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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Architectural Design
Yoo, Jung Han
Structural Engineering
◾ Hongik University, Department of architecture, Bachelor’s degree, 1997
◾ University of Washington, Seattle, WA Civil&Environmental engineering, Master’s degree, 2002
◾ University of Washington, Seattle, WA Civil&Environmental engineering, Doctor of Philosophy, 2006
◾ University of Washington, Post doctor 2006.06 - 2008.03
◾ Korea Land and Housing Corporation, Senior researcher 2008.04 - 2009.08
◾ Research Institute of Industrial Science&Technology, Researcher 2009.09 – 2010.08
◾ Seoul National University of Science&Technology, School of architecture, Assistant professor 2010.09 – to date
Research Areas
◾ Steel structures
◾ Steel-concrete Composite Structures
◾ High-Performance Steel
◾ General building structure
◾ Structural planing of architecture
◾ Steel structures
◾ Advanced steel structures
Journal Papers
[Publication (Overseas)]
◾ Roeder, C.W., Graff, R., Soderstrom, J. and Yoo, J.H. (2005) "Seismic Performance of Pile-Wharf Connections" ASCE, Journal of Structural Engineering. Vol. 132, No. 3, pgs 428-37
◾ Roeder, C.W., Lehman, D.E., and Yoo, J.H. (2005) "Improved Seismic Design of Steel Frame Connections" International Journal of Steel Structures. Korean Society of Steel Construction, Seoul, Korea, Vol. 5, No. 2, pgs141-153
◾ Yoo, J.H., Lehman, D, and Roeder, C. (2008) "Influence of Connection Design Parameters on the Seismic Performance of Braced Frames" Journal of Constructional Steel Research. Vol. 64, No. 6, pgs 607-623
◾ Yoo, J.H., Roeder, C., and Lehman, D. (2008) "Analytical Performance Simulation of Special Concentrically Braced Frames" ASCE, Journal of Structural Engineering. Vol. 134, No. 6, pgs 881-889
◾ Yoo, J.H., Roeder, C., and Lehman, D. (2009) "Simulated Behavior of Multi-Story X-Braced Frames" Engineering Structures. Vol. 31, No. 1, pgs 182-197
◾ Roeder, C., Lehman, D., Clark, K., Powell, J., Yoo, J.H., Tsai, K.C., Lin, C.H., and Wei, C.Y. (2011) "Influence of gusset plate connections and braces on the seismic performance of X-braced frames" Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. vol. 40, pgs 355-374
◾ Chung, K.S., Kim, J.H., and Yoo, J.H. (2012) "Prediction of Hysteretic Behavior of High-Strength Square Concrete-filled Steel Tubular Columns Subjected to Eccentric Loading" International Journal of Steel Structures. Vol. 12, No. 2, pgs 243-252
◾ Chung, K.S., Kim, J.H., and Yoo, J.H. (2013) "Experimental and analytical investigation of high-strength concrete-filled steel tube square columns subjected to flexural loading" Steel and Composite Structures. Vol. 14, No. 2, pgs 133-153
◾ Yoo, J.H., Lee, K.M., Kim, J.W., Yang, J.K., and Kang, J.W. (2013) "Local Buckling Behaviors of Built-up Box Columns Fabricated with High-Performance Steel under Concentric Axial Loading" Advanced Materials Research. Vols. 671-674, pgs 709-712
◾ Park, J.W., Yoo, J.H. (2013) "Axial loading tests and load capacity prediction of slender SHS stub columns strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymers" Steel and Composite Structures. Vol. 15, No. 2, pgs 131-150
◾ Yoo, J.H., Kim, J.W., Yang, J.G., Kang, J.W., and Lee, M.J. (2013) "Local Buckling in the Stub Columns Fabricated with HSA800 of High Performance Steel" International Journal of Steel Structures. Vol. 13, No. 3, pgs 1-14
◾ Park, J.W., Yeom, H.J., Yoo, J.H. (2013) "Axial Loading Tests and FEM Analysis of Slender Square Hollow Section (SHS) Stub Columns Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers" International Journal of Steel Structures. Vol. 13, No. 4, pgs 1-13
◾ Yeom, H.J., Jung, E.B., Yoo, J.H. (2013) "Evaluation of Seismic Behavior in Non-Seismic Concentrically Braced Frames" Applied Mechanics and Materials. Apr. 2013, Vol. 749, pgs 373-378
◾ Kim, T.S., Yoo, J.H., Roeder, C. (2015) "Experimental investigation on strength and curling influence of bolted connections in thin-walled carbon steel" Thin-Walled Structures. June. 2015, Vol. 91, pgs 1-12
