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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Architectural Design
Dong-Hoon Lee
Urban Design & Planning/Architectural Design
◾ 2008.09 Ph.D, University of Tokyo
◾ 2004.09 Master, University of Tokyo
◾ 1996.02 Bachelor, Yonsei University
◾ 2009.10-2013.02 Seoul Institute
◾ 2008.11-2009.09 Space Group
◾ 1996.12-2002.03 Lotte Engineering & Construction
Research Areas
◾ Urban Design & Planning
◾ Urban Development
◾ Community Design
◾ Urban Housing
- Undergraduate
◾ Urban Design
◾ Urban Planning
◾ Site planning

- Graduate
◾ Urban Regeneration
◾ Urban Policy & Planning
◾ Urban Design Theory
Selected Publications
◾ M. Lee & D. Lee, Analysis of the Selection Process for the Heads of Multi-Family Housing Management Office and Improvement Strategy, Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, n81, 2023
◾ M. Lee & D. Lee, A Case Study on Administrative Fines of Multi-Family Housing Management and Strategies for Improvement, Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, n80, 2022
◾ D. Lee & D. Lee, Effectiveness and Satisfaction of the Safe and Secure Village through the Urban Regeneration New Deal Project, Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, n78, 2022
◾ C. Yi & D, Lee, A preliminary Study on Korean City Diplomacy for Peace-Building: Policy Implications from Dutch Case Studies, Journal of the Korean Regional Development Association, 33(4), 2021
◾ D. Lee, Analysis of Support System and Business Structure for Affordable Housing of Community Development Corporations in the U.S., KIEAE Journal, 21(5), 2021
◾ D. Lee & D. Lee, Housing Improvement Support in Deteriorated Residential Area - Focused on the case of Gamcho Village in Jegi-dong -, Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, n74, 2021
◾ D. Lee, Preservation and Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings in the Chicago Loop - Focused on the Historic Michigan Boulevard District -, KIEAE Journal, 20(5), 2020
◾ D. Lee, Planning Process and Management Status of Chicago Riverwalk - Focus on the implications from the Aspect of Urban Regeneration, Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, n69, 2019
◾ D. Lee, Management of Urban Parks in New York City through the Public-private Partnerships, KIEAE Journal, 19(2), 2019
◾ D. Lee, Formation Process and Ripple Effect of Millennium Park, Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, n67, 2019
◾ D. Lee, A Study on the Current Status of Empty House Bank in Japan, Journal of The Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, n66, 2019
◾ C. Yi & D. Lee, Transportaion Enviornment Improvement in Deteriorated Residential Area, Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, n.62, 2018
◾ D. Lee, Resident-led Town Management System in Low-rise Residential Areas of Japan - Focused on the Formation Process and Operation Mode of Resident Organizations, KIEAE Journal, 17(6), 2017
◾ D. Lee, A Study on Dilapidated Housing Renewal Policy of Japan, Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, n.60, 2017
◾ D. Lee, Framework and Countermeasure of Empty House Problem in Japan, Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea, 18(1), 2017
◾ C. Yi & D. Lee, Analysis of the Efficient Utilization of Surplus Parking Spaces in Apartment Complexes of Seoul, KIEAE Journal, 16(5), 2016
◾ D. Maeng, D. Lee, S. Baik, Redefinition of Public-private Role in Housing Redevelopment Projects for Enhancing Publicness and Profitability - Comparing with Urban Redevelopment Project of Japan -, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea (Planning & Design), 32(2), 2016-02
◾ D. Lee, C. Yoon, Sequential analysis on the intensity of store information to the commercial street - from the viewpoint of pedestrian movement, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 14(3)., 2015 (SCIE)
◾ C. Yi & D. Lee, Reorganization on the Subway Entrance System in Seoul for Better Pedestrian Environment, KIEAE Journal, 15(4), 2015
