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Department of Civil Engineering
Bonsang Koo
Construction Management and Project Management, BIM
Journal Papers
◾ Semantic elaboration of Low-LOD BIMs: Inferring functional requirements using graph neural networks, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2025구본상
◾ Application of Parametric Modeling Techniques for Automated Detailing of Exterior Finishes in Architectural BIM Models: A South Korean Case Study, Buildings, vol.14, 2024구본상
◾ Automated detailing of exterior walls using NADIA: Natural-language-based architectural detailing through interaction with AI, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2024구본상
◾ Automated process for generating an air conditioning duct model using the CAD-to-BIM approach, Journal of Building Engineering, 2024구본상
◾ Development of Extended IFC Schema for BIM-based Korean Construction Standards Review, KIBIM Magazine, vol.14 No.2 pp.35~48, 2024구본상
◾ Automated CAD-to-BIM generation of restroom sanitary plumbing system, Journal of Coumputational Design and Engineering, vol.11 No.2 pp.70~84, 2024구본상
◾ 철도 인프라 품질관리 효율성 향상을 위한 BIM 기반 AR 철근 점검 시스템 구축, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.24 No.6 pp.53~65, 2023구본상
◾ A Systematic Review of the Trends and Advances in IFC Schema Extensions for BIM Interoperability, Applied Sciences, vol.13 No.23, 2023구본상
◾ Evaluating ChatGPT’s Competency in BIM Related Knowledge via the Korean BIM Expertise Exam, Journal of KIBIM, vol.13 No.3 pp.21~29, 2023구본상
◾ Integrating a Machine Learning-based Space Classification Model with an Automated Interior Finishing System in BIM Models, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.24 No.4 pp.60~73, 2023구본상
◾ Ensemble-based Deep Learning Approach for Performance Improvement of BIM Element Classification, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.27 No.5 pp.1898~1915, 2023구본상
◾ Advanced Approach for Performance Improvement of Deep Learning based BIM Elements Classification Model Using Ensemble Model, Journal of KIBIM, vol.12 No.2 pp.12~25, 2022구본상
◾ Enhancing the Stability and Placement Accuracy of BIM Model Projections for Augmented Reality-Based Site Management of Infrastructure Projects, Applied Sciences, vol.12 No.21, 2022구본상
◾ ArchShapesNet: a novel dataset for benchmarking architectural building information modeling element classification algorithms, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, vol.9 No.4 pp.1449~1466, 2022구본상
◾ 건축 내부 마감부재의 BIM 기반 상세설계 자동화를 위한 실무적 요구사항 분석, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.23 No.5 pp.87~97, 2022구본상
◾ Deriving AR Technologies and Contents to Establish a Safety Management System in Railway Infrastructure, KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research, vol.42 No.3 pp.427~438, 2022구본상
◾ Development of Graph based Deep Learning methods for Enhancing the Semantic Integrity of Spaces in BIM Models, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (KJCEM), vol.23 No.3 pp.45~55, 2022구본상
◾ 건축 내부 마감 자동 상세화를 위한 규칙 기반 모듈 구축 방안에 관한 연구 - 바닥, 벽 및 천장을 중심으로 -, Journal of KIBIM, vol.12 No.1 pp.42~54, 2022구본상
◾ 철도역사 승강장 연단부 마감 탈락에 대한 원인 분석 및 개선 방안, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.23 No.1 pp.46~53, 2022구본상
◾ Semantic Segmentation 기반 딥러닝을 활용한 건축 Building Information Modeling 부재 분류성능 개선 방안, KIBIM Magazine, vol.11 No.3 pp.22~33, 2021구본상
◾ Augmented reality-based safety inspection framework for safety management in railway bridge and tunnel projects, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, vol.24 No.7 pp.590~607, 2021구본상
◾ A geometric deep learning approach for checking element-to-entity mappings in infrastructure building information models, JCDE, vol.8 No.1 pp.239~250, 2021구본상
◾ Automatic classification of wall and door BIM element subtypes using 3D geometric deep neural networks, Advanced Engineering Informatics, vol.47, 2021구본상
◾ Predicting Cooperative Relationships between Engineering Companies in World Bank's ODA Projects, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.20 No.6 pp.107~116, 2019구본상
◾ What Enables a High-Risk Project to Yield High Return from a Construction Contractor’s Perspective?, Sustainability, 2019구본상
◾ Using Drone and Laser Scanners for As-built Building Information Model Creation of a Cultural Heritage Building, KIBIM Magazine, vol.9 No.2 pp.11~20, 2019구본상
◾ 기업의 해외 도시개발 시장진출을 위한 전략수립에 관한 연구 - IPA 기법을 중심으로 -, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, 2019구본상
◾ Using support vector machines to classify building elements for checking the semantic integrity of building information models, Automation in Construction, vol.98 pp.183~194, 2019구본상
◾ BIM 부재 및 IFC 클래스 간 시멘틱 매핑 검증을 위한 기계학습기반 건축 부재 자동 분류, 한국CDE학회 논문집, vol.23 No.4 pp.373~383, 2018구본상
◾ Applying novelty detection to identify model element to IFC class misclassifications on architectural and infrastructure Building Information Models, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, vol.5 No.4 pp.391~400, 2018구본상
