), “A Study on Urban Design Guideline Which is Considering Local Identity in Accordance with Military Base Relocation in Yongsan Urban Core,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.22, No. 5, pp. 191-198.
* Lee, Sukmoon Kim, Wonpil & Herm, Zeongdo (2005), “A Comparative Study on the Openness according to Building Block Types in Apartment Housing- Focused on the Facade-Area Ratio and Computer Simulation,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.21, No. 11, pp 29-36.
* Lee, Heegyou & Kim, Wonpil (2005), “A Study on the Planning Methods of Building Blocks at the Mid and Low-Density Urban Multi-family Housing,” Journal of Korea Community Development Society, Vol.30, No. 2, pp. 125-139.
* Lee, Sukmoon Kim, Wonpil & Herm, Zeongdo (2005), “A Study on the Characteristic of Openness According to Allocation types of High-rise Apartment Housing - focused on point, parallel and court types of building blocks,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.21, No. 9, pp. 59-66.
* Bae, Woongkyoo, Jung, Jongdae & Kim, Wonpil (2005), “A Study on the Improvement of Site Planning Criteria of the Multi-Family Housing Design in accordance with Design Method and Quality Indexes-Focused on Design Competition Method,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.20, No. 10, pp. 55-62.
* Kim, Wonpil & Kim, Jongun (2005), “A Study on the Application Effects & Characteristics of MA(Master Architect) Design Method By Developing Agency,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.21, No. 4, pp. 27-34.
* Kim, Jongun & Kim, Wonpil (2004), “A Comparative Study on the Planning Characteristics of Design Methods through the Case Study and Survey of Housing Development,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.20, No. 10, pp. 149-156.
* Kim, Wonpil & Lee, Kihyun (2003), “A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study on the Personalization of Living Space through the Childhood Emotional Experience-focused on Korean and American Groups,” Architectural Research, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 1-8.
* Kim, Wonpil (2003), “Effects of Perceived Safe Environment on Social Interaction among Neighbors in the Public Outdoor Space of High-rise Apartment Housing,” Architectural Research, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 21-28.
* Bae, Woongkyoo & Kim, Wonpil (2003), “A Study on the Development Method for the Commercial Area of New Town`- Focused on the New Town 'Bundang' Area in Korea,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.19, No. 11, pp. 155-162.
* Kim, Wonpil (2002), “Architectural Education in U.S.A.”, Journal of Architecture, pp.60-63,
* Kim, Wonpil (2002), “Effects of Childhood Emotional Experience in Housing on the Personalization of Current Living Space,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.18, No. 8, pp. 3-10.
* Kim, Wonpil (2001), A Comparative Analysis on the Degree of Residents' Perception on the Economic Value of Major Planning Factors in High-rise Apartment Housing, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.17, No. 11, pp. 199-206.
* Kim, Wonpil (2000), “Assessing Middle-income Residents’ Attitudes about Their Urban High-rise Condominium in Contemporary American Society,” Architectural Research, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 27-34.
* Kim, Wonpil (1999), “A Study on Identifying Major Planning Factors and Siting of Building Blocks in High-rise Apartment Housing through the Estimation of Economic Values- With particular reference to J Apartment Housing in Suwon City,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.16, No. 8, pp. 127-133.
* Kim, Wonpil (1999), “A Study on the Measuring Methods and Environmental factors in the Site Planning Process of Apartment Housing with Particular Reference to Price Influence,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.15, No. 6, pp. 159-168.
* Kim, Wonpil (1998), “A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study on the
Evaluation Indices of Apartment Housing,” Journal of Housing, Vol.9, No. 3, pp. 97-105.
* Lee, Hanku & Kim, Wonpil (1998), “A Study on the Improvement of Operating System for Standardized Details with Reference to Apartment Housing,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.14, No. 10, pp. 95-202.
* Kim, Wonpil (1998), “A Study on the Effects of Dwelling Floor Level on Factors Related to Residential Satisfaction and Perception of Home Environment,” Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol.14, No. 7, pp. 87-98.
