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Department of Architectural Design
Jang, Hyoun Seung
Overseas Project, Project Planning and Scheduling, Construction Business Strategy
Ph.D, Civil & Environmental Engineering, October 2002
-University of Wisconsin at Madison, Civil & Environmental Engineering (Construction Engineering and Management)
Research: Effects of construction material logistics tasks on project manager satisfaction, optimization of dynamic construction material movement for activity level space management

Master of Science, College of Engineering & Applied Sciences, May 1999
-Arizona State University at Tempe, U.S.A., College of Engineering & Applied Sciences (Del E. Webb School of Construction)
Research: Analysis of joint venture system, construction company finance management, managerial residential community
1995 – 1997 Research Assistant, Arizona State University
1998 – 1999 Project Assistant, University of Wisconsin
1998 – 2002 Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin
2002 Summer Intern, Estimator Staff
2003 Lecturer(Kyungwon University, Korea)
2003 – 2009 Senior Researcher
2003 – Present Committee Member, KICEM (Korea Institute of Construction Engineering & Management)
2003 – Present Committee Member, KICEM (Korea Institute of Construction Engineering & Management)
2004 Lecturer(Dongguk University, Korea)
2005 Lecturer(EWHA Womans University, Korea)
2006 – Present Public Relations Department Director, KAPSM (Korea Association of Procurement and Supply Management)
2007 Lecturer(Chung-Ang University, Korea)
2007 – 2009 Publishing Committee Member, KSCOE (Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers)
2008 Lecturer (Joint Lecture)
2009 Lecturer(Kyungwon University, Korea)
2009 Lecturer(Chung-Ang University, Korea)
2009 – Present Assistant Professor, Courses Offered (Undergraduate), Courses Offered (Graduate)
Research Areas
Construction Engineering, Construction Business, Overseas Construction, Construction Company Consulting
Building Construction Engineering and Methods, Project Time Management, Capstone Design, Construction Project Management, Overseas Project Management
Journal Papers
- Client values within post-disaster reconstruction contracting services, DISASTER PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT, vol.26 No.3 pp.348~360, 2017
- Hierarchical Structure Analysis of Engineering Competitiveness in Overseas Construction, Journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.32 No.8 pp.35~43, 2016
- An Analysis on the Employment Restriction of Foreign Workers and the Utilization of Skilled Workers in the Plant Construction Projects, Journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.32 No.6 pp.51~60, 2016
- Establishment of Cooperation Evaluation System between Domestic Large Enterprises and Small/Medium-Sized Enterprises for Invigorating Joint Overseas Expansion, Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, vol.16 No.3 pp.257~269, 2016
- Penetration Strategy for Domestic Construction Companies Into Indonesian Construction Market, Journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.32 No.4 pp.11~22, 2016
- Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis of Korea Construction Companies in the Vietnam Market, Journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.31 No.5 pp.87~96, 2015
- A Study on Strategies of Small and Midsize Construction Companies for Joint Overseas Expansion, Journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.31 No.5 pp.97~104, 2015
- An international competitiveness evaluation model in the global construction industry, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.19 No.3 pp.465~477, 2015
- A Study on the Application of Construction Management to Technical Proposal Tendering, Journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.31 No.1 pp.71~78, 2015
- An MDB Business Competency Assessment of Korean Construction Companies, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.18 No.5 pp.1314~1321, 2014
- Measures to Expand Market Inroads into the Vietnamese Construction Market, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.17 No.7 pp.1568~1577, 2013
- Analysis of the major subcontract competence factors of overseas plant construction, korean journal of construction engineering and management, vol.14 No.5 pp.84~91, 2013
- Analysis of the Present Condition for Major Subcontractor and Process in Overseas Building Construction, journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.29 No.7 pp.125~132, 2013
- Analysis of Modeling Errors for BIM-based Facility Management Systems, korean journal of construction engineering and management, vol.14 No.4 pp.35~45, 2013
- Analysis of Japanese Construction Market Trends and Construction Companies' Strategies, journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.29 No.6 pp.133~140, 2013
- A Study on Strategies of the Global Construction Companies for Improving Competitiveness of Korean Construction Companies, journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.29 No.5 pp.97~104, 2013
- Analysis of Concentrate Competency for Cambodian Building Construction Projects, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering &Management, vol.14 No.2 pp.45~55, 2013
- A Study on Development of the Competitive Evaluation Model in Oversea Construction Industry, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering & Management, vol.14 No.2 pp.12~21, 2013
- Analysis of the Capability of Korean Construction companies for International Investment Development Business, Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, vol.13 No.2 pp.112~121, 2013
- Analysis of Competency Assessment Using IPA for Construction Project Managers, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.14 No.1 pp.115~123, 2013
- A Competitiveness Study Using IPA for Vietnamese Infrastructure Market, Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers, vol.33 No.1 pp.355~362, 2013
- A Competitiveness Study of Using Benefit Structure Analysis for Vietnamese Building Construction Market by Business Type, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction, vol.28 No.12 pp.85~93, 2012
- Analysis of Competency Assessment Using BSA for ODA Loan Construction Projects, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.13 No.6 pp.45~53, 2012
- Strategic selection of green construction products, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.16 No.7 pp.1115~1122, 2012
- Information Requirements Analysis for BIM-based Facility Management System, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design, vol.28 No.11 pp.133~142, 2012
- Improvement on Cost Management in Public Construction Projects, Construction Economy & Industry Studies, vol.3 No.2 pp.59~79, 2012
- Analysis of the Changes in the Perceived Important Capabilities of Construction Project Managers after the Global Financial Crisis, Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, vol.2 No.3 pp.8~16, 2012
