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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Architectural Design
Ock, Jong-Ho
Construction Risk Management, Contract and Claim Management,
Construction Information Management
University of seoul, Seoul, Korea, B.S, in Architectural Engineering (1984)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, M.S, in Construction Engineering (1993)
University of Colorado-Boulder, USA, Ph.D, in Construction Management Engineering (1998)
Research Areas
BIM(Building Information Modeling), CM(Construction Management), Green Building,
Modular Construction, Architectural Facade Engineering
Journal Papers
- Ock, J.H, “Review on the Operation and Maintenance of School Facilities within the BTL Projects”, Journal of Korean Academy of Commodity Science & Technology, 2006
- Kwon, S.B, Lee, S.H,, Ock, J.H, “Economical Analysis and Estimate Method of Possible Working Hours for Marine Rock Excavation Work Regarding the Tide Cycle”, Journal of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 8 No. 5 pp.142-151, Oct. 2007
- Kim S.K, Ock, J.H, “A Platform Moving Model for an Intelligent Excavator”, Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 27 No. 6, Nov. 2007
- Lee, C.W, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of the Commercial Facilities Bundling Boundary in the University Area to Facilitate the Private Financing Initiative”, Journal of Korean Academy of Commodity Science & Technology, Vol.26 No. 2, Jun. 2008
- Ock, J.H, “A Policy Study on the Efficient Cost Allocation to the Spaces in the Universities Facilities”, Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities, Vol. 15 No. 4, Jul. 2008
- Chung, Y.K, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Evaluation of Dormitory Users' Satisfaction with Facility Operation Service System”, Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities, Vol.16 No.2, Mar. 2009
- Kim J.W, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Interoperability Test and Model Improvement Bentley BIM Data through IFC System”, Journal of the Architecural Institute of Korea, Apr. 2009
- Cho, Y.W, Lee, M.C, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of the Structural Performance Evaluation Manual of the Skyscrapers Curtain Wall Systems for Construction Managers”, Journal of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 10 No. 3, May. 2009
- Ock, J.H, “Capital structure optimization for build-operate-transfer (BOT) projects using a stochastic and multi-objective approach”, May. 2009
- Kim J.W, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of the Appropriate Space Standards of the National Universities Research Facilities”, Journal of Korean Academy of Commodity Science & Technology,, Vol. 27 No. 3, Sep. 2009
- Kim J.W, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of the Problem Improvement Directions in Enhancing BIM Data Interoperability through IFC”, Journal of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 10 No. 6, Nov. 2009
- Kim, J.W, Lee, M.C, Choi, J.M, Ock, J.H, ”A Study on the Development of the Problem Improvement Directions in Enhancing 3D BIM Data Interoperability through IFC”, International Journal of CAD/CAM, Vol. 14 No. 6, Dec. 2009
- Ko, Y.H, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of Process for BIM-Based CAFM System”, Journal of the Architecural Institute of Korea, Vol. 26 No. 5, May. 2010
- An, J.Y, Choi, J.M, Kwon, S.H, Song, D.H, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of the Project Management System based on Augmented Reality”, Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, Vol. 11 No. 8, Aug. 2010
- Ock, J.H, “Measuring risk-associated activity’s duration: A fuzzy set theory application”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 5, Sep. 2010
- Kwon, S.H, Shim, H.W, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Problem Analysis and Quality Improvement in Fabricating Free-Form Buildings Facade Panels through Mock-up Panels Production”, Journal of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 12, No 3 pp11-21, May. 2011
- Lee, M.C, Lee, S.J, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of the Property Information Modeling Methods for the Trades without Shape Information”, Journal of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers Vol. 16 No. 2 pp.114-125, Apr. 2011
- Kwon, S.H, Shim, H.W, Jang, H.S, Ock, J.H, “A Fundamental Study on the Comparison of As-Planned with As-Built of Free-form Building Skins Using Laser Scanning Technology”, Journal of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, Vol. 16 No. 2 pp.126-136, Apr. 2011
