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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Architectural Design
Park, Jong Hyuk
Architectural Design
Jonghyuk Park, AIA, LEED A.P.
Jonghyuk Park received his Master of Architecture degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1998 and his Bachelor degree in Architecture from Hanyang University in 1993. He is a registered architect of New York State, USA, where he worked until 2003 on numerous project types and sizes. He is currently practicing as a collaborating partner at Park & Kim Architects and teaching architectural design at the Seoul National University of Science and Technology. He has received numerous awards and recognition for his design works.
SDL Architects, Seoul, SLCE Architects, NY, Peter Marino Architects, NY, Robert A.M. Stern Architects, NY
Research Areas
Architecture & Interior Design
Architecture & Interior Design, Planing
Journal Papers
2017 First Prize, KEPCO office Design Competition
2017 Third Prize, KRISCO Housing Design Competition
2016 Second Prize, Main library of Korea National sports university Design Competition
2014 First Prize, 6x6 House Design Competition
2013 Second Prize, Ulsan sports center Design Competition
2013 First Prize, Dangsandong municipal center Design Competition
2012 First Prize, Welfare center for visually handicapped Design Competition
2012 First Prize, Yangchon Kalsan library Design Competition
2012 Second Prize, Jangkokdong culture center Design Competition
2011 First Prize, Paju Karam library Design Competition
2011 Third Prize, Sihung green exhibition center Design Competition
2010 Second Prize, Wooljin Crab museum Design Competition
2010 Second Prize, Pochun art valley museum Design Competition
2010 First Prize, Samchuk green power housing Design Competition
2009 First Prize, Jindo West Jeju C/S Design Competition
2008 Second Prize, Sang-ju Bicycle museum Design Competition
2008 Third Prize, Wolsung sports and cultural complex Design Competition
2007 Finalist, Anjungun Memorial Design Competition
2006 Second Prize, Shinwoolsung power plant office Design Competition
1997 First Prize, Woodman Competition University of Pennsylvania
◾ project report-nowon center for visually impaired people, review of architecture and building science, vol.제56권 제11호 , 2012박종혁
◾ 특별함에 대한 욕구와 경험, Korean Institute of Architects Journal, pp.22~23, 2012박종혁
◾ 건축 디자인 향상을 위한 비정형 외피 생성의 프렉탈 해석기법 적용에 관한 연구, 상품학연구, vol.제28권 No.제5호 pp.13~20, 2010박종혁
◾ sentio ergo sum, Korean Institute of Architects Journal, pp.22~23, 2010박종혁
◾ 파이프를 이용한 부스 구조물, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2016박종혁
◾ 친환경 주택, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2016박종혁
◾ 조립식 가옥, 디자인 등록, 대한민국, 2015박종혁
◾ 포천 산후조리원 기본설계 관리, 산학협력단, 2019.09.~2020.08.박종혁
◾ 포천 공공 산후조리원 기본계획 설계, (주)관동건축사사무소, 2019.07.~2019.08.박종혁
◾ 조리읍 행정복지센터 기본계획 설계, (주)서원종합건축사사무소, 2019.07.~2019.09.박종혁
◾ 서울연지초 과학실, 방과후교실 환경개선공사 설계용역, 서울연지초등학교, 2019.06.~2019.07.박종혁
◾ 장위초 일반교실 리모델링 설계용역, 서울특별시성북강북교육지원청, 2019.04.~2019.10.박종혁
◾ 국내 및 국제 전시회 참가, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2021.02.박종혁
◾ 서울동의초 돌봄교실 증축 및 리모델링 설계.감리 용역계약, 서울동의초등학교, 2019.01.~2019.01.박종혁
◾ 멀티코어 비좌굴브레이스 내진보강시스템의 내진성능 평가, (주)와이앤케이에코, 2019.01.~2020.05.박종혁
◾ 서울광진초등학교 돌봄교실 구축공사 설계/감리, 서울광진초등학교, 2018.12.~2019.02.박종혁
◾ 대학창의적자산실용화지원(BRIDGE+)사업 기술 융·복합 프로젝트, 교육부, 2018.12.~2019.02.박종혁
◾ 북한산 국립공원도봉사무소 청사 신축공사 기본계획 디자인, (주)관동건축사사무소, 2018.11.~2019.02.박종혁
◾ 신학초 돌봄교실 리모델링 설계 용역 계약, 서울신학초등학교, 2018.10.~2018.12.박종혁
◾ 전통 도자기 미를 표현할 수 있는 건축 외장재 개발 타당성 연구, (주)대송, 2018.07.~2018.12.박종혁