- Strategies for Multilateral Development Banks Utilization to Enhance International Construction Competitiveness, Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers, vol.32 No.5 pp.493~498, 2012
- A Study on the Evaluation Framework to Analyze Construction Policy Performance, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.13 No.5 pp.76~83, 2012
- An Empirical Study on the Feasibility of Vocationally Specialized High Schools for Overseas Construction, Korean technology education association, vol.11 No.3 pp.189~207, 2011
- A Study on Design and Manufacture of the Free-Form Building’s Cladding System, Journal of Korea Association of Procurement and Supply Management, vol.10 No.1 pp.61~76, 2011
- Construction EC Strategy Model and Improving Fields for Global EC Transition, Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, vol.11 No.2 pp.145~153, 2011
- A Fundamental Study on the Comparison of As-Planned with As-Built of Free-form Building Skins Using Laser Scanning Technology, Transactions of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, vol.16 No.2 pp.126~136, 2011
- Comparative Analysis of Strategic Planning in Construction Firms, JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING, vol.9 No.1 pp.25~30, 2010
- Strategies for contractors to sustain growth in the global construction market, HABITAT INTERNATIONAL, vol.34 No.1 pp.1~10, 2010
◾ Out-of-plane behavior of U-shaped unreinforced masonry structures, Journal of Building Engineering, vol.86, 2024장현승
◾ Performances and properties of steel and composite prestressed tendons - A review, HELIYON, vol.10 No.11, 2024장현승
◾ Vision-based multi-label detection framework for capturing occupant action and clothing information using large-scale dataset, Building and Environment, vol.257, 2024장현승
◾ Free vibration analysis of barrel-shaped sandwich shells with auxetic honeycomb core using modified thick shell theory, AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.145, 2024장현승
◾ A review of utilization of industrial waste materials as cement replacement in pervious concrete: An alternative approach to sustainable pervious concrete production, Heliyon, vol.10, 2024장현승
◾ Market growth strategies for sustainable smart farm: A correlation and causal relationship approach, Developments in the Built Environment, vol.16, 2023장현승
◾ Development of a multi-node monitoring system for analyzing plant growth and indoor environment interactions: An empirical study on a plant factory, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol.214, 2023장현승
◾ Analyzing the impact of indoor environmental quality on physiological responses and work performance: Implications for IEQ control strategies, Building and Environment, vol.244, 2023장현승
◾ Dataset on the assessment of pervious concrete containing palm oil kernel shell and seashell in heavy metal removal from stormwater, Data in Brief, vol.50, 2023장현승
◾ Laboratory evaluation of heavy metal removal from stormwater runoff by pervious concrete pavement containing seashell and oil palm kernel shell, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol.400, 2023장현승
◾ Buckling behavior analysis of hybrid-honeycomb sandwich cylindrical shells, OCEAN ENGINEERING, vol.276, 2023장현승
◾ 컴퓨터 비전 기반 외단열 공사의 접착제 도포품질 감리 자동화 모델, Journal of The Korea Institute of Building Construction, vol.23 No.2 pp.165~173, 2023장현승
◾ Properties of pervious concrete incorporating fly ash as partial replacement of cement: A review, Developments in the Built Environment Volume 14 / Developments in the Built Environment, vol.14, 2023장현승
◾ Visual-auditory learning network for construction equipment action detection, © 2023 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering / Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2023장현승
◾ A Study on the Effectiveness of the ‘Quality Inspection’ System for Construction Quality Improvement and Control of Apartment Buildings, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.38 No.10 pp.301~311, 2022장현승
◾ Analysis of Changes in Physical Properties according to the Content of Recycled Butyl Rubber of Self-adhesive Waterproofing Sheets in a Chemically Deteriorated Environment-Focused on Adhesion Performance-, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.38 No.9 pp.279~286, 2022장현승
◾ 식물공장 재배 공정 자동화 시스템의 경제성 분석, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.23 No.4 pp.57~64, 2022장현승
◾ 재난 후 재건사업의 영향요인에 관한 분석 - 재건접근 단계를 중심으로 -, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.23 No.2 pp.76~84, 2022장현승
◾ IoT 기반 수직형 스마트 팜의 설비운영에 따른 지점별 실내온도분석, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.23 No.1 pp.98~105, 2022장현승
◾ Analyzing the ODA Construction Project Competence based on IPA, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.22 No.5 pp.66~72, 2021장현승
◾ Development of Building System for Achieving an Optimal Growth Environment in a Vertical Smart Farm, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.22 No.4 pp.3~10, 2021장현승
◾ Comparing Client Values between Business-as-Usual Construction and Postdisaster Reconstruction, Natural Hazards Review / Volume 22 Issue 3 - August 2021, 2021장현승
◾ 건축공사 현장의 생산성 저하요인 인과관계 구조분석, Korea Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.21 No.1 pp.99~110, 2020장현승
◾ DEMATEL 기법을 적용한 건설재해 영향요인 구조 분석, Korea Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.21 No.1 pp.87~98, 2020장현승
◾ Competences Assessment on Construction Companies in Respect to ECDF, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol.14 No.11 pp.3601~3610, 2019장현승
◾ Factors influencing Time and Cost Overruns on Freeform Construction Projects, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.23 No.4 pp.1442~1450, 2019장현승
◾ Client values within post-disaster reconstruction contracting services, DISASTER PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT, vol.26 No.3 pp.348~360, 2017장현승
◾ Hierarchical Structure Analysis of Engineering Competitiveness in Overseas Construction, Journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.32 No.8 pp.35~43, 2016장현승
◾ An Analysis on the Employment Restriotion of Foreign Workers and the Utilization of Skilled Workers in the Plant Construction Projects, Journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.32 No.6 pp.51~60, 2016장현승
◾ Establishment of Cooperation Evaluation System between Domestic Large Enterprises and Small/Medium-Sized Enterprises for Invigorating Joint Overseas Expansion, Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, vol.16 No.3 pp.257~269, 2016장현승
◾ Penetration Strategy for Domestic Construction Companies Into Indonesian Construction Market, Journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.32 No.4 pp.11~22, 2016장현승
◾ A Study on Strategies of Small and Midsize Construction Companies for Joint Overseas Expansion, Journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.31 No.5 pp.97~104, 2015장현승