- Jang, H.S, Ock, J.H, Koo, B.S, “Construction EC Strategy Model and Improving Fields for Global EC Transition”, Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, Vol. 11 No. 2 pp.145-153, Apr. 2011
- Kim, J.W, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of the Space Index of the Universities Research Facilities”, Journal of the Korea Facility Management Association, Vol. 7 No. 1 pp.25-35, Jun. 2012
- Ock, J.H, Lim, J.S, “A Study on the Application of the Data Overlap Comparison Method to Enhance Construction Quality of the Free-Form Buildings Facades”, Journal of Design Convergence Study, Vol. 11 No. 2 pp.207-220, Apr. 2012
- Jo, C.W, Kwon, S.H, Lee, W.J, Roh, T.I, Ock, J.H, “A Fundamental Study on Applying BIM to Power Manage System of Super Tall Buildings”, Journal of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, Vol. 17 No.2 pp.140-148 , Apr. 2012
- Lim, J,S, Ock, J.H, “A Pilot Study on the Development of an Augmented Reality-based Decision Support System for Free-Form Buildings Construction Management”, Journal of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, Vol. 17 No. 3 pp.175-187, Jun. 2012
- Lee, S.J, Lee, W.H, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of the Traffic Noise Barrier Wall Panels with a Photovoltaic System”, Journal of the Architecural Institute of Korea, Vol. 29 No. 3 pp.3-10, Mar. 2013
- Kim, H.R, Ock, J.H, Jang, H.S, “Analysis of the Present Condition for Major Subcontractor and Process in Overseas Building Construction”, Journal of the Architecural Institute of Korea, Vol. 29 No. 7 pp125-132, Jul. 2013
- Moon, S.D, Chung, J.M, Ock, J.H, “Analysis of the Causes of Defects in Fenestration Construction and Their Impacts on Construction Quality - Focused on Door Hardware”, Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, Vol. 13 No. 4 pp.341-350, 2013
- Moon, S.D, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Construction Management by Design and Construction Phase for Economic Improvement of the Curtain Wall Construction”, Journal of the Architecural Institute of Korea, Vol. 30 No. 2 pp.53-62, 2014
- Lee, D.H, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Application of the In-Fill Construction Method to High-Rise Unit Modular Buildings”, Journal of the Architecural Institute of Korea, Vol. 30 No. 3 pp.105-114, 2014
◾ Developing the Framework of Drone Curriculum to Educate the Drone Beginners in the Korean Construction Industry, Drones, vol.2023.7 No.2023 pp.7356~, 2023옥종호
◾ Analysis of Changes in Physical Properties according to the Content of Recycled Butyl Rubber of Self-adhesive Waterproofing Sheets in a Chemically Deteriorated Environment-Focused on Adhesion Performance-, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.38 No.9 pp.279~286, 2022옥종호
◾ A Study on How to Securing Information Continuity during the Architectural Design BIM Collaboration Process, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.38 No.8 pp.43~, 2022옥종호
◾ Testing as-Built Quality of FreeFform Panels: Lessons Learned from a Case Study and Mock-up Panel Tests, Applied Science, vol.11 No.4 pp.1439~1439, 2021옥종호
◾ The Pushout Test of Seismic Reinforcement Systrem (SRM) Connection that Respond to Earthquake Extensive System, International Journal of Civil Engineering, No.18 pp.1347~1363, 2020옥종호
◾ 부지응답해석에 기반한 지반운동 선정 및 보정에 관한 고찰, Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection, vol.24 No.5 pp.103~110, 2020옥종호
◾ A Study on Development of BIM-Based Collaboration Support Tool using Open Source, The Korean Society of Science & Art, vol.38 No.4 pp.155~164, 2020옥종호
◾ 최적 형상 스트립형 감쇠장치의 내진 특성 평가, Journal of The Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection (J. Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.), vol.23 No.6 pp.26~37, 2019옥종호
◾ 건설현장 직접시공제도의 활용방안에 대한 연구, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction (JAIK), vol.35 No.11 pp.171~180, 2019옥종호
◾ A Study on the Design Change History Management for BIM-based Architecture-Structure Collaboration, The Korean Society of Science & Art (KSAF), vol.37 No.3 pp.135~145, 2019옥종호
◾ Factors influencing Time and Cost Overruns on Freeform Construction Projects, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.23 No.4 pp.1442~1450, 2019옥종호
◾ A Study on Measurement Method of BIM ROI in Architectural Design Firm, Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, vol.21 No.3 pp.267~280, 2016옥종호
◾ A Study on the Evaluation Items of BIM Process Maturity Measurement Model, Korean Jounal of Computerational Design and Engineering, vol.21 No.3 pp.281~295, 2016옥종호
