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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Civil Engineering
Daekon Kim
Structural Engineering
◾ State University of New York at Buffalo, Ph.D., Civil Engineering (Advisor: Dr. Mander, J B), 1996
◾ State University of New York at Buffalo, MS, Civil Engineering (Advisor: Dr. Mander, J B), 1992
◾ Seoul National University, MS, Architectural Engineering, (Advisor: Dr. Jung, Il-Young), 1987
◾ Sung-Kyun-Kwan University, BS(1979-1985)
◾ Director, Innovation Center for Engineering Education, Seoul National University of Science and Technology (2016. 3 - present)
◾ Director, Center for Teaching and Learning, Seoul National University of Science and Technology(2016. 1 - present)
◾ Director, Continuing Education Center, Seoul National University of Science and Technology(2016. 1 - present)
◾ Professor, Dept. of Civil Eng., Seoul National University of Science and Technology (2012. 4-Present)
◾ Department Chair, Dept. of Civil Eng., Seoul National University of Science and Technology(2012. 3-2014. 2)
◾ Visiting Scholar, Georgia Tech., Department of Civil Engineering, (2008. 8- 2009.8)
◾ Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Eng., Seoul National University of Science and Technology (2007. 3.-2012. 3)
◾ Department Chair, Dept. of Structural Eng., Seoul National University of Science and Technology(2005. 12-2007. 2)
◾ Associate Professor, Dept. of Structural Eng., Seoul National University of Science and Technology (2005. 10.-2007. 2)
◾ Assistant Professor, Dept. of Structural Eng., Seoul National University of Science and Technology (2001. 10.-2005. 9)
◾ Full time Lecturer, Dept. of Structural Eng., Seoul National University of Science and Technology (1999. 8.-2001. 10)
◾ Researcher, DaeWoo Construction (1997. 03 - 1999. 05)
◾ Part Time Lecturer, Korea Univ., SungKunKwan Univ.(1997 -1998)
◾ SUNY at Buffalo, Department of Civil Engineering, Research Assistant(1992. 10 - 1996. 5)
Research Areas
◾ Seismic Analysis of Bridges and Buildings
◾ Engineering Mathematics
◾ Strength of Materials
◾ Elasticity (Graduate School)
◾ Plastic Design (Graduate School)
Journal Papers
◾ KBC 비구조요소 내진설계 하중, 한국공간구조학회지, vol.14 No.1 pp.77~84, 2014김대곤
◾ Evaluation of Structural Response of Base Isolated Frame Considering Uplift Effect of Isolators, 한국공간구조학회지, vol.10 No.2 pp.69~76, 2010김대곤
◾ Evaluation of Modal Parameters of Steel Frame Structure Using POD Method, 대한건축학회 논문집(구조계), vol.23 No.9 pp.23~30, 2007김대곤
◾ Evaluation of seismic performance of multistory building structures based on the equivalent responses, ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, vol.28 pp.837~856, 2006김대곤
Conference Papers
◾ 김창현, 김대곤, Evaluation of Structural Response of Seismically Isolated RC Slab-on-Steel Girder Bridge due to earthquakes occurred in Korea, KSCE 2022 CONVENTION CONFERENCE & CIVIL EXPO proceedings, BPEX 부산항국제전시컨벤션센터, 2022김대곤
◾ 김대곤, 김창현, Benefit Review of Seismic Isolation Design of Frame Structure due to earthquakes occurred in Korea, Proceedings of EESK Conference 2022, 서울대학교 글로벌공학교육센터, 2022김대곤
◾ 김세환, 오동욱, 이용주, 김대곤, A Study on the Retrofitting of Non-Seismicaslly Designed Pile Foundation Bridge, KSCE 2019 CONVENTION CONFERENCE & CIVIL EXPO, 평창 ALPENSIA, 2019김대곤
◾ 멀티코어 비좌굴브레이스 내진보강시스템의 내진성능 평가, (주)와이앤케이에코, 2019.01.~2020.05.김대곤
◾ 교내 러닝/아이디어 팩토리 개선을 통한 창의 교육 활성화 방안, 산학협력단, 2018.07.~2018.10.김대곤
◾ 미래 신산업을 선도할 창의적 융합인재 양성, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2018.03.~2019.02.김대곤
◾ 융합신기술 기반 K-Innovation Cluster 구축, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2017.03.~2020.02.김대곤
◾ 우수강의상(전임), 2023학년도 교육분야 우수교원, 서울과학기술대학교, 2024김대곤
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