◾ Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis of Korea Construction Companies in the Vietnam Market, Journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.31 No.5 pp.87~96, 2015장현승
◾ An international competitiveness evaluation model in the global construction industry, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.19 No.3 pp.465~477, 2015장현승
◾ A Study on the Application of Construction Management to Technical Proposal Tendering, Journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.31 No.1 pp.71~78, 2015장현승
◾ Analysis of Competences Assessment on Korean Construction Companies with Respect to ECDF Program, Journal of Korea Association of Procurement and Supply Management Vol.13 No.1 June. 2014, 2014장현승
◾ An MDB Business Competency Assessment of Korean Construction Companies, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.18 No.5 pp.1314~1321, 2014장현승
◾ Measures to Expand Market Inroads into the Vietnamese Construction Market, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.17 No.7 pp.1568~1577, 2013장현승
◾ Analysis of the major subcontract competence factors of overseas plant construction, kkorean journal of construction engineering and management, vol.14 No.5 pp.84~91, 2013장현승
◾ Analysis of Modeling Errors for BIM-based Facility Management Systems, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.14 No.4 pp.35~45, 2013장현승
◾ Analysis of the Present Condition for Major Subcontractor and Process in Overseas Building Construction, journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.29 No.7 pp.125~132, 2013장현승
◾ 일본 건설시장의 장기 동향과 건설기업의 전략 분석, journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.29 No.6 pp.133~140, 2013장현승
◾ 국내건설기업의 경쟁력 제고를 위한 글로벌 건설기업의 전략 연구, journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, vol.29 No.5 pp.97~104, 2013장현승
◾ Analysis of the Capability of Korean Construction ompanies for International Investment Development Business, Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, vol.13 No.2 pp.112~121, 2013장현승
◾ A Study on Development of the Competitive Evaluation Model in Oversea Construction Industry, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering & Management, vol.14 No.2 pp.12~21, 2013장현승
◾ Analysis of Concentrate Competency for Cambodian Building Construction Projects, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering &Management, vol.14 No.2 pp.45~55, 2013장현승
◾ Analysis of Competency Assessment Using IPA for Construction Project Managers, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.14 No.1 pp.115~123, 2013장현승
◾ A Competitiveness Study Using IPA for Vietnamese Infrastructure Market, Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers, vol.33 No.1 pp.355~362, 2013장현승
◾ A Competitiveness Study of Using Benefit Structure Analysis for Vietnamese Building Construction Market by Buisiness Type, 대한건축학회논문집 구조계, vol.28 No.12 pp.85~93, 2012장현승
◾ Analysis of Competency Assessment Using BSA for ODA Loan Construction Projects, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.13 No.6 pp.45~53, 2012장현승
◾ Strategic selection of green construction products, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.16 No.7 pp.1115~1122, 2012장현승
◾ Information Requiments Analysis for BIM-based Facility Management System, 대한건축학회논문집 계획계, vol.28 No.11 pp.133~142, 2012장현승
◾ Improvement on Cost Management in Public Construction Projects, Construction Economy & Industry Studies, vol.3 No.2 pp.59~79, 2012장현승
◾ Analysis of the Changes in the Perceived Important Capabilities of Construction Project Managers after the Global Financial Crisis, Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, vol.2 No.3 pp.8~16, 2012장현승
◾ Strategies for Multilateral Development Banks Utilization to Enhance International Construction Competitiveness, Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers, vol.32 No.5 pp.493~498, 2012장현승
◾ A Study on the Evaluation Framework to Analyze Construction Policy Performance, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.13 No.5 pp.76~83, 2012장현승
◾ An Empirical Study on the Feasibility of Vocationally Specialized High Schools for Overseas Construction, 한국기술교육학회지, vol.11 No.3 pp.189~207, 2011장현승
◾ 비정형 건축물 외장패널의 설계 및 생산체계에 관한 연구, 한국구매조달학회지, vol.10 No.1 pp.61~76, 2011장현승
◾ Construction EC Strategy Model and Improving Fields for Global EC Transition, 한국건축시공학회지, vol.11 No.2 pp.145~153, 2011장현승
◾ A Fundamental Study on the Comparison of As-Planned with As-Built of Free-form Building Skins Using Laser Scanning Technology, 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집, vol.16 No.2 pp.126~136, 2011장현승
◾ Comparative Analysis of Strategic Planning in Construction Firms, JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING, vol.9 No.1 pp.25~30, 2010장현승
◾ Strategies for contractors to sustain growth in the global construction market, HABITAT INTERNATIONAL, vol.34 No.1 pp.1~10, 2010장현승
◾ Evaluation on the impact of Lowest Bid Contracts on Site Operations in times of Severe Economic Downturn, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.10 No.6 pp.146~153, 2009장현승
◾ Evaluation on the impact of Lowest Bid Contracts on Site Operations in times of Severe Economic Downturn, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.10 No.6 pp.146~153, 2009장현승
◾ Correlation between innovation and performance of construction firms, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.36 pp.1722~1731, 2009장현승
◾ Benchmarking of Strategic Performance of Global Top Construction Firms, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.10 No.3 pp.122~129, 2009장현승
◾ Benchmarking of Strategic Performance of Global Top Construction Firms, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.10 No.3 pp.122~129, 2009장현승
◾ Competency Assessment of Korean Construction Firms on International Plant Projects, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.9 No.4 pp.173~181, 2008장현승
◾ A Study on the Integrated Management Methods of the Claim in Apartment Housing Project through Analysis of Moment of Truth, 대한건축학회 논문집(구조계), vol.24 No.4 pp.161~171, 2008장현승
◾ An Assessment of Technological Competitiveness in Core Products of Foreign Design & Construction markets, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.9 No.1 pp.107~117, 2008장현승
◾ Optimization of floor-level construction material layout using Genetic Algorithms, AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION, vol.16 pp.531~545, 2007장현승
◾ A Study on Planning Sustainable Tourist Resource of TV Drama Location Sets- Centering on the Development Plan of Juk-Byun Drama Location Set -, 한국농촌건축학회논문집, vol.9 No.26 pp.1~12, 2007장현승
◾ A Study of The Global Design Firm's Strategy for Strengthen Its Competitiveness, 대한건축학회 논문집(구조계), vol.22 No.7 pp.91~98, 2006장현승
◾ A Suggestions for the Domestic CM/PM Revitalization, 대한건축학회 논문집(구조계), vol.22 No.3 pp.155~164, 2006장현승
◾ A Correlation Between Innovations and Performance in the Korean Construction Firms, 대한건축학회 논문집(구조계), vol.21 No.8 pp.155~164, 2005장현승
◾ 해외 선진 설계회사의 사업구조 혁신동향 분석, 한국건설관리학회논문집, 2004장현승