◾ Park, J.W., Yoo, J.H. (2015) "Flexural and compression behavior for steel structures strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) sheet" Steel and Composite Structures. Aug. 2015, Vol. 19, No. 2, pgs 441-465

[Publication (Domestic)]
◾ Yoo, J.H. (2009) "Analytical Study of Net Section Fracture in Special Concentrically Braced Frames" Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction. Vol. 21, No. 1, pgs 63-70
◾ Yoo, J.H. (2009) "Evaluation of Gusset Plate Connection Stiffness in Braced Frames" Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction. Vol. 21, No. 2, pgs 1-9
◾ Yoo, J.H. (2009) "Analytical Investigation for Improved Design Models of Chevron Braced Frames" Journal of Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea. Vol.13 , No. 5, pgs 73-78
◾ Chung, K.S., Lee, S.J., Yoo, J.H., Kim, J.H. (2010) "Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction" Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea. Vol. 26, No. 12, pgs 115-123
◾ Choi, S.K., Yoo, J.H., Lee, K.M., Park, J.W. (2012) "The Weld Strength and Design Tables for the Unstiffened Seated Connections" Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction. Vol. 24, No. 2, pgs 199-206
◾ Yoo, J.H., Kim, J.W., Yang, J.G., Kang, J.W., Lee, D.W. (2012) "Local Buckling of Built-up Square Tubular Compression Members Fabricated with HSA800 High Performance Steels under Concentric Axial Loading" Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction. Vol. 24, No. 4, pgs 435-442
◾ Park, J.W., Choi, S.K., Choi, S.M., Song, D.Y., Yoo, J.H. (2012) "Concentrated Axial Loading Test for Slender Square Hollow Section Retrofitted by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets(CFRP Sheets)" Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction. Vol. 24, No. 6, pgs 735-742
◾ Yoo, J.H. (2013) "Effect of Mid-span Gusset Plates on the Behavior of Multi-Story X-Braced Frames" Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction. Vol. 25, No. 2, pgs 179-186
◾ Yoo, J.H., Kim, J.W., Yang, J.G., Kang, J.W., Lee, D.W. (2013) "Evaluation on Applicability of Built-up Square Tubular Compression Members Fabricated with HSA800 High Performance Steel Considering Local Buckling" Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction. Vol. 25, No. 3, pgs 223-231
◾ Park, J.W., Choi, S.K., Yoo, J.H. (2013) "Behaviors of Long Square Hollow Section Columns Retrofitted using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets(CFRP Sheets) Subjected to Concentrated Axial Loading" Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction. Vol. 25, No. 3, pgs 299-305
◾ Nonlinear Behavior Analysis of Connections Between Modular Units Using Connecting Steel Plate, Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures, vol.23 No.2 pp.45~52, 2023유정한
◾ Revision and new draft codes for seismic design of steel structures in Korea, Magazine of the Korean Society of Steel Construction, 2023유정한
◾ Analytical Study on a Prototype of Buckling Restrained Braces Reinforced with Steel Plate, International Journal of Steel Structures, vol.22 No.6 pp.1841~1849, 2022유정한
◾ Evaluation on Structural Performance of PC Composite Beam According to Types of Connection Plate, International Journal of Steel Structures, vol.22 No.6 pp.1760~1768, 2022유정한
◾ Calculation method of embodied carbon considering carbon factor and probability, Magazine of the Korean Society of Steel Construction, vol.24 No.3 pp.55~58, 2022유정한
◾ Analytical Investigation for Improved Connection Models of Diagonal Braced Frames, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES, vol.22 No.2 pp.557~565, 2022유정한
◾ An Analytical Study on the Performance of Buckling Restrained Brace Reinforced with Steel Plate, Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures, vol.22 No.1 pp.51~57, 2022유정한
◾ Analytical and Variable Studies on External Diaphragm with Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Column, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 2021유정한