◾ 국외 BIM 발주지침 분석을 통한 국내 토목 분야 BIM 가이드라인 개발 방향 제시에 관한 연구- 싱가폴 토목 사업 과업지시서를 중심으로-, KIBIM Magazine, vol.8 No.2 pp.19~28, 2018구본상
◾ Using Logistic Regression for Determining the Factors Affecting Bidding Success in World Bank's International Consulting Projects in Indonesia, Using Logistic Regression for Determining the Factors Affecting Bidding Success in World Bank's International Consulting Projects in Indonesia, vol.19 No.1 pp.80~89, 2018구본상
◾ Applying Novelty Detection for Checking the Integrity of BIM Entity to IFC Class Associations, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.18 No.6 pp.78~88, 2017구본상
◾ A cost-plus estimating framework for BIM related design and engineering services, Korean Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.21 No.7 pp.2558~2566, 2017구본상
◾ Formulating International Entry Strategies for World Bank Consulting Projects Through Country-level Competitive Analysis, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.18 No.4 pp.57~66, 2017구본상
◾ Preparing hydropower projects for the post-Paris regime: An econometric analysis of the main drivers for registration in the Clean Development Mechanism, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol.73 pp.868~877, 2017구본상
◾ Examining the impacts of Feed-in-Tariff and the Clean Development Mechanism on Korea's renewable energy projects through comparative investment analysis, Energy Policy, vol.104 pp.144~154, 2017구본상
◾ Logistic Regression Model Construction and Evaluation for Maintenance of Water Level Stations, Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.17 No.2 pp.389~396, 2017구본상
◾ Using Geometry based Anomaly Detection to check the Integrity of IFC classifications in BIM Models, KIBIM Magazine, vol.7 No.1 pp.18~27, 2017구본상
◾ Evaluation of International BIM Standard Contracts to establish BIM Copyrights and Operational Protocols in Korea, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.17 No.6 pp.24~30, 2016구본상
◾ Integration of BIM and GIS for Formal Representation of Walkability for Safe Routes to School Programs, JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, KSCE, vol.20 No.5 pp.1669~1675, 2016구본상
◾ Formal Estimation Method for Optimal Budget Appropriation of Highway Construction Projects under Long-term Continuation Contracts, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.35 No.6 pp.1405~1412, 2015구본상
◾ Using Ridge Regression to Improve the Accuracy and Interpretation of the Hedonic Pricing Model : Focusing on apartments in Guro-gu, Seoul, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.16 No.5 pp.77~85, 2015구본상
◾ Predicting the success of CDM Registration for Hydropower Projects using Logistic Regression and CART, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.16 No.2 pp.65~76, 2015구본상
◾ Development of Parametric BIM Libraries for Civil Structures using National 2D Standard Drawings, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.15 No.4 pp.128~138, 2014구본상
◾ Using the Binomial Option Pricing Model for Strategic Sales of CER’s to Improve the Economic Feasibility of CDM projects, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.15 No.1 pp.111~121, 2014구본상
◾ An empirical study of MEP workspace modeling approaches for 4D model-based time-space conflict analyses: Case study on the international linear collider project, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.17 No.4 pp.627~637, 2013구본상
◾ Evaluating the Economic Feasibility of Green Construction Projects using FiT and CDM Support Mechanisms, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.14 No.3 pp.123~133, 2013구본상
◾ Improving Road Construction Productivity by Developing a Programmatic Resource Distribution System for Equipment Sharing in Multi-sectioned Road Construction Projects, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.14 No.3 pp.134~145, 2013구본상
◾ A New Approach to Improving the Responsiveness to Price Fluctuations of the Range Estimating Model through Autocorrelation Time-Series Analysis, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.17 No.2 pp.301~308, 2013구본상
◾ Using Real Options to value the flexibility of Engineering Management decisions in Infrastructure Projects, JCEPM, vol.3 No.1 pp.10~13, 2013구본상
◾ A suggested color scheme for reducing perception-related accidents on construction work sites, ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION, vol.48 SPECIAL No.SI pp.185~192, 2012구본상
◾ Formalization of Productivity Metrics for Equipment in Multi-sectioned Road Construction Projects, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.13 No.4 pp.100~109, 2012구본상
◾ Which Strategies Are More Effective for International Contractors during Boom and Recession Periods?, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING, vol.28 No.3 pp.281~290, 2012구본상
◾ A multi-objective linear programming framework for evaluating the financial viability of supplementary facilities in Build-Transfer-Lease projects in Korea, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.16 No.1 pp.29~37, 2012구본상