◾ Genetic Algorithm for Construction Space Management, 대한토목학회논문집, 2004장현승
◾ Quantified benefit of implementing enterprise resource planning through process simulation, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2004장현승
◾ 건설공급사슬관리(SCM)에 관한 만족도 분석, 대한토목학회논문집, 2004장현승
◾ Construction Materials Allocation with Genetic Algorithm, 대한건축학회논문집, 2003장현승
◾ A project manager's level of satisfaction in construction logistics, (SCI) Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2003장현승
◾ 해외건설시장에서의 한/중/일의 동향과 전망, Journal of the architectural institute of korea structure & construction, 2003장현승
Conference Papers
- Minki Hong, Kyunghyun Shin, Sergey Kan, Hyounseung Jang, Research on culture risk mapping for international construction projects, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2017, University of Seoul
- Yoonho Jeong, Jiyoon Park, Jaemin Ryu, Soojeong Lee, Hyounseung Jang, A study on models predicting additional construction costs required for LEED v4 certification (Focused on Office Building in Korea), 2proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2017, University of Seoul
- Dongwook Kim, Heeseung Yang, Hyungsik Won, Hyounseung Jang, Analysis of Domestic and International Research Papers of Disaster Management and Its Implication Using R Text Mining, 2proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2017, University of Seoul
- Hwarang Kim, Doyeob Kim, Hyounseung Jang, An Analysis of the Types of Global public-private partnership Infrastructure Projects, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2017, University of Seoul
- Hwarang Kim, Doyeob Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Research on the strategies of korean construction companies in advancing into the US infrastructure market : Focused on PPP projects, The 7th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Chengdu (Sichuan University), China, 2017
- Doyeob Kim, Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, An ISM approach for the barrier analysis in implementing CM at Risk, proceedings of AIK annual conference, 2017, The K Hotel, Gyeongju
- S. Aliakbarlou, S. Wilkinson, S.B. Costello, H. Jang, Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Client Values for Post Disaster Reconstruction Services, International research conference 2017, The University of Salford, 2017
- Hwarang Kim, Doyeob Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Analyzing the Priority of Entry Country by Predicting the Global Urbaniztion Trend, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2016, Inha University
- Hwarang Kim, Doyeob Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Analyzing Opportunities of Global ODA Paradigm Change, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2016, Inha University
- Mingyu Shin, Hyounseung Jang, A Study on the Applicability of the RTLS Technology to Construction Site Based on KAILOS, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2015, Ajou University
- Jinhong Park, Jingyu Park, Jinyong Kim, Hyounseung Jang, A Study of A Rough Calculation Model for the detached house's construction period and cost, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2015, Ajou University
- Doyeob Kim, Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, A Study on Empower Assessment Items for Overseas Marketing Activation of Domestic Construction Management Company, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2015, Ajou University
- Yooncheol Hwang, Jihun Chun, Hyounseung Jang, Fundamental research on North Korea Construction Law for Unification of the Korean Peninsula, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2015, Ajou University
- Chidon Oh, Wonsang Shin, Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Changbaek Son, A Study on the Necessity of Foreign Workers in Plant Construction Project, proceedings of AIK annual conference, 2015, The K Hotel, Seoul
- HwaRang Kim, HyounSeung Jang, Utilizing SWOT Model to Define a Strategy for the Korean Construction Companies in Preparation of the Changes in the Global Construction Market, The 6th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Paradise Hotel Busan, 2015
- Jinhong Park, Seoheong Lee, Jihun Chun, Yooncheol Hwang, Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, A Study on Analysis of The Overseas Order Classified Work Types of Domestic Construction Company, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2014, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
- Doyeob Kim, Yooncheol Hwang, Jinhong Park, Mingyu Shin, Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, A Study on Analysis of The Overseas Order of Domestic Construction Management Company, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2014, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
- Jingyu Park, Jihun Chun, Seoheong Lee, Doyeob Kim, Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, An Analysis of the Infrastructure of Southeast Asia Using Global Competitiveness Report(GCR), proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2014, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
- Jaegoo Han, Hwanpyo Park, Hyounseung, Competitiveness Benchmarking of Overseas Construction through the SWOT analysis of leading construction firms in U.S.A., proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2014, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
- Seonghee Yun, Hyounseung Jang, Analysis of the penetration condition of Turkish Construction Firms in overseas construction market, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2014, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
- Jaegoo Han, Hwanpyo Park, Hyounseung, Competitiveness Evaluation Result of Oversea Construction by country in 2013, proceedings of the korea institute of building construction annual conference, 2017, The K Hotel, Gyeongju
- Hwarang Kim, Jaegoo Han, Hwanpyo Park, Hyounseung, Analysis of the Countries Market Assessment and Construction Project Type by Global Insight, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2013, Dankook University
- Hwarang Kim, Seonghee Yun, Hyounseung Jang, A Study of the Asian countries Construction Market environmental analysis and preferential Entering Countries, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2013, Dankook University
- Seonghee Yun, Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Analysis of the change of overseas construction market sales structure through the analysis of documents ENR, Global Insight, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2013, Dankook University
- Ahra Jo, Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Hunhee Cho, A Proposal for the Business Fields to Improve Contract Award of ADB Loan Consulting Project, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2013, Dankook University
- Wonseok Son, Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, A Study on Analysis of The Overseas Order Classified Work Types of Domestic Construction Company, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2013, Dankook University
- Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Analysis of Overseas Construction Subcontracting Process Capability using the BSA, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2012, Kyungpook National University
- Daewon Nam, Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Analysis of the regional construction market through the analysis of documents Global Insight, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2012, Kyungpook National University
- Jungmin An, Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, An Analysis of the Infrastructure of Latin America Using Global Competitiveness Report(GCR), 한proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2012, Kyungpook National University
- Seonghee Yun, Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, The Analysis of Change Overseas Sales Portion for United States, European Construction Firms Since The Global Economic Crisis, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2012, Kyungpook National University
- Hyounwoo Shim, Hwarang Kim, Hyounseung Jang, A Study on the BIM Application to the Preliminary Estimating of the Public Consturction Projects, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2011, Yonsei University
- Hyounseung Jang, Taehong Son, Strategies for Construction Firms to East Asia Construction Market, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2011, Yonsei University
- Seokin Choi, Hyounseung Jang, Younghwan Lee, A trend Analysis on the Market and Company of Global Contruction Industry, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2011, Yonsei University
- Nakyung Lee, Jongho Ock, Hyounseung Jang, A Construction Manager Major Capability Analysis Of The Front And The Rear Back The Global Financial Debacle, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2011, Yonsei University
- Jangski Lim, Hyounseung Jang, Jongho Ock, A Study on the Cost Saving through a Free-Form Buildings Facade Panelization Method, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2011, Yonsei University
- Wonseok Son, Jongho Ock, Hyounseung Jang, An Analysis on the Strategy of American Construction Companies Related Economy of U.S Housing, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2011, Yonsei University
- Yeongok Lee, Hyounseung Jang, Jongho Ock, A Comparative Study on ASD and LRFD Aluminum Curtain Wall Structural Design Methods, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2010, Incheon National University
- Hyounwoo Shim, Soonho Kwen, Hyounseung Jang, Jongho Ock, A study on the comparison of As-Planned and As-Built through Laser Scanning Technology, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2010, Incheon National University
- Sangjin Lee, Nakyung Lee, Hyounseung Jang, Jongho Ock, A Study on the Improvement of the Green Building Certification Criteria - Focused on Energy & Atmosphere Part through LEED, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2010, Incheon National University
- Soonho Kwen, Hyounwoo Shim, Hyounseung Jang, Jongho Ock, A Study on the Development of the Free-Form Panel Optimization Process, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2010, Incheon National University
- Jiyean An, Hyounseung Jang, Jongho Ock, A Study on the Development of the Cost Estimation Standard through the Analysis of the Typical Free-Form Buildings Facade Elements, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2010, Incheon National University
- Seungwoo Lee, Hyounseung Jang, Jongho Ock, A Fundamental Study on Field Constructability Improvement for Korean Traditional Wooden Buildings through Augmented Reality Technology, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2010, Incheon National University
- Nakyung Lee, Gieun Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Overseas Building Construction Market Attraction Analysis by Region - Focus on the Market Scale and Risk -, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2010, Incheon National University
- Joohee Lee, Hyounseung Jang, The development direction of the domestic companies through business types analysis of global construction companies, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2010, Incheon National University
- A Study on Development direction of irregular building materials procurement system, The 4th Seoul Supply Management Conference, 2010, Seoul Regional Public Procurement Service
◾ 박은상, 김서현, 박현석, 정다혜, 강기준, 장현승, Productivity Analysis of the Concrete Pouring Process Using Arena Simulation, Korean Society of Construction Management 2024 National University Student Conference Paper Collection, 소노캄 제주, 2024장현승
◾ 박현우, 남용준, 박창선, 장현승, Analysis of the Impact of Special Act on the Maintenance and Support of Older Planned Cities on the Profitability of the Reconstruction and Remodeling, Korean Society of Construction Management 2024 National University Student Conference Paper Collection, 소노캄 제주, 2024장현승
◾ 제승현, 박예은, 이찬인, 장현승, Building Stability System Through Application, Korean Society of Construction Management 2024 National University Student Conference Paper Collection, 소노캄 제주, 2024장현승
◾ 김서현, 백민지, 허정회, 조소운, 김지민, 장현승, Development of a Hybrid Simulation Model for Optimizing the Concrete Pouring Process, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Korean Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 소노캄 제주, 2024장현승
◾ MinJae Lee, Handon Kim, Donggeun Oh, Jimin Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Optimal Greenhouse Design Strategies using Multi-Objective Optimization and Energy and Daylight Simulation, The 19th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Faculty of Architecture of Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, 2024장현승
◾ Minji Baek, Hyunsang Cho, Doyeong Lee, Jeonghwan Seo, Jimin Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Analysis of Optimal Placement Proposal of HVAC System in Smart Greenhouse using CFD Simulation, The 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Hokkaido University Conference Hall, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 2024장현승
◾ Soun JO, Hyunsang CHO, Seeun CHO, Minji BAEK, Jimin KIM, Hyounseung JANG, KOREAN CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGER’S CAPABILITY CHANGE OVER THE LAST DECADE, The 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Hokkaido University Conference Hall, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 2024장현승
◾ Eunsang PARK, Seohyeon KIM, Ajin JO 1, Jimin KIM, Hyounseung JANG, Risk Analysis of the Sustainability of Energy Markets in Developing Countries Using ISM, The 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Hokkaido University Conference Hall, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 2024장현승
◾ Kyoungyun Jung, Handon Kim, Minjae Lee, Donggeun Oh, Jimin Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Discrepancy between South Korea's ZEB Certification System and its Real Energy Saving Effects: An Empirical Analysis, The 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Hokkaido University Conference Hall, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 2024장현승