◾ Block shear strength in thin-walled lean duplex stainless steel fillet welded connection with base metal fracture, structures, 2021유정한
◾ 비선형 거동을 하는 비좌굴가새의 유한요소모델 검증, Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures, vol.21 No.2 pp.81~88, 2021유정한
◾ Tracing, design, and record, 대한건축학회 학회지, 2021유정한
◾ 거셋플레이트 연결부가 가새골조의 내진 성능에 미치는 영향, Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures, vol.21 No.1 pp.87~94, 2021유정한
◾ Analytical Study of Shear Buckling Behavior of Trapezoidal and Sinusoidal Corrugated Web Girders, International Journal of Steel Structures, vol.20 No.2 pp.525~537, 2020유정한
◾ 중심 가새 골조에 형성되는 연약층을 방지하기 위한 시스템의 내진 성능 평가, Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures, vol.19 No.4 pp.45~52, 2019유정한
◾ 외다이아프램이 적용된 콘크리트충전 원형강관기둥-보 모멘트접합부의 인장거동에 관한 해석적 연구, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, vol.31 No.2 pp.119~127, 2019유정한
◾ Shear response of concrete filled tubes part II: Analytical study, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol.153 pp.169~178, 2019유정한
◾ A Revision of Standard Connection Guide for the Steel Structures, Magazine of the Korean Society of Steel Construction, 2018유정한
◾ 파형 강판 웨브를 갖는 보의 매개변수 해석 연구, Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures, vol.18 No.1 pp.101~108, 2018유정한
◾ Analytical Investigation on Seismic Behavior of Inverted V-braced Frames, International Journal of Steel Structures, vol.18 No.1 pp.189~198, 2018유정한
◾ 건축물 적용을 위한 제형 절곡 웨브 보의 전단성능에 관한 해석적 연구, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, vol.30 No.1 pp.49~58, 2018유정한
◾ Education Curriculum of Architectural Engineering (Seoul National University of Science and Technology), Review of Architecture and Building Science, 2018유정한
◾ Shear behavior of large-diameter concrete filled tube (CFT), International Journal of Steel Structures, vol.17 No.4 pp.1651~1665, 2017유정한
◾ Influence of Revised Standards on Steel Structural Design Practice, Magazine of the Korean Society of Steel Construction, 2017유정한
◾ Application of Revised KS on the Steel Structure Design Code of Korea, Magazine of the Korean Society of Steel Construction, 2017유정한
◾ Application of revised KS on the Steel Structure Design Code of Korea, Magazine of the Korean Society of Steel Construction, 2017유정한
◾ Review on Shear Capacity of Trapezoidal Corrugated Web Girder, Magazine of the Korean Association for Spatial Structures, 2017유정한
◾ Structural Design of Moment Connection between Steel Tube Column and Steel Beam with Through Diaphragms, Magazine of the Korean Society of Steel Construction, 2017유정한
◾ Comparison of Structural Behaviors of Thin-walled Stainless Steel Bolted Connections according to Difference of Microstructure, magazine of the korean society of steel construction, vol.28 No.5 pp.12~17, 2016유정한
◾ A Study on Finite Element Methods for HSS(Hollow Square Section) Steel Columns Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Plastic(CFRP) Sheets, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Constrution, vol.28 No.3 pp.185~194, 2016유정한
◾ Necessity of Seismic Retrofit of Non-seismic Concentrically Braced Frames, Journal of the Korean Association for Spatial Structures, vol.16 No.1 pp.5~11, 2016유정한
◾ 대구경 콘크리트 충전형 합성기둥의 전단성능에 관한 해석적 연구, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, vol.27 No.5 pp.435~445, 2015유정한
◾ Flexural and compression behavior for steel structures strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) sheet, steel and composite structures, vol.19 No.2 pp.441~465, 2015유정한
◾ 대구경 콘크리트 충전형 합성기둥의 전단 설계식 분석, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, vol.27 No.4 pp.399~410, 2015유정한
◾ 쉬어탭 공유 접합부를 갖는 비내진중심가새골조의 내진거동, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, vol.27 No.3 pp.323~332, 2015유정한
◾ Experimental investigation on strength and curling influence of bolted connections in thin-walled carbon steel, Thin-Walled Structures, vol.91 pp.1~12, 2015유정한
◾ Analytical Study on the Structural Behaviors of Stub Columns Fabricated with HSA800 of High Performance Steel Subjected to Eccentric Loads, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, vol.26 No.5 pp.453~461, 2014유정한