◾ Construction EC Strategy Model and Improving Fields for Global EC Transition, Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, vol.11 No.2 pp.145~153, 2011구본상
◾ A Path Generation Method Considering the Work Behavior of Operators for an Intelligent Excavator, 대한토목학회 논문집D, vol.30 No.4 pp.433~442, 2010구본상
◾ Empirical Assessment of International Entry Strategy for Large Construction Companies, Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.11 No.1 pp.59~69, 2010구본상
◾ Evaluation on the impact of Lowest Bid Contracts on Site Operations in times of Severe Economic Downturn, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.10 No.6 pp.146~153, 2009구본상
◾ Formulation of a pull production system for optimal inventory control of temporary rebar assembly plants, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.36 pp.1444~1458, 2009구본상
◾ Analyzing Site Reliability for Residential, Civil and Plant Projects using Lean Construction Principles, 대한토목학회 논문집D, vol.28 No.5 pp.655~664, 2008구본상
◾ Competency Assessment of Korean Construction Firms on International Plant Projects, 한국건설관리학회 논문집, vol.9 No.4 pp.173~181, 2008구본상
◾ A formal identification and re-sequencing process for developing sequencing alternatives in CPM schedules, AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION, vol.17 pp.75~89, 2007구본상
◾ Formalization of construction Sequencing rationale and classification mechanism to support rapid generation of Sequencing alternatives, JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.21 pp.423~433, 2007구본상
◾ Improving Organizational Effectiveness for Road Construction through Analysis of Manpower Loading and Job Analysis, 대한토목학회 논문집D, vol.27 No.4D pp.507~516, 2007구본상
◾ Using Next Generation Technologies to Resolve Construction Labor Shortage Problems, 대한토목학회 논문집D, vol.26 No.6D pp.969~974, 2006구본상
◾ Implementation of Lean Construction on London Heathrow Airport's T5 Project, 대한건축학회 논문집(구조계), vol.22 No.7 pp.141~148, 2006구본상
◾ Feasibility study of 4D CAD in commercial construction, JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE, vol.126 No.4 pp.251~260, 2000구본상
Conference Papers
◾ 이현우, 김시현, 이원복, 신동욱, 성윤재, 구본상, Development of a Multi-View Vision Transformer-based Penetrability Evaluation Model for Classifying Irrelevant Clashes, Proceedings of KICEM Annual Conference, 2024, 소노캄 제주, 2024구본상
◾ 이원복, 김시현, 구본상, Development of an Automated Process for Integrating Structural Analysis Information in the IFCs for BIM-based Cdoe Compliance, Proceedings of KICEM Annual Conference, 2024, 소노캄 제주, 2024구본상
◾ 구본상, 유영수, 이원복, 김시현, Development of ‘IFC-KR’ and ‘IFC-KR-Structure’ for BIM-based Automated Code Compliance of Korean Construction Standards, KSCE 2024 CONVENTION CONFERENCE&CIVIL EXPO, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2024구본상
◾ 정유정, 석채현, 이원복, 유영수, 구본상, Extending the IFCs with Structural Analysis Data for Automated Code Compliance Checking, KSCE 2024 CONVENTION CONFERENCE&CIVIL EXPO, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2024구본상
◾ Bonsang Koo, Sihyun Kim, Youngsu Yu, Wonbok Lee, Improvement of GPT’s Performance for BIM related queries using RAG-based Information Retrieval, Proceedings of WSECAEE 2024, Village Hotel, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2024구본상
◾ Sihyun Kim, Wonbok Lee, Youngsu Yu, Haein Jeon, Bonsang Koo, Employing Ontology and Machine Learning for Automatic Clash Detection and Classification in Multi-disciplinary BIM Models, Proceedings of the 10thInternational Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Conference Hall, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 2024구본상
◾ 석채현, 정유정, 전해인, 유영수, 구본상, 최봉혁, Development of Extended IFC Schema for Embedding Construction Standards in Bridge, 2024 KIBIM Annual Conference, 성균관대학교 자연과학캠퍼스 대강당, 2024구본상
◾ 민혯민트, 김시현, 이원복, 이현우, 신동욱, 구본상, Study on the Development of Automatic Detailing Modules for Architectural Exterior Elements in Building Information and Modeling (BIM), 2024 KIBIM Annual Conference, 성균관대학교 자연과학캠퍼스 대강당, 2024구본상
◾ 이현우, 이원복, 김시현, 유영수, 구본상, A Study on Automatic Classification of Clash Type in Multi-disciplinary BIM Models Based on Artificial intelligence, Proceedings of KICEM Annual Conference 2023, 소노캄 델피노, 2023구본상
◾ 정유정, 석채현, 전해인, 유영수, 구본상, A Study on Deriving Optimal Performance of Geospatial API for Field Application of Markless AR Technology, Proceedings of KICEM Annual Conference 2023, 소노캄 델피노, 2023구본상
◾ Bonsang Koo, Wonbok Lee, Sihyun Kim, Min Htet Myint, Youngsu Yu, Ontology-based Detection and Classification of Clash Severity in BIM Models, Proceedings of International Technical Conference 2023, 중앙대학교, 2023구본상
◾ Haein Jeon, Youngsu Yu, Sihyun Kim, Bonsang Koo, Advanced Augmented Reality Object Placement in Construction Sites Using Geospatial API and Visual Positioning Systems, PROCEEDINGS of the 5th International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics, Samyan Mitrtown, 2023구본상