◾ 남현성, 박지우, 유영민, 황지원, 정민철, 장현승, Development of an integrated separator to prevent falls in high-rise framing construction, Korean Society of Construction Management 2023 National University Student Conference Paper Collection, 경기도 고성, 소노캄 델피노, 2023장현승
◾ 김소연, 박하람, 문창길, 이정환, 장현승, Development of adjustable work scaffolding to prevent falling accidents during scaffolding work, Korean Society of Construction Management 2023 National University Student Conference Paper Collection, 경기도 고성, 소노캄 델피노, 2023장현승
◾ 조소운, 정민철, 이민재, 김가현, 김지민, 장현승, 국내 도심지 건축공사 공기지연 발생 요인에 대한 도출 및 분석, 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 소노캄 델피노, 2023장현승
◾ 조현상, 김한돈, 오동근, 이민재, 장현승, 김지민, 3D Visualization Based on Spatial Interpolation for Multi-Point Environment Monitoring in Vertical Smart Farm, 18th SDEWES conference, Hotel Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2023장현승
◾ Se Eun Choi , Hyoun Seung Jang , Ji Min Kim, Han Don Kim , Soun Jo , Gahyeon Kim, COMPARISON ANALYSIS OF COOLING SYSTEMS (EHP & FABRIC DUCT) BASED ON THERMAL COMFORT & CO2 CONCENTRATION FOR STAIR-TYPE LECTURE ROOM USING CFD ANALYSIS, Proceedings of the 15 th International Green Energy Conference, University of Glasgow in Glasgow, UK, 2023장현승
◾ 이민재, 조소운, 김송이, 유현아, 김한돈, 김지민, 장현승, 비닐하우스에서의 수막 및 물콘 시스템 적용에 따른 온도 저감 성능 분석, 한국건설관리학회 2022 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 중앙대학교 100주년기념관, 2022장현승
◾ 김가현, 정민철, 조소운, 김서현, 이민재, 장현승, 완전 자동화 스마트팜의 생산성 분석을 위한 시뮬레이션 모델 구축, 한국건설관리학회 2022 전국대학생학술발표대회 논문집, 중앙대학교 100주년기념관, 2022장현승
◾ 김기준, 박상현, 우찬희, 한승호, 장현승, 건설 안전 자재로서의 에어캡, 한국건설관리학회 2022 전국대학생학술발표대회 논문집, 중앙대학교 100주년기념관, 2022장현승
◾ 노효진, 심범석, 이정훈, 장현승, 철근 피복두께 확보를 위한 일체형 철근 스페이서, 한국건설관리학회 2022 전국대학생학술발표대회 논문집, 중앙대학교 100주년기념관, 2022장현승
◾ Dongguen Oh, Se-eun Choi, So-un Jo, Gahyeon Kim, Jimin Kim, Hyounseung Jang, ANALYSIS OF OCCUPANTS' CONCENTRATION THROUGH CHANGES IN INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY USING EYE-TRACKING TECHNOLOGY, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, Chung-Ang University, 2022장현승
◾ Handon Kim, Hyunsang Cho, Mincheol Jung, Seohyun Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Jimin Kim, DEVELOPMENT OF MULTI-POINT WIRELESS ENVIRONMENT MONITORING SYSTEM CONSIDERING THE HIGH HUMIDITY IN VERTICAL SMART FARMS, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, Chung-Ang University, 2022장현승
◾ 조소운, 이민재, 김서현, 김한돈. 정민철, 김지민, 장현승, 비닐하우스에서의 차광막 사용에 따른 여름철 온도 분석, 2022년 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회논문집, 휘닉스 제주 섭지코지, 2022장현승
◾ 조현상, 김한돈, 최세은, 오동근, 김가현, 장현승, 김지민, 계단식 강의실의 쾌적한 실내환경 조성을 위한 CO2 농도 모니터링 데이터 기반 공간보간을 활용한 3D 시각화, 2022년 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회논문집, 휘닉스 제주 섭지코지, 2022장현승
◾ Mincheol Jung, Handon Kim, Seeun Choi, Hyunsang Cho, Donggeun Oh, Jimin Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Korean engineering firms' competitiveness change for the last decade, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, UNLV Student Union, Las Vegas, USA, 2022장현승
◾ 오동근, 김한돈, 김재국, 조현상, 최세은, 장현승, 김지민, 수직형 스마트팜의 건물 에너지 요구량을 고려한 EHP 설계, 대한설비공학회 2021 동계학술발표대회 논문집, 세종대학교 컨벤션센터, 2021장현승
◾ 강선욱, 김선재, 김은서, 이찬규, 싼자수런 우간투야, 장현승, 중소건설사의 해외건설 진출 지원을 위한 인력네트워크 플랫폼 구축, 2021 한국건설관리학회 전국대학생학술발표대회 논문집, The-K Hotel 경주, 2021장현승
◾ 최세은, 박정민, 김한돈, 오동근, 조현상, 장현승, 김지민, CFD해석을 이용한 수직형 스마트팜의 열적 거동 분석, 한국건설관리학회 2021 정기학술발표대회 논문집, The K-Hotel 경주, 2021장현승
◾ 정민철, 김한돈, 조현상, 오동근, 최세은, 김지민, 장현승, 스마트 식물공장의 효율적 운영을 위한 자동화 시스템 프레임워크 개발, 한국건설관리학회 2021 정기학술발표대회 논문집, The-K Hotel 경주, 2021장현승
◾ 조현상, 김한돈, 정민철, 최세은, 오동근, 장현승, 김지민, 수직형 스마트 팜의 환경 모니터링을 위한 RBF 보간 기반 3D 시각화, 2021년 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회논문집, 여수컨벤션센터, 2021장현승
◾ 김한돈, 정민철, 최세은, 조현상, 오동근, 장현승, 김지민, IoT를 활용한 수직형 스마트 팜의 지점별 실내 공기 온도 분석, 2021년 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회논문집, 여수컨벤션센터, 2021장현승
◾ 최세은, 김한돈, 조현상, 장현승, 김지민, CFD 해석을 이용한 대형 수직형 스마트팜의 최적 공기 거동 분석, 대한설비공학회 2021 하계학술발표대회 논문집, 휘닉스평창, 2021장현승
◾ 조현상, 김한돈, 최세은, 장현승, 김지민, 수직형 스마트팜 환경 모니터링을 위한 공간보간 기반의 3D 시각화, 대한설비공학회 2021 하계학술발표대회 논문집, 휘닉스평창, 2021장현승
◾ 김한돈, 정민철, 김지민, 장현승, 수직형 스마트 팜에 최적화된 공기질 모니터링 시스템 개발, 2021년 대한건축학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2021장현승
◾ 정민철, 김한돈, 김지민, 장현승, 수직형 스마트 팜을 위한 모듈화 시공기술 개발 프레임워크, 2021년 대한건축학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2021장현승
◾ Hwarang Kim, Jangsik Lim, Jongho Ock, Hyounseung Jang, Evaluating Construction Market of ASEAN Nations, ICCEPM 2020, The 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, COVID19로 인한 온라인 진행 (Hong Kong SAR), 2020장현승
◾ 김우중,김태경,오태석,장현승, Smart helmet for Monitoring the Heart rate of Construction Workers, 2019년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술대회 논문집, 일산 킨텍스, 2019장현승
◾ Sadegh Aliakbarlou, Suzanne Wilkinson, Seosamh B. Costello, Hyounseung Jang, and Hamid Aliakbarlou, Producing Work-Ready Graduate for the Construction Industry, Smart and Sustainable Built Environments2018, Sydney, 2018장현승
◾ 김계룡, 안효식, 이호경, 장현승, Safety signs using repulsive photographs for encouraging the sense of safety of construction site workers, 2018년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 도영태, 송윤호, 장현승, A Case Study of ANC (Active Noise Cancellation) at Construction Site, 2018년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 윤원혁, 강지훈, 김성현, 장현승, A Study on the Development of Evaluation Model for Construction Functional Workers In Korea, 2018년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 간승기, 홍성걸, 강문식, 장현승, Integral Type Harness Developmental Research, 2018년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 김동준, 황교하, 장현승, Construction Work Order and Safety Card for Foreign Workers Study, 2018년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 홍민기, 김동욱, 정윤호, 장현승, Analyzing the African Construction Market and Implications for Korea, 2018 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 김화랑, 김도엽, 장현승, Analyzing the Global Construction Firms in the ASEAN region, 2018 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 정윤호, 김동욱, 홍민기, 장현승, Analyzing Business Diversification Level by Nationality of Global Construction Companies, 2018 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 김도엽, 김화랑, 장현승, Analyzing African Infrastructure Status by Countries, 2018 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 김도엽, 김화랑, 장현승, Analyzing the Trends of Global Design Firms in ASEAN Construction Market, 2018 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 김동욱, 정윤호, 홍민기, 장현승, Analyzing the Backwardness of Transportation Infrastructure in the United States of America : focused on Roads and Bridges, 2018년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 김화랑, 김도엽, 장현승, Global infrastructure investment prospects and implications, 2018년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 김화랑, 김도엽, 장현승, Analyzing the PPP Business of Asean Countries, 2018 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 김화랑, 김도엽, 장현승, Analyzing and Forecasting the Construction Market of Asean Countries, 2018 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2018장현승