◾ Unit modular in-fill construction method for high-rise buildings, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.20 No.4 pp.1201~1210, 2016옥종호
◾ A study on the algorithm of cash flow forecasting model in the planning stage of a construction project, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, pp.1~7, 2015옥종호
◾ 공공발주자의 설계단계 BIM 발주업무 지원을 위한 가이드 개발 연구, 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집, vol.20 No.3 pp.269~280, 2015옥종호
◾ Improvement Plane of the Facilities Management Manual to Prevent safety Accidents in School, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.15 No.4 pp.13~22, 2015옥종호
◾ Developing the preliminary cost estimate for the free-form building facade in conjunction with the panel optimization process, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.19 pp.1214~1223, 2015옥종호
◾ An international competitiveness evaluation model in the global construction industry, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.19 pp.465~477, 2015옥종호
◾ A Study on the Application of Construction Management to Technical Proposal Tendering, 대한건축학회 논문집, vol.31 No.1 pp.71~78, 2015옥종호
◾ A Study on the Improvement Method of Subway Signboard System through out the Analysis of Visual Elements and Spatial Character - Focusing with Seoul & Tokoy, Yokohama and Fukuoka Subway Examples -, 디자인융복합연구(구.인포디자인이슈), vol.13 No.6 pp.281~302, 2014옥종호
◾ 곡면 최적화 알고리즘을 활용한 비정형 건축물 외장공사비 개산견적에 관한 연구, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.15 No.4 pp.95~106, 2014옥종호
◾ A Study on the Optimization of the Free-Form Buildings Facade Panels, Transactions of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, vol.19 No.2 pp.91~102, 2014옥종호
◾ Term and Origin of Ondol and Gudeul, journal of Architectural History, vol.제23권 No.2호 pp.108~115, 2014옥종호
◾ In-Fill 공법을 활용한 유닛모듈러 건축의 고층화에 관한 연구, 대한건축학회논문집 구조계, vol.30 No.3 pp.105~114, 2014옥종호
◾ A Study on the Construction Management by Design and Construction Phase for Economic Improvement of the Curtain Wall Construction, 대한건축학회논문집 구조계, vol.30 No.2 pp.53~62, 2014옥종호
◾ Analysis of the Causes of Defects in Fenestration Construction and Their Impacts on Construction Quality - Focused on Door Hardware -, 한국건축시공학회지, vol.13 No.4 pp.341~350, 2013옥종호
◾ Analysis of the Present Condition for Major Subcontractor and Process in Overseas Building Construction, 대한건축학회논문집 구조계, vol.29 No.7 pp.125~132, 2013옥종호
◾ 태양광발전시스템을 적용한 도시차량소음 차단벽 패널 개발에 관한 연구, 대한건축학회논문집 계획계, vol.29 No.3 pp.3~10, 2013옥종호
◾ A Pilot Study on the Development of an Augmented Reality-based Decision Support System for Free-Form Buildings Construction Management, 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집, vol.17 No.3 pp.175~187, 2012옥종호
◾ A Study on the Application of the Data Overlap Comparison Method to Enhance Construction Quality of the Free-Form Buildings Facades, 디자인융복합연구(구.인포디자인이슈), vol.11 No.2 pp.207~220, 2012옥종호
◾ A Fundamental Study on Applying BIM to Power Manage System of Super Tall Buildings, 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집, vol.17 No.2 pp.140~148, 2012옥종호
◾ A Study on the Problem Analysis and Quality Improvement in Fabricating Free-Form Buildings Facade Panels through Mock-up Panels Production, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.12 No.3 pp.11~21, 2011옥종호
◾ Construction EC Strategy Model and Improving Fields for Global EC Transition, 한국건축시공학회지, vol.11 No.2 pp.145~153, 2011옥종호
◾ A Study on the Development of the Property Information Modeling Methods for the Trades without Shape Information, 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집, vol.16 No.2 pp.114~125, 2011옥종호
◾ A Fundamental Study on the Comparison of As-Planned with As-Built of Free-form Building Skins Using Laser Scanning Technology, 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집, vol.16 No.2 pp.126~136, 2011옥종호
◾ Measuring risk-associated activity's duration: A fuzzy set theory application, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.14 pp.663~671, 2010옥종호
◾ A Study on the Development of the Project Management System based on Augmented Reality, 한국산학기술학회논문지, vol.11 No.8 pp.3083~3093, 2010옥종호
◾ BIM 기반 CAFM시스템 구축을 위한 프로세스 개발에 관한 연구, 대한건축학회논문집 계획계, vol.26 No.5 pp.15~23, 2010옥종호
Conference Papers
- Choi S.H, Lee, E.J, Ock, J.H, “Development of ESCO Standard Contract Form”, Proceeding of Society of Air-conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea, 1998
- Lee, C.W, Ock, J.H, “The Study on the Facilities Bundling Policies at the Universities to Facilitate the Private Financing Program”, Proceeding of Architecural Institute of Korea, Vol. 25 No. 1, 2005