◾ Axial Loading Behaviors of Square Concrete-Filled Tubular Columns Large Width-to-Thickness Ratio Retrofitted using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets(CFRP Sheets), Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, vol.26 No.3 pp.169~176, 2014유정한
◾ Design Methods for Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups for the Single Plate Connections Considering Sloped Edge Distance, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, vol.26 No.1 pp.43~53, 2014유정한
◾ Axial Loading Tests and FEM Analysis of Slender Square Hollow Section (SHS) Stub Columns Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers, International Journal of Steel Structures, vol.13 No.4 pp.731~743, 2013유정한
◾ Local buckling in the stub columns fabricated with HSA800 of high performance steel, International Journal of Steel Structures, vol.13 pp.445~458, 2013유정한
◾ Axial loading tests and load capacity prediction of slender SHS stub columns strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymers, Steel and Composite Structures, vol.15 pp.131~150, 2013유정한
◾ Behaviors of Long Square Hollow Section Columns Retrofitted using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets(CFRP Sheets) Subjected to Concentrated Axial Loading, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, vol.25 No.3 pp.299~305, 2013유정한
◾ Evaluation on Applicability of Built-up Square Tubular Compression Members Fabricated with HSA800 High Performance Steel Considering Local Buckling, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, vol.25 No.3 pp.223~231, 2013유정한
◾ Effect of Mid-span Gusset Plates on the Behavior of Multi-Story X-Braced Frames, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, vol.25 No.2 pp.179~186, 2013유정한
◾ Experimental and analytical investigation of high-strength concrete-filled steel tube square columns subjected to flexural loading, Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal, vol.14 No.2 pp.133~153, 2013유정한
◾ Concentrated Axial loading Test for Slender Square Hollow Section Retrofitted by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets(CFRP Sheets), 한국강구조학회 논문집, vol.24 No.6 pp.735~742, 2012유정한
◾ Local Buckling of Built-up Square Tubular Compression Members Fabricated with HSA800 High Performance Steels under Concentric Axial Loading, 한국강구조학회 논문집, vol.24 No.4 pp.435~442, 2012유정한
◾ Prediction of hysteretic behavior of high-strength square concrete-filled steel tubular columns subjected to eccentric loading, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES, vol.12 No.2 pp.243~252, 2012유정한
◾ The Weld Strength and Design Tables for the Unstiffened Seated Connections, 한국강구조학회 논문집, vol.24 No.2 pp.199~206, 2012유정한
◾ Influence of gusset plate connections and braces on the seismic performance of X-braced frames, EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, vol.40 No.4 pp.355~374, 2011유정한
◾ 휨과 편심압축을 받는 고강도 콘크리트충전 각형강관기둥의 구조성능 예측, 대한건축학회논문집 구조계, vol.26 No.12 pp.115~123, 2010유정한
Conference Papers
◾ Graff, R., Soderstrom, J., Roeder, C.W., and Yoo, J.H. (2003) "Seismic Performance of Precast Pile-Wharf Connections" Proceedings, 2003 SEI/ASCE Structure Congress. Seattle, WA
◾ Roeder, C.W., Lehman, D.E., and Yoo, J.H. (2004) "Performance Based Seismic Design of Braced-Frame Connections" 7th Pacific Structural Steel Conference. Long Beach, CA
◾ Roeder, C.W., Lehman, D.E., and Yoo, J.H. (2004) "Performance Based Seismic Design of Braced-Frame Gusset-Plate Connections" ECCS-AISC Workshop Connections in Steel Structures V, Amsterdam
◾ Lehman, D.E, Roeder, C.W., Yoo, J.H., and Johnson, S. (2004) "Performance-Based Seismic Design of Braced-Frame Connections" 13th World Congress on Earthquake Engineering. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
◾ Roeder, C.W., Graff, R., Soderstrom, J., and Yoo, J.H. (2004) "Seismic Performance of Pile Wharf Connections" 13th World Congress on Earthquake Engineering. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Paper 2570.