◾ D. Lee, Types and Operation Systems of Quasi-Public Rental Housing -Focused on a Comparative Analysis of the Cases in Korea, USA, and Japan, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea (Planning & Design), 31(2), 2015
◾ D. Lee, Supply Strategies for Public Housing Using the Private Land - Focused on the Possibility of Using Deteriorated Housing in Seoul, Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea, 16(1), 2015
◾ K. Kim, D. Sohn, D. Lee, An Analysis of the Relationships between Pedestrian Traffic Density and the Physical Environmental Factors of Commercial Streets, Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea, 15(5), 2014
◾ H. Kim, D. Lee, D. Sohn, A Study on the Characteristics of Spatial Composition and Types of Housings for Three Generation Family -Focused on the Housing Products by Japanese Private Housing Companies, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea (Planning & Design), 30(8), 2014
◾ J. Lee, S. Seong, D. Lee, Patterns and Residential Characteristics of Urban-type Housing in Seoul, Journal of the Korean Housing Association, 25(2), 2014
◾ H. Kim, D. Lee, Characteristics of Outdoor Space and Community Activities of Apartment Housing Complex - A Case Study on the Small Scale Apartment Housings in Japan, Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea, 15(1), 2014
◾ D. Lee, Supply Strategy for the Public Rental Housing through Development of Public Lands - Focused on Seoul Case Study, Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea, 14(2), 2013
◾ C. Yoon, D. Lee, A Study on the Yukotai Theory of Hiroshi Hara, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea (Planning & Design), 29(3), 2013
◾ D. Lee, A Study on the Rental Housing Types for the Low-income One Person Household in Seoul, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea (Planning & Design), v.28 n.12(2012-12)
◾ D. Lee, The Household Characteristics and the Housing Condition of Seoul - Focused on the 2010 Population and Housing Census -, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea (Planning & Design), v.28 n.08(2012-08)
◾ D. Lee, The Development of an Evaluation Method for the Group Cohesion of the Store Alignment in the Commercial Street - Case Study on the Ground Level Stores in Shimokitazawa, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea (Planning & Design),v.27 n.11(2011-11)
◾ The Development of an Evaluation Method for the Store Composition in the Commercial Streets by Information Theory, Journal of Architectural Insstitute of Korea (Planning & Design),v.27 n.4(2011-04)
◾ Location of Stores in the Regional Commercial Area : A case study of Shimokitazawa [in Japanese], Journal of architecture and planning 73(625), pp.619-624, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2008.03
Journal Papers
◾ Management Status and Support Systems of Urban Renewal Corporations in Japan, KIEAE Journal, vol.24 No.2 pp.55~60, 2024이동훈
◾ Community Regeneration Project through Crowdfunding in Japan - Focused on the Cases Supported by Community Regeneration Fund of MINTO, KIEAE Journal, vol.23 No.4 pp.51~57, 2023이동훈
◾ Changes in land use or land cover and ecosystem service values in Wuhan city, China, from 1996 to 2018, Journal of Chinese Architecture and Urbanism, vol.5 No.2 pp.1~21, 2023이동훈
◾ Analysis of the Selection Process for the Heads of Multi-Family Housing Management Office and Improvement Strategy, Analysis of the Selection Process for the Heads of Multi-Family Housing Management Office and Improvement Strategy, No.81 pp.57~65, 2023이동훈
◾ A Case Study on Administrative Fines of Multi-Family Housing Management and Strategies for Improvement, The Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, No.80 pp.61~68, 2022이동훈
◾ Effectiveness and Satisfaction of the Safe and Secure Village through the Urban Regeneration New Deal Project, Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, No.78 pp.170~177, 2022이동훈
◾ A preliminary Study on Korean City Diplomacy for Peace-Building: Policy Implications from Dutch Case Studies, Journal of the Korean Regional Development Association, vol.33 No.4 pp.65~88, 2021이동훈