- Kyung, K.P, Ock, J.H, “The Study on the Method of Foundation Plan considering Ground Settlement”, Proceeding of Architecural Institute of Korea, Vol. 25 No.1, 2005
- Ock, J.H, “The evaluation of operation and maintenance in education facility of BTL project”, Proceeding of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities, 2007
- Kim, S.K, Cho, Y.W, Kim, H.Y, Ock, J.H, “Work Environment Modeling and Excavator Moving Plan for Automated Earthworks”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2007
- Kim, S.K, Cho, Y.W, Kim, H.Y, Ock, J.H, “Primary Elements of the Optimal Job Planning for an Intelligent Excavation System”, Proceeding of Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 2007
- Kim, J.W, Lee, M.C, Choi, J.M, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of the BIM Process for Improvement of the BIM Application Ability of the Construction Industry”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2008
- Lee, S.J, Ock, J.H, Kim, S.K, “A Study on the Codensation Performance of The Curtain-walls”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2008
- Kim, S.K, Ock, J.H, Seo, J.W, “A Local Path Planning for Efficient Earthwork Operations”, Proceeding of Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 2008
- Choi, J.M, Ock, J.H, Kim S.K, “A Study on the Development of the Pilot Test Model to Examine the Applicability of the BIM Technology to PMIS”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2008
- Lee, M.C, Jang, G.N, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Modeling of BIM Property Information in Reflection of the Public Cost Estimate Distinctions”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2009
- Choi J.M, Kwon, S.H, Ko, K.W, Kim, D.O, Ock, J.H, “A study on the Development of the Building Facade Panelizing Technologies in use of Architectural Geometry Control”, Proceeding of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 2009
- Moon, S.D, Lee, S.J, Ock, J.H, “A Experimental Application of the Laser Scanning Technology to Construction Management in the Free Form Buildings”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2009
- An, J.Y, Choi, J.M, Kwon, S.H, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of Digital Contents for Free-form Buildings Construction Management based on Augmented Reality”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2009
- Kim, J.J, Ock, J.H “A Study on the Development of the Order-Of-Magnitude Cost Estimation Index for the BSL-3 Biocontainment Labs”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2009
- Choi, J.M, Ko, S.H, Kim, Y.J, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of the Safety Management System User Interface of the Augmented Reality”, Proceeding of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 2009
- Kwon, S.H, Ock, J.H, “Research of safety education contents for construction site for the basis of Augmented Realit”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2009
- Lee, S.J, Lee, M.C, Seo, H.S, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the application of 3D Auto Rebar Placing Program for Effective Rebar Work”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2009
- Shim, H.W, Kwon, S.H, Jang, H.S, Ock, J.H, “A study on the comparison of As-Planned and As-Built through Laser Scanning Technology”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2010
- Kim, H.R, Lee, S.J, Ock, J.H, “A Basic Study on Korean Fenestration Energy Performance Rating System for Sustainable Establishment”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2010
- Lee, S.J, Lee, N.K, Jang, H.S, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Improvement of the Green Building Certification Criteria - Focused on Energy & Atmosphere Part through LEED Comparative”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2010
- Kwon, S.H, Shim, Jang, H.S, H.W, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of the Free-Form Panel Optimization Process”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2010
- An, J.Y, Jang, H.S, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Development of the Cost Estimation Standard through the Analysis of the Typical Free-Form Buildings Facade Elements”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2010
- Lee, Y.O, Jang, H.S, Ock, J.H, “A Comparative Study on ASD and LRFD Aluminum Curtain Wall Structural Design Methods”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2010