◾ 병원읍 행정복지센터 실시설계 기본계획안 작성, (주)서원종합건축사사무소, 2018.07.~2018.10.박종혁
◾ 서울연지초등학교 도서실 환경개선공사 설계용역 계약 체결, 서울연지초등학교, 2018.05.~2018.06.박종혁
◾ 상원초 꿈을 담은 교실 만들기 공사 설계용역, 서울특별시교육청 서울특별시북부교육지원청, 2018.04.~2018.11.박종혁
◾ 행정복지센터 디자인, 산학협력단, 2018.03.~2018.12.박종혁
◾ 학생종합안전체험관 설계경기 기본계획 디자인, (주)관동건축사사무소, 2018.02.~2018.04.박종혁
◾ 초등학교 교육시설 디자인, 산학협력단, 2017.06.~2017.12.박종혁
◾ 상봉1동 주민센터 인테리어 설계용역, 중랑구청, 2017.05.~2017.07.박종혁
◾ 국제 및 국내 단체전, 산학협력단, 2017.03.~2018.12.박종혁
◾ 상계9동 주민센터 리모델링 공간설계 및 사후설계관리(디자인감리) 용역, 노원구청, 2016.05.~2016.07.박종혁
◾ 한강건축상상전2014, 산학협력단, 2014.10.~2014.10.박종혁
◾ 2013 올해의 건축가 100인전, 산학협력단, 2014.08.~2014.11.박종혁
◾ 2014 올해의 건축가 100인전, 산학협력단, 2014.08.~2015.02.박종혁
◾ 2014 한국건축설계교수회 초대전, 산학협력단, 2014.08.~2014.11.박종혁
◾ 2014 경북대구 예술제 작품전시회, 산학협력단, 2014.08.~2014.11.박종혁
◾ 2단계 공학교육혁신센터지원사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2013.03.~2014.02.박종혁
◾ 이동식 병원 계획안, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.박종혁
◾ 강릉 주택(한국 건축가 협회 + 여성중앙 기획전), 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.박종혁
◾ 고리원자력 사택복지관 계획안-제32회 대구건축대전 건축작가초대전, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.박종혁
◾ 노원시각장애인센터 설계경기 기본설계, (주)관건축사사무소, 2012.09.~2012.09.박종혁
◾ 커뮤니티 도서관(도심형 근린도서관) 계획안, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.박종혁
◾ 이상한 도서관의 앨리스(도서관 계획안), 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.박종혁
◾ 신하도서관 계획안, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.박종혁
◾ 충남대학교 공학관 리모델링 계획안, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.박종혁
◾ 가람도서관 건립공사 설계경기 기술지원, (주)관건축사사무소, 2012.02.~2012.03.박종혁
◾ 이천도서관 설계경기 기본설계, (주)관건축사사무소, 2012.02.~2012.02.박종혁
◾ 인테리어 디자인 제안 및 설계변경, (주)삼원에스앤디, 2010.11.~2010.12.박종혁
◾ Gongreung Kindergarten, 2023 KIID International Exhibition, Korea Institute of Interior Design, 2023박종혁
◾ Elementary School Playground, 2023 International invited exhibition, Architecture Design Institute of Design, 2023박종혁
◾ Outdoor Classroom for Elementary School, 2023 KICA international exhobition, The Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, 2023박종혁
◾ Gong-Reung Elementary School Classroom, KOISD invted exhibition, KOISD, 2023박종혁
◾ 7branches in Seongnam, 2022 international ADIK invitational exhibition 2022, architecture design institute of korea, 2022박종혁
◾ elementary school gate with two lone border of light, 2022 KICA invited international exhibition, korean institute of culture architecture, 2022박종혁
◾ Village obsevatory at Forest road, KICA invited international exhibition, the korean institute of culture architecture, 2021박종혁
◾ samyang elementary school classroom, 2021 international invitation exhibition, korean institute of international design, 2021박종혁
◾ wi - re elementary school, wi - re elementary school design competition, education department of seoul, 2021박종혁
◾ Chung-gye Museum, ADIK invited exhibition, architectural design institute of korea, 2021박종혁
◾ A journey of circulation, Nowon re and upcyle center design competition, Nowon city, 2021박종혁
◾ emeritus professors's gallery, 2020 international invitation exhibition, korea institute of interior design, 2020박종혁
◾ Space for the young adults in Junggu, the 40th daegu international invitation exhibition, korean institute of architects daegu, 2020박종혁
◾ Seoul Dasan Daycare Center, KICA invited international exhibition, the korean institue of culture architecture, 2020박종혁
◾ nonhyun kindergarten, international invitation exhibition 100 architetcs of the year 2020, koean institute of architects, 2020박종혁
◾ metamorphosis of elementary school boundary fence, ADIK invited exhibition, architectural design institute of korea, 2020박종혁