◾ 김동욱, 양희승, 원형식, 장현승, Analysis of Domestic and International Research Papers of Disaster Management and Its Implication Using R Text Mining, 2017년 한국건설관리학회 전국대학생학술발표대회 논문집, 서울시립대학교, 2017장현승
◾ 홍민기, 신경현, 강세르게이, 장현승, Research on culture risk mapping for international construction projects, 2017년 한국건설관리학회 전국대학생학술발표대회 논문집, 서울시립대학교, 2017장현승
◾ 정윤호, 박지윤, 유재민, 이수정, 장현승, A study on models predicting additional construction costs required for LEED v4 certification (Focused on Office Building in Korea), 2017년 한국건설관리학회 전국대학생학술발표대회 논문집, 서울시립대학교, 2017장현승
◾ 김화랑, 김도엽, 장현승, An Analysis of the Types of Global public-private partnership Infrastructure Projects, 2017 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 서울시립대학, 2017장현승
◾ Hwarang Kim, Doyeob Kim, Hyounseung Jang, Research on the strategies of korean construction companies in advancing into the US infrastructure market : Focused on PPP projects, The 7th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Chengdu (Sichuan University), China, 2017장현승
◾ 김도엽, 김화랑, 장현승, An ISM approach for the barrier analysis in implementing CM at Risk, 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 더케이호텔경주, 2017장현승
◾ S. Aliakbarlou, S. Wilkinson, S.B. Costello, H. Jang, Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Client Values for Post Disaster Reconstruction Services, International research conference 2017, The University of Salford, 2017장현승
◾ 김화랑, 김도엽, 장현승, Analyzing the Priority of Entry Country by Predicting the Global Urbaniztion Trend, 2016년 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 인하대학교, 2016장현승
◾ 김화랑, 김도엽, 장현승, Analyzing Opportunities of Global ODA Paradigm Change, 2016 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 인하대학교, 2016장현승
◾ 신민규, 장현승, A Study on the Applicability of the RTLS Technology to Construction Site Based on KAILOS, 2015년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 아주대학교, 2015장현승
◾ 황윤철, 전지훈, 장현승, Fundamental research on North Korea Construction Law for Unification of the Korean Peninsula, 2015년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 아주대학교, 2015장현승
◾ 박진홍, 박진규, 김진용, 장현승, A Study of A Rough Calculation Model for the detached house's construction period and cost, 2015년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 아주대학교, 2015장현승
◾ 김도엽, 김화랑, 장현승, A Study on Empower Assessment Items for Overseas Marketing Activation of Domestic Construction Management Company, 2015년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 아주대학교, 2015장현승
◾ 오치돈, 신원상, 김화랑, 장현승, 손창백, A Study on the Necessity of Foreign Workers in Plant Construction Project, 대한거축학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 더케이호텔 서울, 2015장현승
◾ HwaRang Kim, HyounSeung Jang, Utilizing SWOT Model to Define a Strategy for the Korean Construction Companies in Preparation of the Changes in the Global Construction Market, The 6th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Paradise Hotel Busan, 2015장현승
◾ 김도엽,황윤철,박진홍,신민규,김화랑,장현승, A Study on Analysis of The Overseas Order of Domestic Construction Management Company, 2014년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 서울과학기술대학교, 2014장현승
◾ 박진규,전지훈,이서행,김도엽,김화랑,장현승, An Analysis of the Infrastructure of Southeast Asia Using Global Competitiveness Report(GCR), 2014년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 서울과학기술대학교, 2014장현승
◾ 박진홍,이서행,전지훈,황윤철,김화랑,장현, A Study on Analysis of The Overseas Order Classified Work Types of Domestic Construction Company, 2014년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 서울과학기술대학교, 2014장현승
◾ 윤승희, 장현승, Analysis of the penetration condition of Turkish Construction Firms in overseas construction market, 2014년 한국건설관리학회 정기 학술발표대회 논문집, 서울과학기술대학교, 2014장현승
◾ 한재구, 박환표, 장현승, Competitiveness Benchmarking of Overseas Construction through the SWOT analysis of leading construction firms in U.S.A., 2014년 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 서울과학기술대학교, 2014장현승
◾ 한재구, 박환표, 장현승, Competitiveness Evaluation Result of Oversea Construction by country in 2013, 2014년 한국건축시공학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, The-k 경주호, 2014장현승
◾ 조아라, 김화랑, 장현승, 조훈희, A Proposal for the Business Fields to Improve Contract Award of ADB Loan Consulting Project, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2013, 단국대학교, 2013장현승
◾ 윤승희, 김화랑, 장현승, Analysis of the change of overseas construction market sales structure through the analysis of documents ENR, Global Insight, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2013, 단국대학교, 2013장현승
◾ 김화랑, 윤승희, 장현승, A Study of the Asian countries Construction Market environmental analysis and preferential Entering Countries, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2013, 단국대학교, 2013장현승
◾ 김화랑, 한재구, 박환표, 장현승, Analysis of the Countries Market Assessment and Construction Project Type by Global Insight, proceedings of KICEM annual conference, 2013, 단국대학교, 2013장현승
◾ 손원석, 김화랑, 장현승, A Study on Analysis of The Overseas Order Classified Work Types of Domestic Construction Company, 2013년 한국건설관리학회 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 단국대학교, 2013장현승
◾ 김화랑, 장현승, Analysis of Overseas Construction Subcontracting Process Capability using the BSA, 한국건설관리학회 2012 정기학술발표대회, 경북대학교, 2012장현승
◾ 안정민, 김화랑, 장현승, An Analysis of the Infrastructure of Latin America Using Global Competitiveness Report(GCR), 한국건설관리학회 2012 정기학술발표대회, 경북대학교, 2012장현승
◾ 남대원, 김화랑, 장현승, Analysis of the regional construction market through the analysis of documents Global Insight, 한국건설관리학회 2012 정기학술발표대회, 경북대학교, 2012장현승
◾ 윤승희, 김화랑, 장현승, The Analysis of Change Overseas Sales Portion for United States, European Construction Firms Since The Global Economic Crisis, 한국건설관리학회 2012 정기학술발표대회, 경북대학교, 2012장현승
◾ 공공건설프로젝트의 개산견적을 위한 BIM 활용성에 대한 연구, 정기학술발표표대회 논문집(2011), 연세대학교, 2011장현승
◾ 글로벌 건설 시장과 기업 동향, 정기학술발표표대회 논문집(2011), 연세대학교, 2011장현승
◾ 동남아시아 해외 건설시장 진출방안, 정기학술발표표대회 논문집(2011), 연세대학교, 2011장현승
◾ 비정형 패널 사각분할 방법을 이용한 공사비 절감방안에 관한 연구, 정기학술발표표대회 논문집(2011), 연세대학, 2011장현승
◾ 글로벌 금융위기 전후 현장소장 주요 역량 변화 분석, 정기학술발표표대회 논문집(2011), 연세대학교, 2011장현승
◾ 주택경기 변화에 따른 미국 건설기업 전략 분석, 전국 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집(2011), 연세대학교, 2011장현승
◾ 해외 건설기업의 업태별 분석을 통한 국내 기업의 발전방향, 한국건설관리학회 전국 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 2010장현승
◾ Laser Scanning 기술을 이용한 As-Plannd와 As-Built비교에 관한 연구, 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 인천대학교, 2010장현승
◾ 국내 친환경건축물 인증제도 개선반향에 관한 연구, 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 인천대학교, 2010장현승
◾ 비정형 건축물 외장재의 패널 최적화를 위한 프로세스 개발에 관한 연구, 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 인천대학교, 2010장현승
◾ 알루미늄 커튼월 구조설계법에 있어서 ASD와 LRFD설계법의 비교 검토, 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 인천대학교, 2010장현승
◾ 증강현실을 이용한 한국 전통 목조 건축의 현장 시공성 향상 및 관리에 대한 기초적 연구, 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 인천대학교, 2010장현승