- Lee, S.W, Jang, H.S, Ock, J.H, “Fundamental Study on Field Constructability Improvement for Korean Traditional Wooden Buildings through Augmented Reality Technology”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2010
- Yun, S.H, Lee, S.J, Ock, J.H, “The Analysis of Domestic Plant Engineering Curriculums Based on Architecture Engineering”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2011
- Shim, H.W, Jang, H.S, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the BIM Application to the Preliminary Estimating of the Public Consturction Projects”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2011
- Lee, N.K, Ock, J.H, Jang, H.S, “A Construction Manager Major Capability Analysis Of The Front And The Rear Back The Global Financial Debacle”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2011
- Lim, J.S, Jang, H.S, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Cost Saving through a Free-Form Buildings Facade Panelization Method”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2011
- Kim, H.R, Ock, J.H, “A Fundamental Study on the General trading companies utilizing emerging Asian markets in developing countries, infrastructure market”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2011
- Son, W.S, Ock, J.H, Jang, H.S, “An Analysis on the Strategy of American Construction Companies Related Economy of U.S Housing”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2011
- Choi, J.H, Ock, J.H, “The research on the Korean-style house architecture activation using the glued laminated lumber”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2011
- Kang, M.J, Ock, J.H, “Comparative Study of Mock-up Test Result with Structural Design Results for Cost-effective Design of Skyscraper Curtain Wall Systems”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2011
- Moon, S.D, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Analysis of the Cause of Defects and Importance in Fenestration Construction”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2012
- Lim, J.S, Ock, J.H, “Manufacturing Cost Reduction of the Free-form Buildings Facade Panels through Panel Optimization Techniques”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2012
- Kwon, S.H, Lee, W.J, Jo, C.W, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Revitalization for BIM in the Small Medium Sized Architectural Design Company :KBIMS Library(82)”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2012
- Lee, J.S, Moon, S.D, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Economic Analysis through a fuel cell plant layout planning”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2012
- Moon, S.D, Ock, J.H, “Priliminary Study on the Construction Management of Facade System Using Cable-net”, The Korea Institute of Building Construction, 2013
- Kim, M.W, Hwang, I.H, Ock, J.H, “A Study on Modular System Efficiency using 5D BIM Tool”, The Korea Institute of Building Construction, 2013
- Lee, J.S, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Hanok education of the University for the Han-style based composition”, Proceeding of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2013
- Moon, S.D, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Cost-effective Design of Aluminum Curtain Wall System for Construction Manager”, Journal of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2013
- Kim, M.W, Jo, B.S, Ock, J.H, “BIM based Life Cycle Mangement Plan for the Unit Modular Method”, Journal of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2013
- Hwang, I.H, Ock, J.H, “Modular In-Fill A Study on Construction Method of utilizing BIM”, Journal of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2013
- Lee, J.S, Ock, J.H, “A Study on the Appropriate Utilization of Unused Railroad Site”, Journal of Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2013
◾ 김대환, 최원찬, 김태혁, 옥종호, Development of Automated Access Management Solution through CCTV Face Recognition based on Artificial Intelligence, Koreran Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 한국건설관리학회, 2023옥종호
◾ 최민경,이시윤,박소윤,옥종호, Economic Feasibility Study of Container Buildings Considering Life Cycle Cost, Korean Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 한국건설관리학회, 2023옥종호
◾ 문지환, 배하영, 김응현, 옥종호, A Study on the BIM-based Construction Quality Evaluation Process, Korean Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 한국건설관리학회, 2023옥종호
◾ 서한석, 김단비, 김정민, 옥종호, Analysis of Big Data on Rebar Frame Quantity Data using BIM Frame Modeling, 2020 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회, 아주대학교, 2020옥종호
