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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Architectural Design
Jungmin Nam
Architectural Design and Research
2005-2009 Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA, US
Master in Architecture I, with the Letter of Commendation, 2009

1996-2004 Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, 2004
2013-Current Professor, School of Architecture/ Founder, OA-Lab
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea
2015-Current Seoul Public Architect, Seoul City Government,
Appointed as an Public Architect by Seoul City Government
2015 Coordinating Architect of Heabang-chon Regeneration Area, Seoul, Korea
Appointed as an Coordinating Architect by Seoul City Government

2009 - 2012 Kennedy and Violich Architecture, Boston, MA, US
Project Manager
Minneapolis River First Project, Minneapolis, MN
led design team and design proposal, managed and coordinated the project through the post-competition phase design development for the Minneapolis Riverfront Development Project; winning entry for the international competition
Project Designer
Soft Rockers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA
Golkin Hall, University of Pennsylvania Law School
Beaver Country Day School Science Lab Renovation, Chestnut Hill, MA
Harvard University Tozzer Library Renovation, Cambridge, MA
Harvard University Peabody Museum Feasibility Study, Cambridge, MA
Soft House Smart Material Housing, IBA Hamburg, Germany
as a key designer led design for various built projects, including Harvard University Anthropology Department expansion, Beaver School, and University of Pennsylvania Law School.
2007 Moshe Safdie and Associates, Cambridge, MA, US
Intern Architect: Marina Bay Sands Project, Singapore (Jun-Aug 2007)
2004 Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), Rotterdam, Netherlands
Intern Architect: Sewoon Redevelopment Project, Seoul, Korea (Jul-Sep 2004)

2008 Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA, US
Teaching Assistant: Architecture Option Design Studio, Fall 2008
Teaching Assistant: Science and Technology Course, Spring 2008
Teaching Assistant: CAD-CAM Laboratory, Spring and Fall 2008
Research Areas
Architectural Design / Fabrication and Sustainable Design
Basic Design
Architectural Material
Introduction to Architecture
Architecture Design Studio
Selected Publications
2018 Oct 2018 Korean Young Architect Award
2017 Oct Award for Excellece, Seocho Beautiful Building Award, (꽃+유치원)
2017 Oct 2nd Place for the Invited Public Architect Competition (창신-숭인 채석장 전망대)
2017 Mar 2nd Place for the Invited Public Architect Competition (군자2동 어린이집)
2016 Mar 2nd Place for the Invited Public Architect Competition (능동 아차산 어린이집)
2015 Dec 2nd Place for the Invited Public Architect Competition (강북구 주민공공 시설)
2015 Nov Honor Award for Architecture, AIA International Region Design Awards (Flower+Kindergarten)
2012 Sep Winner of World Architecture Community Awards, the 11th Cycle
2011 Jun Honorable Mentions, MA Prize 2011 by Modern Atlanta
2010 Mar Winner of World Architecture Community Awards, the 6th Cycle
2010 Mar Winning Entry for Smart Materials Housing, Internationale Bauasstelung (IBA) Hamburg, Germany (Soft House, KVA Project, Key member for the project)
2010 Feb Top 10, Emilio Ambasz Prize for Green Architecture, Architecture of Israel + European Union (February)
2009 Nov Biennale Medallion, Biennale of Miami+Beach 2009, Unbuilt Projects, AIA Miami Chapter
2009 Nov Gold Medal, Biennale of Miami+Beach 2009, General Category, AIA Miami Chapter
2009 Aug First Prize, Competition “Collaboration with Nature,” Seoul Association of Architects
2009 Jun Runner Up, Kelly Prize for Graduate Thesis Award, Harvard University
2009 Jun Letter of Commendation, for outstanding record of achievement at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University
2009 Apr First Prize, Boston Society of Architects’ Housing Award, BSA/AIA
Journal Papers
◾ Diversified Space in Daily Life, SPACE, vol.600 , 2017남정민
◾ Where Architecture Becomes a Playround, SPACE, vol.42370 No.578 pp.100~101, 2016남정민
◾ Unfolding Promenade along the Unfolding Sound, Review of Architecture and Building Science, vol.58 No.2 pp.86~91, 2014남정민
2017 SPACE Magazine No.600, Chilbo Culture Center for Youth, Project Review
2016 SPACE Magazine No.578, KOICA Kindergarten Project Review
2016 TBS, “Space and Human” Broadcasting, Flower+Kindergarten (Yewon)
2016 SPACE Magazine No.579, Flower+Kindergarten (Yewon)
2012 Architectural Record (U.S.), McGraw Hill, Nov 2012. “ Golkin Hall, University of Pennsylvania Law School.” p 109-113.