◾ 이원복, 김시현, 민혯민트, 유영수, 구본상, A study on the Development of Ontology-based Process for Automatic Classification of BIM Clash Severity, 2023 KIBIM Annual Conference, 한국과학기술회관, 2023구본상
◾ 구본상, 유영수, 최지원, 정유정, 한남혁, Evaluation of ChatGPT's Utilization Potential as an Aid Tool through Performance Verification for BIM Expertise, 2023 KIBIM Annual Conference, 한국과학기술회관, 2023구본상
◾ 하대목, 유영수, 최지원, 구본상, A Study on the Design Automation for Interior Finishes using Artificial Intelligence Algorithm in Visual Programming Environment, Proceedings of KICEM Annual Conference, 2022, 중앙대학교 100주년기념관 (310관), 2022구본상
◾ 김시현, 이원복, 유영수, 김진혁, 구본상, A Study on Automatic Classification of BIM Space Types Using Physical Adjacency of Space Based on Graph Neural Networks, Proceedings of KICEM Annual Conference, 2022, 중앙대학교 100주년기념관 (310관), 2022구본상
◾ 석채현, 정유정, 전해인, 유영수, 구본상, Development of BIM and Augmented Reality-Based Reinforcement Quality Inspection System for Improving Site Management Efficiency, Proceedings of KICEM Annual Conference, 2022, 중앙대학교 100주년기념관 (310관), 2022구본상
◾ 전해인, 이병윤, 석채현, 정유정, 구본상, Improving the Placement Accuracy to Ensure the Practical Applicability of AR and BIM-Based Site Management System, KSCE 2022 CONVENTION CONFERENCE & CIVIL EXPO, 부산항 국제 전시 컨벤션 센터, 2022구본상
◾ 김시현, 유영수, 구본상, Development of Framework for Optimized Construction Time Scheduling via Reinforcement Learning-based Construction Equipment Simulation, KSCE 2022 CONVENTION CONFERENCE & CIVIL EXPO, 부산항 국제 전시 컨벤션 센터, 2022구본상
◾ Youngsu Yu, Wonbok Lee, Sihyun Kim, Haein Jeon, Bonsang Koo, Automatic space type classification of architectural BIM models using Graph Convolutional Networks, Proceeding of the 2022 International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, University of Nevada, Las Vegas(UNLV), 2022구본상
◾ 이관훈, 김시현, 구본상, 유영수, 유주영, 고인혜, Performance Analysis of Object Detection for Robot Dog-based Safety Management Systems, 2022 Winter Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, 제주 소노캄, 2022구본상
◾ 김시현, 이관훈, 유영수, 구본상, Implementation of Drone-based Real-Time Safety Management System for Industry Site, 2022 Winter Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, 제주 소노캄, 2022구본상
◾ 이원복, 김시현, 유영수, 구본상, Development of the Automatic Space Classification Model for Enhancing Semantic Integrity of BIM Model via Graph Convolutional Networks, Extension of CM Territory in the New Normal Era, The-K Hotel 경주, 2021구본상
◾ 하대목, 유영수, 구본상, Development of Rule-based Module for Automatic Interior Finish Design, Extension of CM Territory in the New Normal Era, The-K Hotel 경주, 2021구본상
◾ 김시현, 이원복, 유영수, 구본상, Advanced Approach for Performance Improvement of Deep Learning-based BIM Elements Classification Model using Ensemble Learning - The Method of Using Relational Information between Elements -, Extension of CM Territory in the New Normal Era, The-K Hotel 경주, 2021구본상
◾ 유영수 하대목 이고은 구본상, Enhancing Deep Learning-based BIM Element Classification via Data Augmentation and Semantic Segmentation, 38 th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021), Dubai, 2021구본상
◾ 전해인, 유영수, 오동욱, 구본상, 서형렬, 김지환, Augmented Reality and BIM-Based Safety Management System in Railway Infrastructure, KSCE 2021 CONVENTION CONFERENCE&CIVIL EXPO, 광주 김대중 컨벤션 센터, 2021구본상
◾ 이고은, 유영수, 하대목, 유주영, 구본상, BIM Elements Classification Model using Semantic Segmentation based CRF-RNN, KSCE 2021 CONVENTION CONFERENCE&CIVIL EXPO, 광주 김대중 컨벤션 센터, 2021구본상
◾ Youngsu Yu Koeun Lee, Daemok Ha,Bonsang Koo, Enhancing BIM Element Classification of Multi-View CNN via CRF-RNN-based Semantic Segmentation, CIB W78-LDAC 2021, Luxembourg Institute of Science and TEchnology, 2021구본상
◾ 구본상, 유영수, 이고은, 하대목, 유주영, Applying CRF-RNN-based Semantic Segmentation and Multi-View CNN for Automatic BIM Elements Classification, 2021 Summer Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, 휘닉스 제주 섭지코지, 2021구본상
◾ 구본상, 유영수, 하대목, Development of Artificial Intelligence-Based Technology for Automating the Design of Interior Finishes of Architectural BUildings, 2021 Summer Conference of Society for Computatinal Design and Engineering, 휘닉스 제주 섭지코지, 2021구본상
◾ 구본상 유영수 김시현 이원복 이고은 하대목 전해인, Using Graph Convolutional Networks to automatically classify elements and spaces in Building Information Models, GSCAEE, 바르셀로나 스페인 (화상회의), 2021구본상
◾ 구본상, 유영수, 하대목, Exploring Artificial Intelligence for Automating the Design of Interior Finishes and MEP of Architectural Buildings, 2021 KIBIM Annual Conference Virtuality and AI, 서울대학교 호암교수회관 삼성 컨벤션센터, 2021구본상
◾ 구본상, 유영수, 고병진, 전해인, 김지환, Using BIM-based Augmented Reality for Improving Safety and Quality Management in Railway Construction Sites, 2021 KIBIM Annual Conference Virtuality and AI, 서울대학교 호암교수회관 삼성 컨벤션센터, 2021구본상
◾ Young-su Yu, Bon-sang Koo, Development of a Collaboration Recommendation Model between Global Consulting Firms using Link Prediction, ICCEPM 2020, Online, 2020구본상
◾ 구본상, 유영수, 이고은, 이우진, Machine Learning Based Approach to Automatic Recognition of Building Information Modeling Element, 2020 Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2020구본상