◾ 김정민, 서한석, 김단비, 옥종호, A Study on the Distribution of Human Body Comfort Levels of Air-cooled Cooling Systems and Water-cooled Floor Cooling Systems, 2020 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 아주대학교, 2020옥종호
◾ 이서우, 이우형, 임태윤, 옥종호, Development of Risk Alert System to Prevent Safety Accidents for Signal Workers in Construction Site, Proceedings of KICEM Annual Conference 2020, 한국과학기술회관 중회의실, 2020옥종호
◾ 김세진, 조국현, 옥종호, A Study on the Crack Investigation Program based on Smartphone Application theorugh Image Deep Learning, Proceedings of KICEM Annual Conference, 2020, 한국과학기술회관 중회의실, 2020옥종호
◾ 서한석, 김단비, 김정민, 옥종호, A Study on the Field Application of BIM for Frame Modeling, 2020 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회, 아주대학교, 2020옥종호
◾ 김용한, 다시냠, 옥종호, Experimental Research on Improve Drone and Laser Scaner Utilization Capabilities, Autumn Annual Conference of AIK 2020, 대한건축학회 ZOOM + 건축쎈터, 2020옥종호
◾ 안홍영, 김용한, 옥종호, Development of the Excel-based Temporal Structural Members Selection System Usable in the Conceptual Design Stage for Architectual Designers, Autumn Annual Conference of AIK 2020, 대한건축학회 ZOOM + 건축쎈터, 2020옥종호
◾ 옥종호, Structure Library and Technical Content Base Construction, 한국CDE학회 2020 동계학술대회 Proceedings, 강원도 평창, 2020옥종호
◾ 임태윤 이우형 옥종호, 수소 연료전지를 활용한 에너지주거플랫폼 사업에서의 건설사업관리자(CM)의 역할에 관한 연구, 전국대학생학술발표대회 논문집, 일산 킨텍스 제 1전시장, 2019옥종호
◾ 강상준 조국현 옥종호, 건축물 3D 데이터 작성을 위한 스캐닝 장비교육과 활용의 교훈, 전국 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 일산 킨텍스 제 1 전시장, 2019옥종호
◾ 서한석, 김단비, 옥종호, 3D BIM을 통한 골조 물량산출과 시공량 분석 및 비교연구, 학술발표대회 논문집, 일산 킨텍스 제 1 전시장, 2019옥종호
◾ 서한석, 김단비, 옥종호, BIM 기반 3D 모댈링 물량정보와 적산 물량의 비교연구, 학술발표대회 논문집, 일산 킨텍스 제 1 전시장, 2019옥종호
◾ 최혜진, 옥종호, 창문 거치형 환기 청정기 디자인 제안, 2019 KSDS 가을 국제 학술대회 논문집, 일산 킨텍스 제 1 전시장, 2019옥종호
◾ 최혜진, 옥종호, 창문 거치형 환기 청정기 개발 연구, 2019년 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회논문집, 충남대학교, 2019옥종호
◾ 옥종호, Development of IoT Systems applicable to the Maintenance and Reinforcement of Port Facilities, International Congress and Conferences on Computational Design and Engineering, park royal penang resort , penang, malaysia, 2019옥종호
◾ 석재화, 옥종호, Building Information Modeling 설계단계 조달가이드 개발, 대한건축학회 춘계학술발표대회논문집, 고려대학교 하나스퀘어, 2019옥종호
◾ 서한석, 김정애, 송진규, 옥종호, Automated 3D BIM Model Generation System using 2D Reinforcement Details, Proceedings of KICEM Annual Conference, 2018, 서울대학교 글로벌컨벤션 플라자, 2018옥종호
◾ 석재화, 이종승, 옥종호, Evaluation of applicability of road snowmelt system for airport runway snow removal, 2017 전국대학생학술발표대, 서울시립대 21세기관, 2017옥종호
◾ 신경현, 정봉석, 옥종호, A Study on Utilization of 3D Image Matching Software to Quality Inspection of High-rise Buildings Facades using Drones, 2017 전국대학생학술발표대회 제1분과, 서울시립대학교 21세기관, 2017옥종호
◾ 신경수, 이화선, 옥종호, A Study of Water Draining Anchor for Maintenance of Bridge Structures, 전국대학생학술발표대회, 시립대학교 21세기관, 2017옥종호
◾ 문상덕, 옥종호, A Study of the Dipute Prenvention Factors for BTL Public Private Partnerships using System Dynamics, 2017 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 서울시립대학교 21세기관, 2017옥종호
◾ 황대호, 이종석, 옥종호, A Case Study of Developing a Sanitorium for Tuberculosis Control of North Korea, 2017 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 서울시립대학교 21세기관, 2017옥종호
◾ 신경현, 문상덕, 옥종호, A Study on Utilization of Drones for Quality Inspection of High-rise Buildings Facades, 전국대학생학술발표대회 논문집, 인하대학교 60주년기념관, 2016옥종호
◾ 석재화, 이종승, 옥종호, A basic Study on Urban Wind Turbine Installations for The Energy Efficiency of Road Snow Melting, 전국대학생학술발표대회, 인하대학교 60주년기념관, 2016옥종호
◾ 원형식, 이화선, 옥종, A Study of Water Draining Anchor to Improve Drainage Capacibility Using 3D Printing, 3D 프린팅을 이용한 물배출 앵커의 배수성능개선에 관한 연구, 인하대학교 60주년기념관, 2016옥종호
◾ 양희승, 최진웅, 옥종호, Fundamental Study on the denelopment of fire resistance mortar using an Oil Palm Fiber, 2016 전국대학생학술발표대회 논문집, 인하대학교 60주년기념관, 2016옥종호
◾ 이재성, Andrew kavuma, 문상덕, 석재화, 신경현, 양희승, 원형식, 옥종호, A Study on the Development of BIM Process Maturity MeasureMent Model, Proceedings of the Society for Computational Design and Engineering Conference, 부경대학교 미래관(비스타스), 2016옥종호
◾ 문상덕, 김준영, 이재성, 옥종, Applying unit modular in-fill construction method for high-rise buildings, 한국건설관리학회 국제학술발표대회 논문집, 부산 파라다이스호텔, 2015옥종호
◾ 이재성, 옥종호, A Fundamental Study For Development of the Korea BIM Execution Guide, 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집, 휘닉스파크, 2015옥종호
◾ 이재성, 김민웅, 옥종호, A Study on the Development of bim Process Measurement Model, 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집, 휘닉스파크, 2015옥종호
◾ 김민웅, 옥종호, A study on frame the build for bim Guideline development of focus to construction delivery, 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문, 서울과학기술대학교, 2014옥종호