◾ Roeder, C.W., Lehman, D.E., and Yoo, J.H. (2005) "Designing Steel Frame Building Connections for Seismic Safety and Damage Control" 3rd International Symposium on Structural Steel. Korean Society of Steel Construction, Seoul, Korea
◾ Roeder, C.W., Lehman, D.E., Christopolus, A., Gunnarson, I., Johnson, S., and Yoo, J.H. (2005) "Seismic Design of Braced Frame Gusset Plate Connections" 5th International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, ERES 2005, Skiathos, Greece
◾ Yoo, J.H., Roeder, C.W., and Lehman, D.E. (2006) "Finite Element Simulation of Special Concentrically Braced Frame Tests" 5th International Conference, STESSA 2006 (Behavior of Steel Structures of Seismic Areas), Yokohama, Japan
◾ Roeder, C.W., Lehman, D.E., Johnson, S., Herman, D., and Yoo, J.H. (2006) "Seismic Performance of SCBF Braced Frame Gusset Plate Connections" 4th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 4ICEE 2006, Taipei, Taiwan
◾ Roeder, C.W., Lehman, D.E., Johnson, S., Herman, D., and Yoo, J.H. (2006) "Seismic Performance of Concentrically Braced Frames with Gusset Plate Connections" 4th International Symposium on Steel Structures, ISSS 2006, Seoul, Korea
◾ Yoo, J.H., Roeder, C.W., and Lehman, D.E. (2006) "Finite Element Simulation of Buckling Restrained Braced Frame Tests" 4th International Symposium on Steel Structures, ISSS 2006, Seoul, Korea
◾ Yoo, J.H., Roeder, C.W., and Lehman, D.E. (2009) "Influence of Gusset Plate Connection Parameters on the Seismic Performance of Multi-Story X-Braced Frames" 5th International Symposium on Steel Structures, ISSS 2009, Seoul, Korea
◾ Chang, I.H. and Yoo, J.H. (2009) "Overview of Recent Fire Protection in Super-tall Buildings" 1st International Conference on Policy and Research for Global Disaster Management, PR4GDM 2009, Seoul, Korea
◾ Kim, J.W., Yang, J.G., Kang, J.W., Yoo, J.H., Lee, D.W. (2012) "Analytical Study on Buckling Behavior of High Performance Steel and Common Steel Stub Columns" Proceeding of Spring Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 2012
◾ Park, J.W., Yoo, J.H., Choi, S.K., Ryu, J.Y., Choi, S.M. (2012) "Carbon Fiber Sheets Reinforcement of Square Steel Short Columns with Slender Plates" Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference Korean Society of Steel Construction
◾ Choi, S.K., Park, J.W., Yoo, J.H. (2012) "A Study on the Design of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups for the Single Plate Connections" Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference Korean Society of Steel Construction
◾ Yoo, J.H., Park, J.W., Choi, S.K. (2012) "2Analytical Investigation into the Behavior of Midspan Gusset Plates in the Two-Story X-Braced Frames" Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference Korean Society of Steel Construction
◾ Hwang, I.Y., Yoo, J.H., Son, J.H., Kim, J.W., Yang, J.G., Kang, J.W. (2012) "Analytical Investigation of High-performance Steel Box Section Columns Subjected to Concentric Axial Loading" Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference Korean Society of Steel Construction
◾ Son, J.H., Kim, J.W., Yang, J.G., Yoo, J.H., Kang, J.W. (2012) "Local buckling of built-up H-section columns of high performance steel subjected to concentric load" Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference Korean Society of Steel Construction
◾ Yeom, H.J., Jung, E.B., Park, J.W., Yoo, J.H. (2013) "Experimental and Analytical Study on the Behavior of Multi-Story X-Braced Frames" Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference Korean Society of Steel Construction
◾ Park, J.W., Choi, S.K., Yoo, J.H. (2013) “Retrofitting of CFRP sheets for Square Concrete-Filled Tubular Columns with Large Width to Thickness Ratio" Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference Korean Society of Steel Construction