◾ 고병진, 전해인, 하대목, 이원복, 구본상, Preliminary Analysis of Safety Accidents in Bridges and Tunnels for Railway Construction - Accident and Work Types -, 2020 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 온라인, 2020구본상
◾ 유영수, 구본상, 이고은, 김시현, 이우진, Performance Improvement of Building Elements Classification Model Using Neural Structured Learning based Graph Leveraging, 2020 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 제주 신화월드 랜딩관, 2020구본상
◾ 전해인, 고병진, 김시현, 이고은, 유영수, 구본상, Establishment of Augmented Reality Based Building Element Information Visualization System using Unity3D, 2020 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 제주 신화월드 랜딩관, 2020구본상
◾ 구본상, 유영수, 이고은, 김시현, Application of Building Information Modeling Civil Elements 3D Shape Recognition Using Deep Learning, 2020 Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 한국과학기술회관, 2020구본상
◾ 정래규* 구본상** 유영수*** 이고은****, Application of Building Information Modeling Civil Elements 3D Shape Recognition Using Deep Learning, 2020 Journal of KIBIM, 서울시 논현동 건설회관, 2020구본상
◾ 구본상, 정래규, 유영수, 전해인, Machine Learning Based Approach to Automatic Recognition of Building Information Modeling Element, 2020 Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 강원도 평창군 휘닉스파크, 2020구본상
◾ 정래규, 구본상, 유영수, Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Models for Automated Classification and Segmentation of Building Information Modeling, 2019 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 일산 킨텍스, 2019구본상
◾ 유영수 구본상, Development of the Predicting Model for Cooperative Relationships between Engineering Companies in World Bank’s ODA Projects Using Link Prediction, 2019 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 킨텍스 2전시관, 2019구본상
◾ 유영수 구본상 이주명, Analysis on the Successful Bidder’s Cooperative Factors in World Bank ODA Projects using XGBoost, 2019 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 강원도 평창 알펜시아, 2019구본상
◾ 정래규, 구본상, 유영수, 고병진, Application of Building Information Modeling Walls 3D Shape Recognition Using Deep Learning, 2019 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 강원도 평창 알펜시아, 2019구본상
◾ Bonsang. Koo, Raekyu. Jung, Yoojin. Oh, Nam-Wook. Cho and Youngsu. Yu., Applying geometric deep learning approaches for Building Information Modeling element subtype classification, i3CDE 2019 proceedings, ParkRoyal Penang Resort, Penang, Malaysia, 2019구본상
◾ Bonsang Koo, Raekyu Jung, Yoojin Oh, Nam-Wook Cho, Youngsu Yu, Application of deep learning 3D shape recognition approaches for Building Information Modeling element classification, CIB 2019 proceedings, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China, 2019구본상
◾ 구본상, Application of Building Information Modeling 3D Shape Recognition Using Deep Learning, 2019 Journal of KIBIM, 서울 건설회관, 2019구본상
◾ 구본상, 정래규, 유영수, A Study on the Automatic Classification of Individual Components of BIM using Support Vector Machines, 2018 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 서울대학교, 2018구본상
◾ 구본상, 유영수, 이지섭, Determining the Factors Affecting Bidding Success in World Bank's International Consulting Projects in Vietnam with Logistic Regression Analysis Using Social Network Centrality, 2018 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 서울대학교, 2018구본상
◾ 이정훈 원진우 이지섭 구본상 한승헌, Partner Selection Criteria for Joint Venture in Construction Industry, 2018 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 서울대학교, 2018구본상
◾ Bonsang Koo, Sunmin La, Nam-Wook Cho and Youngsu Yu, Using support vector machines for the automatic classification of Building Information Modeling elements, 2018 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering, 일본 오키나와 잔파미사키 로얄 호텔, 2018구본상
◾ 구본상, 유영수, 강민창, Determining the Factors Affecting Bidding Success in World Bank’s International Consulting Projects in Indonesia, 2018 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 경주 컨벤션센터, 2018구본상
◾ 구본상, 정래규, 유영수, Classification of Building Information Models elements using Support Vector Machines, 2018 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 경주 컨벤션센터, 2018구본상
◾ 구본상, 나선민, 조남욱, 유영수, A Machine Learning based approach to BIM element classification, 2018 Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 제주 섭지코지, 2018구본상
◾ 신병진 구본, 토목 시설물에 대한 BIM 객체와 IFC 클래스 간 매핑의 무결성 검토에 관한 연구, 2017 Journal of buildingSMART Conference, 서울 건설회관, 2017구본상
◾ Bonsang Koo Byungjin Shin, MAchine learning based approach to detection of BIM to IFC association misclassifications, ISCDE conference proceedings, Vietnam, hochi min city, 2017구본상
◾ 구본상 신병, Novelty detection to check the integrity of IFC classification in BIM Models, 2017 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 서울시립대학교, 2017구본상
◾ 유영수 신병진 구본상 정재, Formulating International Entry Strategies for World Bank Consulting Projects Through Country-level Competitive Analysis: A Vietnam Case Study, 2017 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 서울시립대학교, 2017구본상