◾ 이재성, 옥종호, A Study on the only External Panel of Unit Modeular Housring, 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문, 서울과학기술대학, 2014옥종호
◾ 문상덕, 옥종호, Economic Evaluation Method by Design Method ASD and LRFD of Aluminum Curtain wall, 한국건축시공학회 학술.기술논문발표회 논문집, 경주 the-k 호텔, 2014옥종호
◾ 문상덕, 옥종호, The Loading Mock-up test for Construction Management of Cable net Facade, 2014년 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 경주 the-k 호텔, 2014옥종호
◾ 김민웅, 옥종호, A Study on the Analysis of Domestic and Foreign BIM based Delivery Guidelines for Efficient BIM Application to Public Projects, 한국건설IT융합학회 논문집, 한국건설회관, 2014옥종호
◾ 김민웅,이재성,옥종호, A study on IPD Guide Development for BIM Activation, 2014년도 한국CAD/CAM학회 학술발표회 논문집, 휘닉스파크 컨벤션센터, 2014옥종호
◾ 문상덕, 옥종, A Study on the Cost-effective Design of Aluminum Curtain Wall System for Construction Manager, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 단국대학교 죽전캠퍼스, 2013옥종호
◾ 김민웅, 조병성, 옥종, BIM based Life Cycle Mangement Plan for the Unit Modular Method, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 단국대학교 죽전캠퍼스, 2013옥종호
◾ 황인호, 옥종호, Modular In-Fill A Study on Construction Method of utilizing BIM, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 단국대학교 죽전캠퍼스, 2013옥종호
◾ 이재성, 옥종, A Study on the Appropriate Utilization of Unused Railroad Site, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 단국대학교 죽전캠퍼스, 2013옥종호
◾ 문상덕, 옥종, Priliminary Study on the Construction Management of Facade System Using Cable-net, 한국건축시공학회 학술.기술논문발표회 논문집, 롯데 부여리조트, 2013옥종호
◾ 김민웅, 옥종, A Study on Modular System Efficiency using 5D BIM Tool, 한국건축시공학회 학술.기술논문발표회 논문집, 롯데 부여리조트, 2013옥종호
◾ 이재성, 옥종, A Study on the Hanok education of the University for the Han-style based composition, 한국건축시공학회 2013년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회 논문집, 롯데 부여리조트, 2013옥종호
◾ 임장식, 옥종호, A Study on the cost Estimates for optimization in the free form building facaded, 2013년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 롯데부여리조, 2013옥종호
◾ 문상덕, 옥종호, A Study on the Analysis of the Cause of Defects and Importance in Fenestration Construction, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 경북대학교, 2012옥종호
◾ 임장식, 옥종호, A Study on the Manufacturing Cost Reduction of the Free-form Buildings Facade Panels through Panel Optimization Techniques, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 경북대학교, 2012옥종호
◾ 이재성, 문상덕, 옥종호, A Study on the Economic Analysis through a fuel cell plant layout planning, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 경북대학교, 2012옥종호
◾ 권순호, 이운재, 조찬원, 옥종호, A Study on the Revitalization for BIM in the Small Medium Sized Architectural Design, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 경북대학교, 2012옥종호
◾ 심현우, 장현승, 옥종호, A Study on the BIM Application to the Preliminary Estimating of the Public Consturction Projects, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 연세대학교, 2011옥종호
◾ 김화랑, 옥종호, A Fundamental Study on the General trading companies utilizing emerging Asian markets in developing countries, infrastructure market, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 연세대학교, 2011옥종호
◾ 윤승희, 이상진, 옥종호, The Analysis of Domestic Plant Engineering Curriculums Based on Architecture Engineering, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 연세대학교, 2011옥종호
◾ 임장식, 장현승, 옥종호, A Study on the Cost Saving through a Free-Form Buildings Facade Panelization Method, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 연세대학교, 2011옥종호
◾ 이나경, 옥종호, 장현승, A Construction Manager Major Capability Analysis Of The Front And The Rear Back The Global Financial Debacle, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 연세대학교, 2011옥종호
◾ 손원석, 옥종호, 장현승, An Analysis on the Strategy of American Construction Companies Related Economy of U.S Housing, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 연세대학교, 2011옥종호
◾ 최지혜, 옥종호, The research on the Korean-style house architecture activation using the glued laminated lumber, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 연세대학교, 2011옥종호
◾ 강민재, 옥종호, Comparative Study of Mock-up Test Result with Structural Design Results for Cost-effective Design of Skyscraper Curtain Wall Systems, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 연세대학교, 2011옥종호
◾ 이승우, 장현승, A Fundamental Study on Field constructability Improvement for Korean Traditional Wooden Building through Augmented Reality Technology, 한국건설관리학회 2010 정기학술발표대회, 인천대학교 송도캠퍼스, 2010옥종호
◾ 이영옥, 장현승, A Comparative Study on ASD and LRFD Aluminum Curtain Wall Structal Design Methods, 한국건설관리학회 2010 정기학술발표대회, 인천대학교 송도캠퍼스, 2010옥종호