2012 Goes Soft: Barcket 2, Neeraj Bhatia & Lola Sheppard, ed. New York: Actar, Nov 2012. “Soft House.” p90-93
2012 Vertical Density II, Gerardo Mingo, ed. Madrid: Future Arquitecturas, Oct 2012. “Urban Farm_Urban Epicenter.” p.92-97
2011 Futuristic - Visions of Future Living, Caroline Klein, ed. Cologne: DAAB MEDIA GMBH, Nov 2011. “Urban Farm_Urban Epicenter.” P172-173
2011 Architecture & Culture, (South Korea) Issue 362 , Sept 2011. “Soft House IBA Hamburg.” p98-103.
2011 Designnet, (South Korea) June 2011, “Soft Rockers.” P90-92
2011 Journal für verbraucherschutz und lebensmittelsicherheit (Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, Germany) June 2011, “Urban Farm_Urban Epicenter” on the cover page
2010 Architecture & Culture, (South Korea), Issue 355, Dec 2010. “House of the Blue Print.” P78-79
2010 GSD Platform3, Harvard University GSD and Actar, Dec 2010. “INSERT Chinatown Library.” p156-157
2010 The Vertical Farm, Feeding the World in the 21st Century, Dickson Despommier, New York: St. Martin’s Press, Oct 2010. “Urban Farm_Urban Epicenter.” P147,148 & 176
2010 Arch+ (Germany), Issue198/199, May 2010. “Neue Materialien, Neue Praxismodelle.” & “Soft House IBA Hamburg.” P 80-85
◾ 다목적 친환경 식생블록, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2017남정민
◾ 중흥초 도서실 및 북카페 조성공사 설계용역, 서울특별시동부교육지원청, 2019.06.~2020.01.남정민
◾ 반포본동주민센터 공간개선 설계 및 감리용역, 서초구청, 2018.04.~2018.07.남정민
◾ 설계작품 전시 리빙블럭 외, 산학협력단, 2018.04.~2018.12.남정민
◾ 리빙 브릭 (Living Brick), 산학협력단, 2018.03.~2018.08.남정민
◾ 강북구보훈회관 및 리빙쉐드 설계계획안 국제 및 국내전시, 산학협력단, 2017.10.~2018.01.남정민
◾ 연세 백양스퀘어, 산학협력단, 2017.09.~2017.12.남정민
◾ 송천동 찾아가는 동주민센터 공간개선 사업 설계용역, 강북구청, 2017.05.~2017.08.남정민
◾ 하계2동 주민센터 리모델링 공간설계 및 사후설계관리(디자인감리) 용역, 노원구청, 2016.05.~2016.07.남정민
◾ 도시형 단독 아파트 입면연구, 프레스티지, 2016.03.~2016.12.남정민
◾ 벤치: 살아있는 커뮤니티, 산학협력단, 2015.09.~2015.12.남정민
◾ 풍경을 잇다, 산학협력단, 2015.07.~2015.08.남정민
◾ 컨테이너 재활용 구조물, 산학협력단, 2015.06.~2015.07.남정민
◾ 다목적 공사 시설물 입면 계획, 산학협력단, 2015.05.~2015.06.남정민
◾ 도시형 생활주택 입면 및 공간구성 연구, 예미종합건설(주), 2014.05.~2014.07.남정민
◾ 콘월지역 엔진하우스 정보도서관 설계(국내 단체 전시), 산학협력단, 2014.05.~2014.08.남정민
◾ 다세대형 생활주택 설계연구 및 기술이전, 예미종합건설(주), 2014.04.~2014.06.남정민
◾ Alley House, Korean Institute of Architects, AIA Architeture Expo 2019, 2019남정민
◾ Yellow Foot, 2018 Best Architecture 30, Architecture Design Institute of Korea, 2019남정민
◾ Yellow Foot, SPACE, Space (CNB Media), 2018남정민
◾ Alley House, Architecture and Culture, Archi-Lab Co., 2018남정민
◾ Paju Gallery, 2018 KICA Invited International Exhibition, The Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, 2018남정민
◾ Young Architect Award_Architecture Projects, 2018 Korea Young Architect Award, Korean Institute of Architects, Korea Architects Institute, Ministry of Culture Sports and Tourism, 2018남정민
◾ Young Architect Award_Architecture Projects, The 11th Korean Young Architect Award Exhibition, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, 2018남정민
◾ Yellow Foot, 101 Smart Buildings XIV, CA Press, 2018남정민
◾ Flower+Kindergarten, 101 Smart Buildings XIV, CA Press, 2018남정민
◾ Alley House, Neighborhood Facilities Exhibition, Architectural Design Institute of Korea, 2018남정민
◾ Living Hole, Artificial Nature, Soda Museum, 2018남정민
◾ Living Brick, 2018 KISD International Space Design Exhibition, The Korean Institute of Spatial Design, 2018남정민