◾ 구본상 유영수 정재원, Analysis of country-level competitiveness in World Bank consulting projects :A Vietnam case study, 2017 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 부산 벡스코, 2017구본상
◾ 구본상 신병, A Study of Anomaly Detection for IFC Misclassification using Machine Learning Techniques, 2017 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 부산 벡스코, 2017구본상
◾ 구본상 신병진 Thomas Krjinen, Employing outlier and novelty detection for checking the integrity of BIM to IFC entity associations, ISARC 2017, 대만 타이베이, 2017구본상
◾ 구본상 신병진, Using Geometry based Anomaly Detection to check the Integrity of IFC classifications in BIM Models, 2017 Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 휘닉스파크, 2017구본상
◾ 구본상 신병진, Evaluating International BIM Standard Contracts to Formulate BIM Copyright Protection in Korea, 2016 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 인하대학교, 2016구본상
◾ 구본상 신병진 이강 유영수, A Study on the BIM Project Database to Develop a Cost-Plus Pricing Approach for Estimating BIM Service Costs, 2016 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 인하대학교, 2016구본상
◾ 구본상 신병진 이강 유영수, A Study on the BIM Project Database to Develop a Construction Cost Percentage for Appropriate BIM Service Costs, 2016 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 인하대학교, 2016구본상
◾ 구본상, 신병진, Urban Informatics: Using Big Data for City Scale Analytics, The 6th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, 부산 파라다이스 호텔, 2015구본상
◾ 구본상, 이강, 김청운, 신병진, Empirical Analysis of Man-hour Data to Support a Cost-Plus Pricing Approach for Estimating BIM Service Costs, The 6th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, 부산 파라다이스호텔, 2015구본상
◾ 구본상, BIM 설계 용역 대가 산정에 관한 연구, 2015 정보기술위원회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 명지대학교, 2015구본상
◾ 박상민 이경구 구본상, BIM-based Stormwater Runoff Analysis for Flood Prevention in Localized Heavy Rain, Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, 2015, 부경대학교, 2015구본상
◾ 김청운 구본, A Study on influences of Nonpreference Facilities on the Price of Apartments, 2014 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 서울과학기술대하교, 2014구본상
◾ 박종호 구본상, A Study of CDM Projects for Approval Forecasting Model Using Data Mining Analysis, 2014 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 서울과학기술대학교, 2014구본상
◾ 김청운 구본상, Using Hedonic Price Model for local Environmental effects of Apartment Price, 2014 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 대구, 2014구본상
◾ 박종호 구본상, Using Data-mining for Registered Feasibility Forecast of CDM Project, 2014 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 대구, 2014구본상
◾ 구본상 김청운 박종, Using the Binomial Option Pricing Model for Strategic Sales of CER's to Improve the Economic Feasibility of CDM projects, 2013 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 단국대학교 죽전갬퍼, 2013구본상
◾ Bonsang Koo Hyunji Joo Hyung Jung An Sang-Ho Lee, Application of Information Delivery Manuals for Effective Exchange of BIM Information in Modular Bridge Construction, First International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics 2013, Tokyo Japan, 2013구본상
◾ Bonsang Koo Chungwoon Kim Park Jongho, A Real Options Approach for Strategic Sales of CERs to Maximize Profitability of CDM projects, First International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics, Tokyo Japan, 2013구본상
◾ 구본상 김종훈 김정인 김청운 박종, Using Parametric Modeling Techniques to model MEP workspace requirements for 4D based workspace conflict analysis, 2013 KIBIM Magazine, 서울과학기술대학교, 2013구본상
◾ Bonsang Koo, Integrating Real Options with Earned Value methods as a decision support tool for the financial evaluation of alternative construction methods, ICCEPM2013 Journal, Los Angeles CA USA, 2013구본상
◾ 구본상, 김청운, IRR analysis and CER price sensitivity study to evaluate project risks attributes of registered Korean CDM Projects, 2012 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 경북대학, 2012구본상
◾ 구본상, 김홍열, Integrating Real Options and Earned Value methods for Strategic Evaluation of Construction Method Selection, 2012 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 전남대학교, 2012구본상
◾ A Study of the Current Issues facing Korean Engineering and Construction Companies in International Construction Markets, 2011 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 연세대, 2011구본상
◾ Improving Road Construction Productivity by Enabling Resource Sharing between Road Sectors, 2011 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 연세대학교, 2011구본상
◾ A Productivity Assessment of Labor and Equipment Utilization for Road Construction Projects in Korea, 2011 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 일산 킨텍스, 2011구본상
◾ 장준현 김정환 민지홍 구본상 서종, A Study on the Establishment of Optimal Bucket Area of an Intelligent Excavator, 2011 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 경기도 고양 일산 킨텍스, 2011구본상
◾ A Study on the Current Status and Cases of BIM Application by DPR, USA, 2011 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2010구본상