◾ 권순호, 장현, A Study on the Comparison of As-Planned and As-Built through Laser Scanning Technology, 한국건설관리학회 2010 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 인천 송도, 2010옥종호
◾ 권순호, 심현우, 장현, A Study on Development of the Free-Form Panel Optimization Process, 한국건설관리학회 2010 정기학술발표대회, 인천대학교 송도캠퍼스, 2010옥종호
◾ 이상진, 이나경, 장현, A Study on the Improvement of the Green Building Certification Criteria, 한국건설관리학회 2010 정기학술발표대회, 인천대학교 송도캠퍼스, 2010옥종호
◾ 안지연, 장현, A Study on the Development of the Cost Estimation Standard through the Analysis of the Typical Free-Form Building Facade Elements, 한국건설관리학회 2010 정기학술발표대회, 인천대학교 송도캠퍼스, 2010옥종호
◾ 김화랑, 이상진, 옥종호, A Basic Study on Korean Fenestration Energy Performance Rating System for Sustainable Establishment, 한국건설관리학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 인천대학교, 2010옥종호
◾ 대한건축학회, 대한건축학회 통일건축을 말하다, 저서, 978_89_89071_14_3, Architectural Institute of Korea, 2020옥종호
◾ [authors: Woongsang Yu, Wooyoung Kim, Jongho Ock], 2018/19 KSP Policy Consultation Report, 저서, 9791159324383, Korea Development Institute, 2019옥종호
◾ OPF를 포함하는 폭렬 방지용 내화 모르타르 조성물 및 이를 이용한 콘크리트 내화공법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2017옥종호
◾ 북한 결핵환자 수용을 위한 조립식 병동 개발연구, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.옥종호
◾ 개방형 BIM 기반의 건축설계 자동화지원 기술 및 첨단 유지관리 기반기술 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2019.01.~2020.12.옥종호
◾ 행복기숙사 지원사업 표준 공사비 및 기숙사비 산정에 관한 연구, 한국사학진흥재단, 2018.05.~2018.08.옥종호
◾ 옥외광고물 안전관리체계 고도화를 위한 제도 개선방안 연구용역, 한국지방재정공제회, 2018.05.~2018.10.옥종호
◾ 안산시 사동 문화시설부지 효율적 활용방안 연구용역, 안산시청, 2017.12.~2018.08.옥종호
◾ 학교시설 안전 등 종합관리를 위한 전담기관 설립운영 방안, 교육부, 2017.10.~2018.04.옥종호
◾ 고령화 사회간접시설의 보수, 보강후 장수명화를 위한 IoT기반 보수,보강용 패널/패드 개발, 중소기업기술정보진흥원, 2017.09.~2018.08.옥종호
◾ 공공건출물 신축 공사시 적정공기 산정에 관한 연구, 동양종합건설 주식회사, 2017.03.~2017.04.옥종호
◾ 화재 발생시 화장실의 대피 공간 성능확보를 위한 기초연구, 주식회사엠티마스타, 2016.09.~2016.12.옥종호
◾ OPF 섬유를 활용한 내화 모르타르 개발을 위한 기초연구, (주)국제화건, 2016.09.~2016.12.옥종호
◾ 평창 동계올림픽 운전자 숙소 샘플 하우스 성능 검증, (주)애드건축사사무소, 2016.05.~2016.12.옥종호
◾ 디자인-기술 융합전문대학원 육성, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2016.03.~2019.02.옥종호
◾ In-Fill 유닛 Modular(CHS)의 Life-cycle 관리를 위한 매뉴얼 개발 연구, 스타코건설이엔지 주식회사, 2015.09.~2016.02.옥종호
◾ 해외 거점별 건설엔지니어링 정보시스템 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2015.05.~2016.04.옥종호
◾ 커튼월 시스템의 누수부위 검측 기술 개발을 위한 기초 연구, (주)제이앤에스한백, 2015.05.~2016.04.옥종호
◾ [LINC4차]JS한백-아두이노를 이용한 파사드 시스템의 누수부위 검측기술 개발, 서울특별시, 2015.05.~2015.11.옥종호
◾ 철도건축 해외 사례 및 시공관리 요소 조사, (주)서한종합건축사사무소, 2015.03.~2015.04.옥종호
◾ [LINC3차]㈜스타코-유닛 모듈러 건축물 외장패널 개발, LINC, 2014.09.~2015.01.옥종호
◾ 어린이 한옥 교구재 및 교육프로그램 개발, (사)한국산학연협회, 2014.08.~2015.07.옥종호
◾ 월피체육문화센터 외 1개소 타당성 조사 용역, 안산시 문화체육관광본부, 2014.05.~2015.02.옥종호
◾ 기술제안입찰(Technical Proposal)에서의 건설사업관리(CM) 적용 방안에 관한 연구: 시공이전단계를 중심으로, 산학협력단, 2014.04.~2015.02.옥종호
◾ 학교건설프로젝트 공적개발원조(ODA)사업의 원조효과성 제고를 위한 문제점 분석 및 개선방안에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2014.04.~2016.02.옥종호
◾ 민간 자본 유치 사업의 활성화 방안 연구, (주)계영플래너스, 2014.03.~2014.05.옥종호
◾ 개방형 BIM기반의 건축물 설계표준 및 인프라 구축, 국토교통과학기술진흥원(구,한국건설교통기술평가원), 2013.11.~2016.11.옥종호
◾ 세종시 학교신축 효율화 방안 학술연구용역, 세종특별자치시교육청, 2013.10.~2014.01.옥종호
◾ [LINC 2차](주)제이앤에스 한백-에너지 절약형 기능성 블라인드 창호제작 및 태양열 취득율(SHGC) 성능 평가 기법 개발, 서울과학기술대학교 산학협력단, 2013.05.~2013.09.옥종호
◾ 방폭 유리 파사드를 위한 케이블넷 시스템 개발, 한국건설교통기술평가원, 2012.08.~2014.07.옥종호
◾ 공동주택 건설공사의 적정 계약공기 산정을 위한 공공부문과 민간부문 공기산정방식 비교연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2016.02.옥종호
◾ 비정형건축 Facade의 품질제고를 위한 실증적 연구, 한국연구재단, 2012.05.~2014.04.옥종호
◾ 알루미늄 커튼월의 경제성을 고려한 구조설계에 관한 연구-멀리언을 중심으로, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.08.옥종호
◾ 포항연료전지_12MW 전체 통합형 Lay-out 설계 및 타당성 검토 연구, 포스코에너지 주식회사, 2012.02.~2012.07.옥종호
◾ "한전KDN 본사사옥 건립공사 기술제안 용역" 공기단축방안, 주식회사 마이피지엠(Mi-PgM Co.,Ltd.), 2012.02.~2012.04.옥종호
◾ 부산ㅇㅇ신축공사 Aluminum 커튼월 최적설계에 관한 연구, 주식회사 삼선알미늄, 2011.09.~2012.05.옥종호
◾ "공군 수원관사 및 간부숙소, 소마초 외 3교 임대형 민자사업 Value Engineering & Life Cycle Cost 산정에 관한 연구", 한국인프라컨설팅(주), 2010.10.~2010.12.옥종호
◾ 3D 커튼월 부재의 구조성능 및 연결부위의 최적 설계에 관한 연구, (주)일진유니스코, 2010.10.~2011.03.옥종호
◾ ALUMINUM 커튼월 부재의 구조성능 및 연결부위의 최적 설계에 관한 연구, (주)일진유니스코, 2010.10.~2011.07.옥종호
◾ Aluminum 커튼월 부재의 최적설계에 관한 연구, (주)삼우이엠씨, 2010.09.~2011.10.옥종호
◾ BLT사업의 설계 및 경제성 평가를 통한 타당성분석 연구, (주)휴다임건축사사무소, 2010.08.~2010.11.옥종호
◾ 한옥기술개발, 명지대학교 산학협력단, 2010.06.~2011.06.옥종호
◾ Automated 3D Model Generation System Using 2D Reinforcement Details, 2018 정기학술발표대회 우수논문상, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering & Management, 2018옥종호
◾ A Study on Performance Test of IOT Module for Continuous Maintenance of Repair and Strengthen of Aging Port Facilities, 2018 전국대학생 학술발표대회 논문부문 최우수상, Korean Institute of Construction Engineering & Management, 2018옥종호
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