◾ Son, J.H., Kim, J.W., Yang, J.G., Yoo, J.H., Kang, J.W. (2013) "Hysteresis behavior of built-up square tubular beam-columns using a high performance steel(HSA800)" Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference Korean Society of Steel Construction
◾ Son, J.H., Kim, J.W., Yang, J.G., Yoo, J.H., Kang, J.W. (2013) "Beam-columns in the H-sections of high performance steel(HSA800) subjected to concentric axial and lateral loadings" Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference Korean Society of Steel Construction
◾ Yeom, H.J., Jung, E.B., Park, J.W., Yoo, J.H. (2014) "Analytical Study on the Seismic Capacity in Non-Seismic Braced Frames" Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference Korean Society of Steel Construction
◾ Jung, E.B., Yeom, H.J., Park, J.W., Yoo, J.H. (2014) "Investigation into the Shear Behavior of Large-Diameter CFT(Concrete filled tube) for Ocean Structure" Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference Korean Society of Steel Construction
◾ Park, J.W., Yeom, H.J., Jung, E.B., Choi, S.K., Yoo, J.H. (2014) "Experimental Study on Flexural Load Capacity of Steel Beam Retrofitted by CFRP Sheets" Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference Korean Society of Steel Construction
◾ Junghan Yoo, Joowoo Kim, Jaeguen Yang, Joowon Kang, Myungjae Lee (2013) "Analytical Performance Simulation of Built-up Square Hollow Section Structural Members Fabricated with High Performance Steel" 7th International Symposium on Steel Structures, ISSS 2013, Seoul, Korea
◾ Junghan Yoo, Joowoo Kim, Jaeguen Yang, Joowon Kang, Myungjae Lee (2013) "Analytical Performance Simulation of Built-up H-Section Structural Members Fabricated with HSA800 of High Performance Steel" 7th International Symposium on Steel Structures, ISSS 2013, Seoul, Korea
◾ Yeom, H.J., Jung, E.B., Yoo, J.H. (2015) "Evaluation of Seismic Behavior in Non-Seismic Concentrically Braced Frames" Applied Mechanics and Materials. Aug. 2015, Vol. 749, pgs 373-378
◾ 김혁수, 김현구, 유정한, Analytical Model Verification of Strong-back frame system to Prevent Soft-Story mechanism, General Assembly, Spring Annual Conference of AIK, 2023, 부산 벡스코, 2023유정한
◾ 김현구, 김혁수, 유정한, An Analysis of Nonlinear Behavior of Modular Unit Connections Using a Cruciform Connecting Steel Plate, General Assembly, Spring Annual Conference of AIK, 2023, 부산 벡스코, 2023유정한
◾ 최용성, 김현구, 유정한, Evaluation on Structural Performance of PC Composite Beam according to Types of Connection Plate, The 11th International Symposium on Steel Structures, 제주 라마다호텔, 2021유정한
◾ 김대홍, 유정한, Analytical Study on a Prototype of Buckling Controlled Braces, The 11th International Symposium on Steel Structures, 제주라마다호텔, 2021유정한
◾ 정아연, 유정한, A Practical Analytical Model of Concentrically Braced Frame with Gusset Plate Stiffness, Proceedings of KSSC conference, 대구 인터불고호텔, 2021유정한
◾ 최선규, 김태진, 유정한, Introduction of structural steel connection design manual reflecting revised KS specifications, Proceedings of KASS Conference, 서울 온라인, 2020유정한
◾ 최선규 김태진 유정한, structural steel connection design manual reflecting revised KS specifications, Proceedings of KSSC conference, 온라인, 2020유정한
◾ 허준혁, 유정한, Evaluation of Design Shear Strength Equations of Web Panels in CFT with External Diaphragm, Conference of The Korean Society of Steel Construction, 부산 해운대 그랜드 호텔, 2019유정한
◾ Seo-Haeng Lee, Jung-Han Yoo, Shear Resistance influenced by Shear Span ratio of Concrete Filled Tubes, International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, Royal Plaza Hotel , Hong Kong, 2018유정한
◾ Seo-Haeng Lee, Jung-Han Yoo, Analytical Model for Validation of Shear Perrformance of Large-diameter CFT, 9th International Symposium on Steel Structures, jeju, 2017유정한