◾ Strategy Development for Advancing into Foreign High-speed Railway Market, 2010 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2010구본상
◾ A Study on the Activation of Private Investment Projects for High Speed Rail Project Expansion, 2010 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 송도 컨베션, 2010구본상
◾ 이순영 박태순 정훈희 구본상 이용주 김남, A study on energy ratio change of standard penetration test using an autohammer, 2010 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 인천, 송도 컨벤시아, 2010구본상
◾ 이복남, 김우영, 최석인, 장현승, PROGRAM MANAGEMENT STRATEGY FOR THE MaCC PROJECT, 2009 ICCEM-ICCPM, 제주도, 2009구본상
◾ 정우용, 한승헌, 실물옵션에 의한 민간투자사업 사업타당성 평가: 초과수익분배비율 및 최소수입보장비율 가치 정량화, 2008 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 논문집, 2008구본상
◾ 강태욱, BIM 백서 - 데이터품질확보 BIM White Paper for Data Quality, 저서, 979-11-6654-448-4 13540, 한국bim학회, 2023구본상
◾ 빌딩스마트협회 저, 건설의 아바타, BIM, 저서, 978-89-7765-106-7, 건설경제, 2011구본상
◾ 이복남, 글로벌 수준의 건설현장 만들기 전략, 저서, 89-8425-016-3 03, 한국건설산업연구원, 2006구본상
◾ 건설융합기술 기반 방호·안전 분야 미래인재 양성 교육팀, 한국연구재단, 2020.09.~2021.02.구본상
◾ 3차원 딥러닝과 확률그래프모형을 이용한 건축 BIM 모델 부재·공간 정합성 검토 및 지능적 부재 추천 시스템 개발, 한국연구재단, 2020.09.~2024.02.구본상
◾ VR/AR 및 BIM 기술 기반 철도인프라 시공 단계 작업 안전 및 시공성 확보 기술 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2020.04.~2020.12.구본상
◾ 3차원 기하 딥러닝을 활용한 토목 BIM 부재 및 IFC 클래스 간 시멘틱 매핑 검증에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2020.03.~2021.02.구본상
◾ 개방형 BIM 기반의 건축설계 자동화지원 기술 및 첨단 유지관리 기반기술 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2020.01.~2020.12.구본상
◾ 딥러닝 기반 드론 이미지의 3차원 변환 및 부재 인식을 통한 시공 검측 자동화 기술에 관한 연구, 주식회사 아이에이비건설, 2019.09.~2019.12.구본상
◾ 드론을 활용한 근대 건축물 문화재 항공 촬영 및 3차원 모델링 구축을 활용한 역설계, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.구본상
◾ 통합 Business Intelligence 모델 검증 용역, 해외건설협회, 2019.01.~2019.11.구본상
◾ 건설시스템공학과 특성화 방안 마련 연구, 산학협력단, 2018.08.~2019.02.구본상
◾ 해외건설산업정보시스템구축을 위한 연구용역, 국토교통부, 2018.07.~2019.03.구본상
◾ Business Intelligence 모델 통합, 검증 및 확장적용 용역, 해외건설협회, 2018.03.~2018.11.구본상
◾ 국가별 맞춤형 정보제공을 위한 Business Intelligence(빅데이터 기반 건설 시장 분석) 개발, 한국건설기술연구원, 2017.09.~2018.01.구본상
◾ 인도네시아 대상 세계은행 엔지니어링 사업의 진출 전략 구축, 산학협력단, 2017.09.~2018.08.구본상
◾ BIM 데이터베이스 기반 Novelty Detection을 이용한 BIM 개별 부재 IFC 분류 무결성 검토에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2017.07.~2018.06.구본상
◾ 기계학습 기법을 이용한 BIM/IFC 정보 정합성 검토 및 건축물 유형 자동 분류에 관한 연구, 한국연구재단, 2016.11.~2019.10.구본상
◾ 클러스터링 기법을 활용한 도로공사 규모 및 연차별 적정공사비 산정에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2015.10.~2016.07.구본상
◾ 모로코 민관협력(PPP) 강화 및 한국발전경험공유, (사)글로벌경영전략연구원, 2015.09.~2016.01.구본상
◾ Ridge Regression(능형 회귀) 및 CART을 통한 부동산 헤도닉 가격모형의 예측력 향상에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2015.07.~2015.12.구본상
◾ 고속도로공사의 적정공사비 산정에 대한 연구, 산학협력단, 2015.06.~2015.12.구본상
◾ 해외 거점별 건설엔지니어링 정보시스템 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2015.05.~2016.04.구본상
◾ 개방형 BIM기반의 건축물 설계표준 및 인프라 구축, 국토교통과학기술진흥원(구,한국건설교통기술평가원), 2014.11.~2015.06.구본상
◾ BIM 소프트웨어를 활용한 토목구조물 라이브러리 구축에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2013.09.~2014.07.구본상
◾ 2013 KSP-IDB 공동컨설팅 콜럼비아 민관협력사업 제도 구축 지원 사업, 한국전문가컨설팅그룹유한회사, 2013.07.~2013.12.구본상
◾ 토목분야 BIM 표준 및 소프트웨어 문제점 및 개선방향에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.07.구본상
◾ 토목분야 BIM 도입을 위한 국내발주 및 설계 프로세스 분석 및 개선방안에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.07.구본상
◾ 다(多)공구 도로 공사 현장 장비들의 운영 장비들의 운영 실태 파악을 위한 생산성 지표 정립에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.구본상
◾ 실물옵션(Real Option)과 달성가치(Earned Value) 기법을 연계한 시공법 의사결정 모델 구축에 관한 연구, 한국연구재단, 2012.05.~2014.04.구본상
◾ 성북아트센터 건립 타당성 조사용역, 성북구청, 2010.10.~2011.01.구본상
◾ 해외 고속철도사업 활성화 전략 수립, 충북대학교산학협력단, 2009.11.~2010.04.구본상
◾ 경로계획을 이용한 굴삭작업 성능 평가 및 보완, 한양대학교산학협력단, 2009.06.~2010.06.구본상
◾ Development of Extended IFC Schema for BIM-based Korean Construction Standards Review, BIM학회 논문상, Korean Institute of Building Information Modeling, 2024구본상
◾ Development of an Automated Process for Integrating Structural Analysis Information in the IFCs for BIM-based Code Compliance, 2024 한국건설관리학회 정기학술발표대회 우수논문상, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2024구본상
◾ Evaluating ChatGPT’s Competency in BIM Related Knowledge via the Korean BIM Expertise Exam, 논문상, 한국BIM학회, 2023구본상
◾ Integrating a Machine Learning-based Space Classification Model with an Automated Interior Finishing System in BIM Models, 우수논문상, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2023구본상
◾ A Study on Automatic Classification of Clash Type in Multi-disciplinary BIM Models Based on Artificial Inteligence, 우수논문상, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2023구본상
◾ A Study on Deriving Optimal Performance of Geospatial API for Field Application of Markless AR Technology, 우수논문상, Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2023구본상
◾ 근전도 센서(EMG)를 활용한 건설 근로자의 피로도 측정 및 관리, 최우수상, 한국건설관리학회, 2023구본상
◾ EvaluationofChatGPT'sUtilizationPotential asanAidToolthroughPerformanceVerificationforBIMExpertise, 우수논문상, Korean Institute of the Building Information Modeling, 2023구본상