◾ 미국 커뮤니티 개발회사(CDC)의 저렴주택 지원제도 및 사업구조 분석, KIEAE Journal, vol.21 No.5 pp.129~135, 2021이동훈
◾ Housing Improvement Support in Deteriorated Residential Area - Focused on the case of Gamcho Village in Jegi-dong -, 한국문화공간건축학회논문집, No.74 pp.161~168, 2021이동훈
◾ Preservation and Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings in the Chicago Loop - Focused on the Historic Michigan Boulevard District -, KIEAE Journal, vol.20 No.5 pp.87~92, 2020이동훈
◾ Planning Process and Management Status of Chicago Riverwalk - Focus on the implications from the Aspect of Urban Regeneration -, Planning Process and Management Status of Chicago Riverwalk, No.69 pp.207~214, 2020이동훈
◾ Management of Urban Parks in New York City through the Public-private Partnerships, KIEAE Journal, vol.19 No.6 pp.13~20, 2019이동훈
◾ Formation Process and Ripple Effect of Millennium Park, Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, No.67 pp.199~206, 2019이동훈
◾ A Study on the Current Status of Empty House Bank in Japan, Journal of The Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, No.66 pp.101~108, 2019이동훈
◾ Transportation Environment Improvement in Deteriorated Residential Area - Focused on Changsin 2 dong area, Seoul -, Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, No.62 pp.84~91, 2018이동훈
◾ 일본의 주민주도형 저층주거지 관리체계에 관한 연구- 주민조직의 형성과정과 운영방식을 중심으로, KIEAE Journal, vol.17 No.6 pp.187~192, 2017이동훈
◾ A Study on Dilapidated Housing Renewal Policy of Japan, Journal of the Korean Institue of Culture Architecture, No.60 pp.194~201, 2017이동훈
◾ Framework and Countermeasure of Empty House Problem in Japan, Urban Design, vol.18 No.1 pp.51~61, 2017이동훈
◾ Cities for Poople, Review of Architecture & Building Science, vol.60 No.12 pp.77~78, 2016이동훈
◾ Analysis of the Efficient Utilization of Surplus Parking Spaces in Apartment Complexes of Seoul, KIEAE Journal, vol.16 No.5 pp.5~11, 2016이동훈
◾ 주택재개발사업의 공공성과 사업성 증진을 위한 민관역할 재정립, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Planning & Design, vol.32 No.2 pp.181~189, 2016이동훈
◾ Sequential analysis on the intensity of store information to the commercial street - from the viewpoint of pedestrian movement, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, vol.14 No.3 pp.617~624, 2015이동훈
◾ Reorganization on the Subway Entrance System in Seoul for Better Pedestrian Enviornment, KIEAE Journal, vol.15 No.4 pp.53~60, 2015이동훈
◾ Types and Operation Systems of Quasi-Public Rental Housing, Jornal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design, vol.31 No.2 pp.59~66, 2015이동훈
◾ Supply Strategies for Public Housing Using the Private Land - Focused on the Possibility of Using Deteriorated Housing in Seoul, Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea, vol.16 No.1 pp.61~72, 2015이동훈
◾ An Analysis of the Relationships between Pedestrian Traffic Density and the Physical Environmental Factors of Commercial Streets, Jornal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea, vol.15 No.5 pp.161~171, 2014이동훈
◾ A Study on the Characteristics of Spatial Composition and Types of Housings for Three Generation Family, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design, vol.30 No.9 pp.31~38, 2014이동훈
◾ A Study of Supply Patterns and Residential Characteristics of Urban-type Housing in Seoul, Journal of the Korean Housing Association, vol.25 No.2 pp.1~9, 2014이동훈
◾ Characteristics of Outdoor Space and Community Activities of Apartment Housing Complex - A Case Study on the Small Scale Apartment Housings in Japan, Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea, vol.15 No.1 pp.5~17, 2014이동훈
◾ Supply Strategy for the Public Rental Housing through Development of Public Lands - Focused on Seoul Case Study, Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea, vol.14 No.2 pp.5~18, 2013이동훈
◾ A study on the Yukotai Theory of Hiroshi Hara, Journal of the Archiectural Institue of Korean Planning & Design, vol.29 No.3 pp.195~202, 2013이동훈
◾ A Study on the Rental Housing Types for the Low-income One Person Household in Seoul, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design, vol.28 No.12 pp.75~84, 2012이동훈