Journal Papers
◾ A study on the Designers' perception on the assurance of the standard conformity to the convenient facilities of thedisabled, Journal of Architectural Institute off Korea, vol.40/4 No.4 pp.3~12, 2024김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ The Analysis of Influencing Factors on Residential Satisfaction with and Willingness to Continue Residing in Environment-friendly Apartment Houses, Journal of Architectural Institute off Korea, vol.39 No.11 pp.141~150, 2023김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A Study on the Plan Implementation through the Analysis of Residential Environment of Urban Living Housing Type in Seoul, Journal of the Korean Institute of culture architecture, No.84 pp.75~84, 2023김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A study on planning direction through a survey of residential satisfaction with urban living housing type, Journal of the Korean Housing Association, vol.34/5 No.10 pp.81~90, 2023김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A study on the immanent meaning and phenomenological differences of kim swoo-geun's spacial language, Journal of Architectural Institute off Korea, vol.39/9 No.9 pp.137~148, 2023김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ An Analysis on the Current State of Design Value Engineering and Improvement Methods, Journal of Architectural Institute off Korea, vol.39 No.7 pp.99~110, 2023김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ Effects of Physical Environmental Design Attributes on Psychological Well-being of College Students in University Dormitory During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period, Architectural Research, vol.24 No.4 pp.105~111, 2022김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A Study on the Perception of Long-term Repair Plan of Multi-family Housing-Focused on the Comparison between Managers and Residents-, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.38 No.10 pp.71~81, 2022김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A Checklist of Major Responsive Review Elements of Small-size Collective Housing Based on a Local Architectural Committee’s Review Results - Focused on the Internal Indicators of Small-size Collective Housing in an Architectural Review -, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.38 No.4 pp.61~72, 2022김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ An IPA analysis on the suitability of housing renovation manual of the elderly household, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.37 No.9 pp.55~62, 2021김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A study on the effects of cpted on social interaction among students-focused on the environment of university dormitory-, Journal of the architectural Institute of Korea, vol.37 No.2 pp.77~84, 2021김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ IPA 분석기법을 통한 공동주택의 무장애공간 인증기준 적합성 분석연구, Korea Convergence Society, vol.11 No.1 pp.187~194, 2020김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 대학캠퍼스 범죄예방환경설계(CPTED)가 학생들 간 사회적 교류에 따른 공동체의식형성에 미치는 영향 연구, Journal of community safety and security by environmental design, vol.9 No.2 pp.279~298, 2018김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ Barrier Free 출입문 규격기준 개선에 관한 연구, Journal of Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture, vol.23 No.4 pp.7~15, 2017김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 문화적 배경에 따른 대학기숙사 물리적 환경이 학생들간 사회적 교류에 미치는 영향 비교연구, Journal of Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation society, vol.18 No.8 pp.48~54, 2017김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A Study on the Application of Design Components of 3D Greenery System for Eco-Friendly Indoor and Outdoor Space of Buildings, 한국산학기술학회논문지, vol.18 No.4 pp.275~284, 2017김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ An Improvement on Wayfinding which considers Universal Design Concept, 한국산학기술학회논문지, vol.17 No.8 pp.423~432, 2016김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ An Analysis on Support Facilities Which Consider User's Characteristics in High-tech Industrial Estate in Urban Area, 한국산학기술학회논문지, vol.17 No.6 pp.291~299, 2016김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ An Expert Opinion Survey on Three-dimensional Greenery System for Eco-Friendly Indoor and Outdoor Space of Buildings, 대한건축학회논문집 계획계, vol.32 No.5 pp.13~22, 2016김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 공동주택 단지 내 주차 공간 이용실태 조사 연구, 대한건축학회논문집 계획계, vol.31 No.12 pp.165~172, 2015김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 도시 내 구조고도화 산업단지와 연접지역의이질적 도시 공간 특성 연구, 한국산학기술학회논문지, vol.16 No.11 pp.7617~7628, 2015김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ Effects of Students’ Perceived Safety of Public Outdoor Environment on Academic Achievement at University Campus, Architectural Research, vol.17 No.1 pp.13~20, 2015김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 지방건축위원회 심의제도 운영실태와 개선방안에 관한 연구, 대한건축학회논문집 계획계, vol.30 No.9 pp.77~86, 2014김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 유니버설디자인 개념에 의거한 대학내 학생편의시설 평가 및 개선방향에 대한 연구-미국 텍사스주를 중심으로-, 교육시설, vol.21 No.3 pp.19~28, 2014김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 대학캠퍼스의 인지적 외부 공간환경에 대한 재학생만족도가 학업성취도에 미치는 영향 연구, 교육시설, vol.20 No.5 pp.27~34, 2013김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A Study on the Improvements and the Residential Satisfaction with the Small-size Urban Life-Type Housing through Public Opinion Survey, 대한건축학회논문집 계획계, vol.29 No.4 pp.159~166, 2013김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A Study on Optimum Method for the Efficient Building Construction in Selecting Top-down Method for RC Structure, Journal of Korea Community Development Society, vol.37 No.2 pp.39~44, 2012김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A Study on Quality Control of Exposed Concrete in Site, Journal of Korea Community Development Society, vol.37 No.2 pp.17~21, 2012김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A Study on the Improvement and Application of Epoxy Method for the Renovation of Deteriorated Water Pipe, Journal of Korea Community Development Society, vol.37 No.2 pp.3~8, 2012김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Adults’ Formation of Sense of Community through Environmental Autobiography, Architectural Research, vol.14 No.4 pp.125~132, 2012김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A Study on the Evaluation and Improvement of Student Convenient Facilities in University Campus based on Universal Design Concept, Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities, vol.19 No.5 pp.11~20, 2012김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A Study on Residential satisfaction and the Development of the Deteriorated Single-Family Housing in Metropolitan Area, Journal of Korea Community Development Society, vol.37 No.1 pp.43~53, 2012김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 입주자 설문조사를 통한 공동주택 확장형 발코니 공간전용 만족도 조사연구, 대한건축학회논문집 계획계, vol.27 No.11 pp.317~324, 2011김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 공동주택 발코니공간 전용에 따른 문제점 및 설계개선방향 연구, 대한건축학회논문집 계획계, vol.26 No.12 pp.237~244, 2010김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 경제적 가치를 고려한 공동주택단지 리모델링 사업의 효율적 공사수행범위에 관한 연구, 대한건축학회논문집 계획계, vol.26 No.11 pp.257~264, 2010김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 물리·사회적 커뮤너티환경의 幼年期 情緖的 경험이 공동체의식 형성에 미치는 影響연구, 대한건축학회논문집, vol.26 No.3 pp.169~176, 2010김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
Conference Papers
◾ Seminar Activities
∙2003. 12. 1. “Systematic Design Method," Korea Military Academy
∙2003. 12. 5. "Modern Residential Buildings, Korea," Southeast University, China
∙2004. 2. 12. “ Problems of high-rise living,"The 3rd International Seminar, Seoul National Univ. of S&T.