◾ Classroom for forst year students of Jangwi Elementary school, 2019 International Invitation Exhibition, Korean Institute of Interior Design, 2019박종혁
◾ Elementary school daycare classroom, 100 Architects of the year 2019, Korean Institute of Architects, 2019박종혁
◾ Bukhan National park Office at Dobong, Daegu international architecture competition of the year 2019, Korea Institute of Architects, 2019박종혁
◾ Tourist information center, Architect, Uijeongbu, 2019박종혁
◾ Creating spaces with a linear wall, 2019 invitation exhibition_Reconstrucing Boundaries, Architectural Design Institute of Korea, 2019박종혁
◾ Young san Camp Building Extension, Young san Camp Building Extension, Young san Camp, 2017박종혁
◾ The city without boundaries, The 37th Exhibition of Daegu Architecture, Korea Institute of Architects, 2017박종혁
◾ Sangbong 1 Community service center interiors design, 100 architects of the year 2017, korean institute of architects, 2017박종혁
◾ Fire Drill Tower, 2017 ADIK Design Exhibition, Architecture Design Institute of Korea, 2017박종혁
◾ KRISCO Dormitory, KRISCO Dormitory, KRISCO, 2017박종혁
◾ KNSU Library & students' union building design, KNSU Library & students' union building design competition, korea national sport university, 2016박종혁
◾ khnp education center, 100 architects of the year 2016, korean institute of architects, 2016박종혁
◾ Sanggye 9dong community service center, The 36th Exhibition of Daegu Architecture, Korea Institute of Architects, 2016박종혁
◾ Los ALtos Residence, 2016 KAADF Design Exhibiton, korean association of architects and design faculties, 2016박종혁
◾ 소라어린이집 계획안, 제13회 한국건축설계교수회 초대전, (사)한국건축설계교수, 2015박종혁
◾ The altar of holywater, 100 architects of year 2014, korean institute of architects, 2014박종혁
◾ Inbetween space, Daegu&Gyeongbuk, We are one through Arts, Korean Institute of Architects, 2014박종혁
◾ Jungrangchun in rainnyday, imationation for hangang river, seoul metropolitan government, 2014박종혁
◾ another space out of ordinary life, ordinary landscape-kaadf exhibition, korean association of architects and design faculties, 2014박종혁
◾ Songpa postnatel healthcare center, 2013올해의건축가 100인전, (사)한국건축가협회, 2013박종혁
◾ 이동식 병원 계획안, 한국 건축 설계교수 초대작가 전시회, (사)한국건축 설계교수회, 2013박종혁
◾ 경주 스포츠 복지관, 대구 건축대전 건축작가 초대전, (사) 한국건축가협회 대구건축가회, 2013박종혁
◾ 솔머리 화실 주, 한국건축가협회 젊은 건축가 기획전(구 서울역 전시), (사) 한국건축가협회, 2013박종혁
◾ 당산 복합문화청사, 당산 복합문화청사 설계경기 1등, 영등포구청, 2013박종혁
◾ 충남대학교 공학과 리모델링 계획안, 2012 한국교육시설학회 교육시설 초대작가전, 한국교육시설학회, 2012박종혁
◾ 시흥시 장곡동 복합문화센터, 시흥시 장곡동 복합문화센터 설계경기 2등, 경기도 시흥시, 2012박종혁
◾ Alice in wonder library, 100 Architects of the year 2012, Korean Institute of Architects, 2012박종혁
◾ 시각장애인센터, 2012 시각장애인센터 설계경기 1등, 서울시, 2012박종혁
◾ 양천구 갈산도서관, 양천구 갈산도서관 설계경기 1등, 양천구청, 2012박종혁
◾ 커뮤니티 도서관 계획안, 2012 대구 건축대전 건축작가 초대전, 한국건축가협회 대구건축가회, 2012박종혁
◾ 신하도서관 계획안, 2012 한국 건축 설계교수 초대작가 전시회, 한국건축설계교수회, 2012박종혁
◾ 파주 가람도서관, 2012 파주 가람도서관 설계경기 1등, 경기도 파주시, 2012박종혁
◾ Designing Dog's Jip, 2011 대한민국 건축문화제 타장르와 소통전(젊은 건축가와 예술인 집단), 한국건축가협회, 2011박종혁
◾ 국무총리 공관 계획안, 2011 대한민국 건축대전 초대작가 전시회, 한국건축가협회, 2011박종혁
◾ 하늘 담는 마당, 구름 걸린 지붕, 2011 한국 농어촌 건축대전 초대작가 전시회, 농림수산식품부, 2011박종혁
◾ 콜라지 H-타워(tower), 2011 대구 건축대전 건축작가 초대전, 한국건축가협회 대구건축가회, 2011박종혁
◾ 포천아트밸리 전시장 계획안(설계경기 2등안), 2011 한국 건축 설계교수 초대작가 전시회, 한국건축설계교수회, 2011박종혁
◾ 녹생성장 종합체험 전시관, 녹색성장 종합체험 전시관 설계경기 3등, 경기도 시흥시, 2011박종혁
◾ 포항 근로자복지센터 계획안, 2010 대한민국 건축대전 초대작가 전시회, 한국건축가협회, 2010박종혁
◾ 울진 대게 전시장 계획안(설계경기 2등안), 2010 한국 건축 설계교수 초대작가 전시회, 한국건축설계교수회, 2010박종혁
◾ 삼척그린파워 사택 현상설계, 2010 설계경기 1등 당선안_삼척그린파워 사택 현상설계, 한국남부발전(주), 2010박종혁
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