◾ The Household Characteristics and the Housing Condition of Seoul - Focused on the 2010 Population and Housing Census -, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design, vol.28 No.8 pp.91~98, 2012이동훈
◾ The Development of an Evaluation Method for the Group Cohesion of the Store Alignment in the Commercial Street - Case Study on the Ground Level Stores in Shimokitazawa -, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design, vol.27 No.11 pp.289~297, 2011이동훈
◾ The Development of an Evaluation Method for the Store Composition in the Commercial Streets by Information Theory, The Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design, vol.27 No.4 pp.231~238, 2011이동훈
Conference Papers
◾ M. Park & D. Lee, A Study on the Status of Community Facilities in Housing Remodeling Complex - Focused on Remodeling Projects in Seoul -, 2022 KICA Autumn Conference, ㅔㅔ.177-180, 2022.11
◾ C, You & D. Lee, Overseas Cases of the Recommended Residential Standards for Establishing the Appropriate Dwelling Area of Small Housing Units, 2017 Autumn Conference, the Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment, 21(1), p.127, 2021.5
◾ D. Kim, D. Lee : A Study on Resident's Leadership Reinforcement Program in the Neighborhood Regeneration - Focused on the Selected Sites for Regeneration Projects in Seoul, 2017 Autumn Conference, the Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment, 17(2), pp.92-93, 2017.12
◾ D. Kim, D. Lee : Current Status of Empty Houses in Seoul - Focused on 2015 Population and Housing Census -, 2017 Spring Conference, Architectural Institute of Korea,37(1), 2017.04
◾ J. Na, D. Lee : Current Status and Countermeasure for Empty Houses in Metropolitan Cities, 2016 Spring Seminar, the Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment,16(1), 2016.05
◾ J. Na, D. Lee : Enhancement of Publicness in Private Rental Housing -Focused on Using Empty Houses in Seoul-, 2016 Autumn Conference, the Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment,15(2), 2015.11
◾ J. Na, D. Lee : current Status and Prospect of Utilization of Empty Houses in Suwon City, 2015 Spring Conference, the Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment,15(1), 2015.05
◾ D. Lee, A. Fujii : Shape and Size of Retail Agglomeration; The Neighborhood Commercial Areas in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems 2007, pp.311-312, 2007. 8
◾ D. Lee, A. Fujii, H. Magaribuchi : Interrelationship between Streets and Stores ; Part 2. Location Analysis of Stores in Shimokitazawa, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems 2006, pp.751-752, 2006. 9
◾ D. Lee, A. Fujii, H. Magaribuchi : Interrelationship between Streets and Stores ; Part 1. Constituents of Commercial Area : Case Study of Shimokitazawa, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems 2005, pp.1199-1200, 2005. 9
◾ 정윤서, 이동훈, Current Status of Community Regeneration Enterprises in the UK, 2024 KIEAE Autumn Conference, 과학기술컨벤션센터, 2024이동훈
◾ 황지영, 정윤서, 이동훈, Support System and Establishment Status of Social Cooperatives for Town Management, 2024 KIEAE Spring Conference, 과학기술컨벤션센터, 2024이동훈
◾ 이송주, 이동훈, Operational Status of Media Facades at Free Advertising Zone of Outdoor Advertisements in Seoul, 2023년도 한국생태환경건축학회 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 과학기술컨벤션센터, 2023이동훈
◾ 목가영, 이동훈, Closed Public Elementary Schools in Seoul and the Surrounding Conditions, 2023년도 한국생태환경건축학회 추계학술발표대회 논문집, 과학기술컨벤션센터, 2023이동훈
◾ 김지환 이동훈, An Analysis of the Status of Old Accommodation Facilities in Seoul for the Supply of Rental Housing for Young People, 2022 KICA Autumn Conference, 온라인발표, 2022이동훈
◾ 박민경 이동훈, A Study on the Status of Community Facilities in Housing Remodeling Complex - Focused on Remodeling Projects in Seoul -, 2022 KICA Autumn Conference, 온라인발표, 2022이동훈
◾ 유채린, 이동훈, Overseas Cases of the Recommended Residential Standards for Establishing the Appropriate Dwelling Area of Small Housing Units, 한국생태환경건축학회 2021년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집 제21권 제1호, 서울과학기술대학교 , 2021이동훈