∙2005.1.18: Making a friendly public realm in high-rise apartment housing,
The 4th International Seminar, Seoul National Univ. of S&T
∙2007. 6. 22. Modern housing design, Korea and creating a livable community,
Special Lecture on Iraque officials, by LH corp. and KOICA
∙2008. 7.31: NAFA, Singapore Sepcial Lecture series
- "Residential design for a sustainable community
- “The Design Concepts"
- "Assessment of the Environmentally Friendly Housing."
∙2008~2012, Urban Regenerations, Hanyang University
∙2012. 4.26~28, Design Critics on Designs, Tokyo Denki University Japan
∙2018. 11, “US Housing Market & Home Building- Focused on the Development in Austin, Texas”
International Symposium, Seoul National University of Science & Technology
◾ IPA 분석기법을 통한 공동주택의 무장애공간 인증기준 적합성 분석연구, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2019.12.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 대학캠퍼스 범죄예방환경설계(CPTED)가 학생들간 사회적교류에 따른 공동체의식 형성에 미치는 연구, 산학협력단, 2018.05.~2018.11.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 문화적배경에따른 대학기숙사 물리적 환경이 학생들간 사회적교류에 미치는 영향연구, 산학협력단, 2017.04.~2017.09.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 건축물 내외부의 친환경 구성을 위한 입체녹화의 부문별 디자인 적용요소에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2017.03.~2017.06.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 공동주택 단지내 주차공간 이용실태 조사연구, 산학협력단, 2015.11.~2015.12.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 대학기숙사 물리적 주거공간환경이 기숙사 거주학생들간 인지된 공동체의식 및 사회적 교류에 미치는 영향 연구, 산학협력단, 2015.09.~2015.11.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 도시내 구조고도화 산업단지와 연접지역의 이질적 도시공간 특성연구, 산학협력단, 2015.07.~2015.12.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 대학캠퍼스에서 인지된 외부공간환경이 학업성취도에 미치는 영향 연구, 산학협력단, 2014.07.~2015.05.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 지방건축위원회 심의제도 운영실태와 개선방안에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2014.07.~2014.10.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 유니버설디자인 개념에 의거한 미국 대학내 학생편의시설 평가 및 개선방향에 대한 연구 - 미국 텍사스를 중심으로, 산학협력단, 2014.04.~2014.08.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 대학캠퍼스의 인지적 외부공간 환경에 대한 재학생만족도가 학업성취도에 미치는 영향 연구, 산학협력단, 2013.09.~2014.02.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 설문조사를 통한 소규모 도시형 생활주택의 주거만족도 및 개선방안 연구, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 유니버설디자인 개념에 의거한 대학내 학생편의시설 평가 및 개선방향에 대한 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ A cross-cultural investigation of adults' formation of sense of community through environmental autobiography, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
◾ 교육분야 우수교육상 수상, 교육분야 우수교육상 수상, 서울과학기술대학교, 2013김원필 (Kim, Wonpil)
* Scholastic Award for the excellence of research, Korea Educational Facility Korean Institute of Architectural Facilities, Apr. 11, 2014.
* Scholastic Award for the excellence of research, Architectural Institute of Korea Society, April 2011.
The 19th Scholastic Award for the excellence of research, The Korea Federation of Science and Technology Societies, July 2009.
* Scholastic Award for the excellence of research, Korea Community Development Society, May 2005.
* Outstanding Alumni Award, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University, April 2002.
* The American Institute of Architects Scholastic Award, The School Medal and the Certificate of Merit from Henry Adams funds for excellence in the study of Architecture at the University of Oklahoma, May 1991.
* Award Third Place for demonstrating outstanding performance in a design studio in the sixth year of Architectural Studies, College of Architecture, The University of Oklahoma, May 1991.
* Award of Teaching excellence at Seoul National Univ. of Science & Tech. March 2014.
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