◾ 이서행, 최선규, 박재우, 유정한, Analytical study of Shear Capacity of Trapezoidal Corrugated Web Girders, Proceedings of KSSC conference, 경주, 2017유정한
◾ 이서행, 유정한, Analytical Study of Large Diameter CFT with Short Shear Span Ratio, Proceedings of KASS Conference, 세종대학교, 2017유정한
◾ Seo-Haeng Lee, Charles Roeder, Dawn Lehman, Jung-Han Yoo, Investigation of shear design experssions of large-diameter concrete filled tube, The International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, M Hotel Singapore, 2017유정한
◾ 최성모, 박재우, 유정한, 탄소섬유쉬트로 보강된 각형 콘크리트 충전강관기둥의 폭-두께비에 따른 압축내력보강효과, 2016년 한국강구조학회 학술대회 논문집, 여수디오션리조, 2016유정한
◾ 최선규, 유정한, KS 건축용 턴버클과 환봉가새의 설계강도에 대한 연구, 2016년 한국강구조학회 학술대회 논문집, 여수디오션리조트, 2016유정한
◾ 이서행, 박재우, 최선규, 유정한, 대구경 콘크리트 충전형 강관 부재의 전단성능에 관한 해석적 검증, 2016년 한국강구조학회 학술대회 논문집, 여수디오션리조트, 2016유정한
◾ 유정한, 냉간성형 스테인리스강과 탄소강의 폭두께비 및 유효폭 비교, 2016년 한국강구조학회 학술대회 논문집, 여수디오션리조트, 2016유정한
◾ 박재우, 류정한, 최성모, 김종호, A Study on Reinforcement Effect for Fiber Reinforced Polymer Plastic(FRP) Strengthened Steel Structures, 2016 spring International conference, 제주도, 2016유정한
◾ Seo-Haeng Lee, Jung-Han Yoo, Charles Roeder, Dawn Lehman, Finite Element Analysis of Concrete-Filled Tube (CFT) Subjected to Shear, The International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, Peninsula Excelsior Hotel, 2016유정한
◾ Eun-Bi Jung, Jung-Han Yoo, Hee-Jin Yeom, Charles W. Roeder, Dawn E. Lehman, Analytical Study of Large-Diameter Concrete-Filled Tube(CFT) to Improve Shear Strength Expression, the 8th international symposium on Steel Structures, 제주, 2015유정한
◾ 염희진;정은비;최선규;박재우;유정한, Effects of Clearance Distance of Gusset Plate Connections on the Seismic Performance in Inverted V-braced Frames, 2015 steel conference of Korean Society of Steel Construction, 제주 오리엔탈 호텔, 2015유정한
◾ 정은비;염희진;최선규;박재우;유정한, Shear capacity of large-diameter CFT(Concrete filled tube) members with different overhang length, 2015 steel conference of Korean Society of Steel Construction, 제주 오리엔탈 호텔, 2015유정한
◾ Hee Jin Yeom, Eun Bi Jung, Jung Han Yoo, Evaluation of Seismic Behavior in Non-Seismic Concentrically Braced Frames, Materials Science and Engineering, 태국, 2015유정한
◾ 정은비, 염희진, 박재우, 유정한, Investigation into the Shear Behavior of Large-Diameter CFT(Concrete filled tube) for Ocean Structure, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference, KSSC, 부산 BEXCO, 2014유정한
◾ 박재우, 염희진, 정은비, 최선규, 유정한, Experimental Study on Flexural Load Capacity of Steel Beam Retrofitted by CFRP Sheets, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference, KSSC, 부산 BEXCO, 2014유정한
◾ 염희진, 정은비, 박재우, 유정한, Analytical Study on the Seismic Capacity in Non-Seismic Braced Frames, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference, KSSC, 부산 BEXCO, 2014유정한
◾ Junghan yoo, Joowoo Kim, Jaeguen Yang, Joowon Kang, Myungjae Lee, Analytical Performance Simulation of Built-up H-Section Structural Members Fabricated with HSA800 of High Performance Steel, The 7th International Symposium on Steel Structures, Jeju Grand Hotel, 2013유정한
◾ Junghan yoo, Joowoo Kim, Jaeguen Yang, Joowon Kang, Myungjae Lee, Analytical Performance Simulation of Built-up Square Hollow Section Structural Members Fabricated with High Performance Steel, The 7th International Symposium on Steel Structures, Jeju Grand Hotel, 2013유정한
◾ 염희진,정은비, 박재우, 유정한, Experimental and Analytical Study on the Behavior of Multi-Story X-Braced Frames, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference, KSSC, 제주 그랜드호텔, 2013유정한
◾ 박재우, 최선규, 유정한, Retrofitting of CFRP sheets for Square Concrete-Filled Tubular Columns with Large Width to Thickness Ratio, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference, KSSC, 제주 그랜드호텔, 2013유정한
◾ 손진희,김주우,양재근,유정한,강주원, Hysteresis behavior of built-up square tubular beam-columns using a high performance steel(HSA800), Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference, KSSC, 제주 그랜드호텔, 2013유정한