◾ Songcheon-dong Community Center Remodeling, 3rd Phase Outreaching Local Community Center Project, Urban Space Improvement Bureau, Seoul City Government, 2017남정민
◾ Gangbuk Veteran’s House, 2017 KICA Invited International Exhibition, The Korean Institue of Culture Architecture, 2017남정민
◾ Living Shed, 2017 KIYFE Invited International Exhibition, Korea Institute of Youth Facility & Environment, 2017남정민
◾ Changshin Soongin Quarry Observation Tower, Invited Design Competition for Changshin Soongin Quarry Observation Tower, Seoul City Government, 2017남정민
◾ Yonsei B- Square, 100 Architects of the Year 2017, International Invitatioinal Exhibition, Korean Institute of Architects, UIA, 2017남정민
◾ Gwangjin-gu Gunja 2 dong Daycare Center, Invited Design Competition for Daycare Center Gunja 2 dong, Gwangjin-gu Local Government, 2017남정민
◾ The Green FootPrint Bike Rack, KICA Invited International Exhibition 2016, Coexistence of Cultural Space, The Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, 2016남정민
◾ Changsin Learning Platform, 2016 International Space Exhibition for Youth Facility, Korea Institute of Youth Facility and Environment, 2016남정민
◾ Nowon-gu Hagye2-dong Community Service Center, Seoul Architecture Festival, Reaching out Community Service Center Exhibition, Seoul City Government, 2016남정민
◾ Office 461, 100 Architects of the year 2016, Korean Institute of Architects, 2016남정민
◾ Self Sustainable House, Single-family House: Beyond Time and Space, Korean Association of Architects and Design Faculties, 2016남정민
◾ Neungdong Public Achasan Daycare Center, Public Architects Invited Competition for the Achasan Daycare Center, Gwangjin Local Government, 2016남정민
◾ Flower+Kindergarten, SPACE, CNB Media (Space), 2016남정민
◾ Community Center with Alley, 2nd Place Award Yangji Village Community Facility, Gangbuk Local Government, 2015남정민
◾ Flower+Kindergarten, AIA Internatinal Region Honor Award for Architecture, The American Institute of Architects, 2015남정민
◾ House: The Operative Skin, 100 Architects, International Invitational Exhibition 2015, Korean Institute of Architects, 2015남정민
◾ Living APT: Bench, Honorable Mention Resting Space in Seoul Compeition 2015, Seoul City Government, 2015남정민
◾ Weaving the Scenery, 72 hours City Live Project, Seoul City Landscape Department and Hanwha Group, 2015남정민
◾ Container Regeneration, Re;architecture, Korean Association of Architects and Design Faculties, 2015남정민
◾ Harvard University Tozzer Library, 2015 NorthAmerican Copper in Architecture Awards, Copper Development Association, 2015남정민
◾ Reconfigurable Fence, Re:Born, Space of Design and Architecture, 2015남정민
◾ Housing with 60 Scenes, 100 Architects of the Year 2014, International Exhibition, Korean Institute of Architects, International Affairs, 2014남정민
◾ 주택, 60개의 풍경, Housing with 60 scenes, 100 Architects of the year 2014, 한국건축가협회, UIA, 2014남정민
◾ Harvard University Tozzer Library, 2014 Brick in Architecture Awards, Brick Industry Association, 2014남정민
◾ Emerging Presence through the Glass Library, Ordinary Landscape, Korean Association of Architects and Design Faculties, 2014남정민
◾ 엔진하우스 유리 정보도서관, Glass Library for the Engine House, 일상의 풍경, 한국건축설계교수회, 2014남정민
◾ OCEAN(in)SIGHT, Unbuilt Architecture and Design, Boston Society of Architecture, AIA, 2013남정민
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