◾ 권역별 해외건축 시장 매력도 분석, 한국건설관리학회 전국 대학생 학술발표대회 논문집, 2010장현승
◾ 비정형 대표 유형을 활용한 외장채널의 개략공사비 산정 기준에 관한 연구, 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 인천대학교, 2010장현승
◾ 비정형 건축자재의 조달시스템 발전방향, 서울공급관리 컨퍼런스, 서울조달청, 2010장현승
◾ Program Management Strategy for The Macc Project, Global Convergence in Construction, 2009장현승
◾ Selection of Frontier Green Construction Product, Global Convergence in Construction, 2009장현승
◾ Analysis of Internal Competencies of the Korean Construction Firms in the Global Market, KAIBM International Conference, 2007장현승
◾ 만족도 분석을 통한 건설공급사슬관리 핵심성과요인, 한국구매조달학회 추계학술논문집, 2005장현승
◾ The Business Strategy Innovations of the Top Design Firms in Global Design & Engineering Market, Globalization and Collaboration in Construction, 2005장현승
◾ THE SUCCESS FACTORS OF PARTNERING IN THE SOUTH KOREA PM&CM MARKET, Globalization and Collaboration in Construction, 2005장현승
◾ 장현승,백재철,노문식,김형준 공저, 건축시공, 저서, 9788962259315, Topclass : 기문당, 2023장현승
◾ 대학 학칙 및 규정 등 체계 위계화 연구, 산학협력단, 2020.10.~2021.02.장현승
◾ 비대면 채널을 통한 해외 플랜트 프로젝트 발굴 및 수주방안 연구, (사)한국플랜트산업협회, 2020.08.~2020.12.장현승
◾ 스마트 수직형 농장의 적정 생육환경 조성을 위한 건축 시스템 개발, 농업회사법인 주식회사 샐리의 식탁, 2020.07.~2020.11.장현승
◾ 건설 현장 소장 역량요인에 대한 분석: 한국과 미국을 중심으로, 산학협력단, 2019.09.~2020.08.장현승
◾ 2019년 대학혁신지원사업 자체 혁신방안 수립 정책연구, 산학협력단, 2019.01.~2019.02.장현승
◾ IPA 기반의 공적개발원조 건설사업 역량 분석, 산학협력단, 2018.08.~2019.07.장현승
◾ 아시아 브라운필드 맵핑 및 BBB(Build Back Better) 프레임워크 개발, 한국연구재단, 2018.06.~2021.05.장현승
◾ 신공항 건설사업 수행을 위한 내부역량 진단, (재)한국건설산업연구원, 2017.08.~2017.12.장현승
◾ 건설 현장 관리자 역량의 인과관계 구조 분석, 산학협력단, 2017.06.~2018.05.장현승
◾ DEMATEL 기법을 활용한 국내 CM기업의 해외진출 역량 강화 방안 연구, 산학협력단, 2017.06.~2018.05.장현승
◾ 해외건설사업을 위한 우리 위성영상 활용방안 연구, 국토교통부, 2015.06.~2015.12.장현승
◾ 해외 거점별 건설엔지니어링 정보시스템 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2015.05.~2016.04.장현승
◾ BCG 모델기반 의사결정 Objective Maping 개발 - 해외 PPP 사업을 중심으로 -, 한국연구재단, 2014.11.~2017.04.장현승
◾ 성과급적 연봉제 개선방안에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2014.09.~2014.12.장현승
◾ 해외건설사업 협력업체 관리방안, 국토교통부(구,국토해양부), 2014.05.~2014.09.장현승
◾ 개방형 BIM기반의 건축물 설계표준 및 인프라 구축, 국토교통과학기술진흥원(구,한국건설교통기술평가원), 2013.11.~2014.11.장현승
◾ 해외 엔지니어링 사업 진출을 위한 우선적 확보역량 분석, 산학협력단, 2013.09.~2015.02.장현승
◾ 건설엔지니어링 해외진출 전략과 정책방안, 국토교통부(구,국토해양부), 2013.07.~2014.03.장현승
◾ 국내 CM 업체의 동남아시아 건설시장 진출 전략 수립, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2015.02.장현승
◾ 학과평가 개선방안에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.06.~2012.08.장현승
◾ 해외건설 경쟁력 향상을 위한 글로벌 협력업체 관리체계 모델 구축, 한국연구재단, 2012.05.~2014.04.장현승
◾ Analysis of the Capability of Korean Construction Companies for International Investment Development Business, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.04.장현승
◾ IPA 기법을 활용한 현장소장 역량 요인 도출 및 분석, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.장현승
◾ "공군 수원관사 및 간부숙소, 소마초 외 3교 임대형 민자사업 Value Engineering & Life Cycle Cost 산정에 관한 연구", 한국인프라컨설팅(주), 2010.10.~2010.12.장현승
◾ BLT사업의 설계 및 경제성 평가를 통한 타당성분석 연구, (주)휴다임건축사사무소, 2010.08.~2010.11.장현승
◾ 회사기술비전 및 전략구축 컨설팅용역, 포스코건설, 2009.12.~2010.01.장현승
◾ Productivity Analysis of the Concrete Pouring Process Using Arena Simulation, 2024 National University Student Conference Paper Category Excellence Award, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2024장현승
◾ Development of a Hybrid Simulation Model for Optimizing the Concrete Pouring Process, 우수논문상, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2024장현승
◾ Derivation and analysis of construction delay factors in urban areas in Korea, 2023 National University Student Conference Paper Category Excellence Award, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2023장현승
◾ Development of Length Adjustment Work Footer to Prevent Falling Accidents of Scaffolding Work, 2023 National University Student Conference Paper Category Excellence Award, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2023장현승
◾ 화학적 열화환경에서의 자착식 방수시트의 재생부틸고무 함량에 따른 물성변화 특성 분석- 부착 특성 중심으로 -, 학회상, 대한건축학회, 2023장현승
◾ 비닐하우스에서의 수막 및 물콘 시스템 적용에 따른 온도 저감 성능 분석, 2022 정기학술발표대회 우수논문상, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2022장현승
◾ CFD 해석을 이용한 수직형 스마트팜의 열적 거동 분석, 우수논문상, 한국건설관리학회, 2021장현승
◾ 스마트 식물공장의 효율적 운영을 위한 자동화 시스템 프레임워크 개발, 우수논문상, 한국건설관리학회, 2021장현승
◾ Causal Relationship Analysis of the Factors Lowering Productivity in Construction Job Site, 제 31회 과학기술우수논문상, The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies, 2021장현승
◾ Causal Relationship Analysis of the Factors Lowering Productivity in Construction Job Site, 최우수논문상, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2020장현승
◾ Smart helmet for Monitoring the Heart rate of Construction Workers, 대상(국토부장관상), Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2019장현승
◾ Analyzing Business Diversification Level of Nationality of Global Construction Companies, 우수논문상, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2018장현승
◾ Global infrastructure investment prospects and implications, 우수논문상, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2018장현승
◾ An Analysis of the Types of Global public-private partnership Infrastructure Projects, 우수논문상, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2017장현승
◾ Comparative Analysis of public and Private Client Values for Post Disaster Reconstruction Services, Award for best paper, University of Salford MANCHESTER, 2017장현승
◾ Analysis of the penetration condition of Turkish Construction Firms in overseas construction market, 2014 정기학술발표대회 우수논문상, Korea institute of construction engineering and management, 2014장현승
◾ 2013년도 국가별 해외건설 경쟁력 평가, Competitiveness Evaluation Result of Oversea Construction by country in 2013, the korea institute of building construction, 2014장현승
◾ A Study of the Asian countries Construction Market environmental analysis and preferential Entering, 2013 정기학술발표대회 우수논문상, korea institute of construction engineering and management, 2013장현승
- Analyzing Business Diversification Level of Nationality of Global Construction Companies, Award for best paper, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2018
- Global infrastructure investment prospects and implications, Award for best paper, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2018
- An Analysis of the Types of Global public-private partnership Infrastructure Projects, Award for best paper, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2017
- Comparative Analysis of public and Private Client Values for Post Disaster Reconstruction Services, Award for best paper, University of Salford MANCHESTER, 2017
- Analysis of the penetration condition of Turkish Construction Firms in overseas construction market, Award for best paper, Korea institute of construction engineering and management, 2014
- Competitiveness Evaluation Result of Oversea Construction by country in 2013, Award for best paper, the korea institute of building construction, 2014
- A Study of the Asian countries Construction Market environmental analysis and preferential Entering, Award for best paper, Korea institute of construction engineering and management, 2013
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