◾ 손진희,김주우,양재근,유정한,강주원, Beam-columns in the H-sections of high performance steel(HSA800) subjected to concentric axial and lateral loadings, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference, KSSC, 제주그랜드호텔, 2013유정한
◾ Jung-Han Yoo, Kangmin Lee, Joo-Woo Kim, Jae Keun Yang, Joo Won Kang, Local Buckling Behaviors of Built-Up Box Columns Fabricated with High-Performance Steel under Concentric Axial Loading, Trans Tech Publications, 베이징, 2013유정한
◾ 유정한,김주우,양재근,강주원,이동우, Analytical Study on Buckling Behavior of High Performance Steel and Common Steel Stub Columns, 대한건축학회 2012 추계학술발표대회, 김대중컨벤션센터, 2012유정한
◾ 손진희, 김주우, 양재근, 유정한,강주원, Local buckling of built-up H-section columns of high performance steel subjected to concentric load, 한국강구조학회 학술대회, 경기대학교, 2012유정한
◾ 박재우, 유정한, 최선규, 류재용,최성모, Carbon Fiber Sheets Reingorcement of Square Steel Short Columns with Slender Plates, 한국강구조학회 학술대회, 경기대학교, 2012유정한
◾ 유정한,박재우,최선규, Analytical Investigation into the Behavior of Midspan Gusset Plates in the Two-Story X-Braced Frames, 한국강구조학회 학술대회, 경기대학교, 2012유정한
◾ 황인영, 유정한, 손진희, 김주우, 양재근, 강주원, Analytical Investigation of High-performance Steel Box Section Columns Subjected to Concentric Axial Loading, 한국강구조학회 학술대회, 경기대학교, 2012유정한
◾ 최선규, 박재우,유정한, A Study of the Design of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups for the Single Plate Connections, 한국강구조학회 학술대회, 경기대학교, 2012유정한
◾ 저자: 대한건축학회 탄소중립위원회, Example of how to calculate embodied carbon, 저서, 9788962259698, 기문당, 2023유정한
◾ 저자: 대한건축학회 탄소중립위원회,주영규,유정한,배재훈,오진탁,김영주,강고운,정재원,이명식, how to calculate embodied carbon, 저서, 9788962256659, 기문당, 2022유정한
◾ 한국강구조학회,한국건축구조기술사회 [편], 건축강구조 표준접합상세지침, 저서, 9788977237933, rlanstk, 2018유정한
◾ 저자: 한국강구조학회, KS 신규격 강구조설계, 저서, 9791162570111, 구미서관, 2018유정한
◾ 저자: 한국강구조학회, 2016 개정판 강구조설계, 저서, 9788982251351, 구미서관, 2016유정한
◾ 거셋플레이트의 강성을 도입한 가새 보강 필로티 건축물의 내진성능 개선 연구, 산학협력단, 2019.09.~2020.08.유정한
◾ 취약한 거동을 완화하기 위한 스트롱백 시스템의 해석적 연구, 산학협력단, 2018.07.~2019.06.유정한
◾ 외다이아프램이 적용된 콘크리트충전 원형강관기둥 접합부 해석 모델 연구, 산학협력단, 2018.06.~2019.05.유정한
◾ 외다이아프램의 강관 기둥-보 모멘트접합부 내진성능 확보를 위한 비선형 해석연구, 한국연구재단, 2018.06.~2021.05.유정한
◾ 대구경 콘크리트 충전형 합성기둥의 강관과 충전 콘크리트를 모두 고려한 개선된 전단 설계식의 개발, 한국연구재단, 2015.11.~2018.10.유정한
◾ 대구경 콘크리트 충전형 합성기둥의 전단선능에 관한 해석적 연구, 산학협력단, 2015.08.~2015.12.유정한
◾ 탄소섬유쉬트(CFRP Sheets)로 보강된 각형강관(HSS)기둥의 유한요소해석 연구, 산학협력단, 2014.10.~2015.09.유정한
◾ 대구경 콘크리트 충전형 합성기둥의 개선된 전단 설계식, 산학협력단, 2014.09.~2015.08.유정한
◾ 탄소섬유쉬트(CFRP Sheets)로 보강된 폭두께비가 큰 콘크리트 충전 각형강관 기둥의 중심축하중 거동, 산학협력단, 2014.04.~2015.03.유정한
◾ 편심전단을 받는 단일판접합부의 경사연단거리를 고려한 볼트군의 설계법, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.유정한
◾ 지진에 취약한 저층건물의 내진성능 향상을 위한 개선된 가새골조 커넥션의 개발, 한국연구재단, 2012.05.~2015.04.유정한
◾ 탄소섬유쉬트(CFRP Sheets)로 보강된 장주 각형강관기둥의 중심축하중거동, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.05.유정한
◾ 탄소섬유쉬트(CFS)로 보강된 세장판 각형강관기둥의 중심축하중실험, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.유정한
◾ Investigation of Shear Design Expressions of Large-Diameter Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes(CFT), 2016년도 한국강구조학회 논문상, 한국강구조학회, 2016유정한
◾ 해양 구조물용 대구경 콘크리트 충전형 합성기둥의 전단 거동에 관한 연구, 우수학술발표상, Korean Society of Steel Construction, 2014유정한
◾ 고성능 강재의 건설구조 적용을 위한 휨재 및 압축재의 LRFD 설계기준 표준화, 2014년도 한국강구조학회 논문상, Korean Society of Steel Construction, 2014유정한
◾ 건축구조용 고성능강(HSA800)과 일반강(SS400) 단주의 좌굴거동에 대한 해석적 연구, 대한건축학회 2012년도 추계학술발표대회 우수발표논문상, 대한건축학회, 2012유정한
◾ Korean Society of Steel Construction, Conferee
◾ Korean Society of Steel Construction, Commission of journal edition, Standing examiner
◾ Korean Society of Steel Construction, Commission of journal edition, Edition staff
◾ Korean Society of Seismic Isolation and Vibration Control, Commission of Public Relations, Vice-Chairman
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