◾ 장강우, 이동훈, Community Activation Using Under-used Space in the Deterioraed Residential Area, 2020 International Fall Conference of KIEAE, 한국과학기술회관 국제회의장, 2020이동훈
◾ 김도형, 이동훈, A Study on Resident’s Leadership Reinforcement Program in the Neighborhood Regeneration, 2017년도 한국생태환경건축학회 추계국제학술대회 논문집, 한국과학기술회관 국제회의장, 2017이동훈
◾ 김도형, 이동훈, Current Status of Empty Houses in Seoul, 2017 대한건축학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 해비치호텔&리조트 제주, 2017이동훈
◾ 이동훈, 김주연, 수직농장과 공동주택의 결합을 통한 구룡마을 커뮤니티 활성화 계획, 대한건축학회 2016 건축도시대회, 부산벡스코, 2016이동훈
◾ 나준영, 이동훈, Current Status and Countermeasure for Empty Houses in Metropolitan Cities, 2016년도 한국생태환경건축학회 춘계국제학술대회 논문, 서울대학교 환경대학, 2016이동훈
◾ 나준영, 이동훈, Enhancement of Publicness in Private Rental Housing, 2015년도 한국생태환경건축학회 추계학술대회 논문집 제15권 제2호 (통권 29호), 서울대학교 환경대학, 2015이동훈
◾ 나준영, 이동훈, Current Status and Prospect of Utilization of Empty Houses in Suwon City, 2015년도 한국생태환경건축학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 과학기술회관, 2015이동훈
◾ 이동훈, 도시형 생활주택 현황 및 과제, KCDS 2013, 76th Spring Conference & Regular Assembly, 서울과학기술대학교, 2013이동훈
◾ D. Lee, E. Park, Introduction to the Public Rental Housing through Public-private Partnership, Seoul Institute, 2012
◾ C. Yi, D. Lee, Efficient Utilization of Existing Parking Spaces in Seoul, Seoul Institute, 2012
◾ J. Lee, D. Lee, A Research on Current State of and Policy Suggestions for Urbanistic Housing in Seoul, Seoul Institute, 2012
◾ D. Lee, Supply Strategy for the Public Rental Housing through Small-scale Development in the Deteriorated Residential Areas, Seoul Development Institute, 2011
◾ H. Yeo, D. Lee, C. Yi, Legible Seoul Way-Finding System Strategy, Seoul Development Institute, 2011
◾ D. Lee, S. Lee, A Study on the Role of the Public Organization for the Publicness in the Urban Regeneration Project, Seoul Development Institute, 2010
◾ C. Yi, D. Lee, Strategies for Reorganizing the subway Entrance System in Seoul to Improve Pedestrian Environment, Seoul Development Institute, 2009
◾ 뉴욕시 도시공원의 민관협력 관리현황 고찰, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.이동훈
◾ 일본의 빈집은행 운영실태 분석, 산학협력단, 2018.08.~2019.07.이동훈
◾ 모듈러 공법을 활용한 주택설계 적용방안, 플렉스케일 건축, 2018.04.~2018.05.이동훈
◾ 노후주거지의 교통환경 개선방안, 산학협력단, 2018.03.~2019.02.이동훈
◾ 일본의 주민주도형 저층주거지 관리체계에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2017.03.~2018.02.이동훈
◾ 일본의 노후주택 개량정책에 관한 고찰, 산학협력단, 2017.03.~2018.02.이동훈
◾ 주택재개발사업의 공공성과 사업성 증진을 위한 민관역할 재정립, 산학협력단, 2015.06.~2016.02.이동훈
◾ 서울시 지하철 역사 출입구의 보행환경 개선방안, 산학협력단, 2015.04.~2016.02.이동훈
◾ 서울과학기술대학교 창조융합연구동 기본 설계 연구, 산학협력단, 2015.01.~2015.02.이동훈
◾ 민간토지를 활용한 공공주택 공급방안, 산학협력단, 2014.05.~2015.02.이동훈
◾ 3대 가족형 주택의 공간구성 특성 및 유형에 대한 연구, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.02.이동훈
◾ 공동주택 외부공간과 커뮤니티 활동의 특성에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2013.09.~2014.02.이동훈
◾ 공유지를 활용한 소규모 공공임대주택 개발 방안, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.이동훈
◾ 생태환경건축분야에서 창의적인 연구 저작과 발표, 학술상, Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment, 2023이동훈
◾ Closed Public Elementary Schools in Seoul and the Surrounding Conditions, 우수논문발표상, Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment, 2023이동훈
◾ 교내 우수교육상(2014), 교내 우수교육상(2014), 서울과학기술대학교, 2014이동훈
◾ The 3rd Layer, KICA Invited International Exhibition 2021, The Korea Institute of Culture Architecture, 2021이동훈
◾ Urban Studio, 2020 KIID Interantional Invitation Exhibition, Korean Institute of Interior Design, 2020이동훈
◾ Reconstitution of Urban Alleys, 2020 KICA Invited International Exhibition, The Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, 2020이동훈
◾ Urban Hub, 2019 20th KISD International Space Design Exhibition, Korean Institute of Spatial Design, 2019이동훈
◾ Urban Transformation, 2018 18th KISD International Space Design Exhibition, Korean Institute of Spatial Design, 2018이동훈
◾ 2010.10-Present The Architectural Institute of Korea
◾ 2010.12-Present The Urban Design Institute of Korea
◾ 2015.03-Present The Korean Institute of Ecological Architecture & Environment
◾ 2002.04-2007.09 Japanese Government(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Scholarship
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