◾ A study on the Development of Ontology-based Process for Automatic Classification of BIM Clash Severity, 우수논문상, Korean Institute of the Building Information Modeling, 2023구본상
◾ 딥러닝 기반 BIM 부재 자동분류 학습모델의 성능향상을 위한 Ensemble 모델 구축에 관한 연구, 논문상, 한국BIM학회, 2022구본상
◾ Development of BIM and Augmented Reality-Based Reinforcement Quality Inspection System for Improving Site Management Efficiency, 우수논문상, 한국건설관리학회, 2022구본상
◾ A Study on the Design Automation for Interior Finishes Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithm in Visual Programming Environment, 우수논문상, 한국건설관리학회, 2022구본상
◾ Improving the Placement Accuracy to Ensure the Practical Applicability of AR and BIM-Based Site Management System, 우수논문상, 대한토목학회, 2022구본상
◾ Performance Analysis of Object Detection for Robot Dog-based Safety Management Systems, 우수포스터상, Society for Computational Design and Engineering, 2022구본상
◾ Graph Convolutional Networks 기반 객체 간 관계정보를 활용한 BIM 모델의 공간 시멘틱 무결성 검증에 관한 연구, 우수논문상, 한국건설관리학회, 2021구본상
◾ 증강현실 및 BIM 기반 철도 인프라 안전 관리 시스템 구축, 우수논문상, 대한토목학회, 2021구본상
◾ BIM 기반 증강현실 기술을 활용한 철도 시공 현장 내 안전 및 품질관리 강화 방안, 우수논문발표상, 한국BIM학회, 2021구본상
◾ Performance Improvement of Building Elements Classification Model using Neural Structured Learning based Graph Leveraging, 2020 KSCE Convention Best Paper Award, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 2020구본상
◾ Development of the Predicting Model for Cooperative Relationships between Engineering Companies in World Bank’s ODA Projects Using Link Prediction, 2019 KICEM Annual Conference Best Paper Award, Korean Insttitute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2019구본상
◾ Application of Building Information Modeling Walls 3D Shape Recognition Using Deep Learning, 2019 KSCE Convention Best Paper Award, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 2019구본상
◾ Application of Building Information Modeling BIM element 3D Shape Recognition Using Deep Learning, 2019 Annual Conference Best Paper Award, Korean Institute of Building Information Modeling, 2019구본상
◾ A study of the Automatic Classification of Individual Components of BIM using Support Vector Machines, 2018 KICEM Annual Conference Best Paper Award, Korean Insttitute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2018구본상
◾ Analysis of Singapore's BIM tender documents for the development of infrastructure BIM guidelines in Korea, 2018 Annual Conference Best Paper Award, Korean Institute of Building Information Modeling, 2018구본상
◾ Classification of Building Information Models elements using Support Vector Machines, 2018 KSCE Convention Best Paper Award, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 2018구본상
◾ A Machine Learning based approach to BIM element classification, 2018 Summer Conference Best Poster Award, Society for Computational Design and Engineering, 2018구본상
◾ Evaluation of International BIM Standard Contracts to establish BIM Copyrights and Operational Protocols in Korea, 2017 KICEM Annual Conference Best Paper Award, Korean Insttitute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2017구본상
◾ Novelty detection to check the integrity of IFC classification in BIM Models, 2017 KICEM Annual Conference Best Paper Award, Korean Insttitute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2017구본상
◾ 토목 시설물에 대한 BIM객체와 IFC 클래스 간의 매핑 무결성 검토에 관한 연구, 2017 buildingSMART Conference Best Paper Award, buildingSMART Korea, 2017구본상
◾ Evaluating International BIM Standard Contracts to Formulate BIM Copyright Protection in Korea, 2016 KICEM Annual Conference Best Paper Award, Korean Insttitute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2016구본상
◾ Analysis of Sewage Research Trends Using Text-Mining Technique, Best Paper Award, Korean Wetlands Society, 2016구본상
◾ Urban Informatics: Using Big Data for City scale analytics, Special Session speaker award, KICEM, 2015구본상
◾ A Study of CDM Projects for Approval Forecasting Model Using Data Mining Analysis, 2014 KICEM Annual Conference Best Paper Award, Korean Insttitute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2014구본상
◾ Evaluating the Economic Feasibility of Green Construction Projects using FiT and CDM Support Mechanisms, The 24th Science and Technology Best Paper Award, The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies, 2014구본상
◾ Evaluating the Economic Feasibility of Green Construction Projects using FiT and CDM Support Mechanisms, 2013 KICEM Annual Conference Best Paper Award, Korean Insttitute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2013구본상
◾ Using the Binomial Option Pricing Model for Strategic Sales of CER's to Improve the Economic Feasibility of CDM projects, 2013 KICEM Annual Conference Best Paper Award, Korean Insttitute of Construction Engineering and Management, 2013구본상
◾ Which Strategies are More Effective for International Contractors During Boom and Recession Periods?, 2013 Best Peer Reviewed Paper Award, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2013구본상
◾ Using Parametric Modeling Techniques to Model MEP Workspace Requirements for 4D based Workspace Conflict Analysis, 2013 Annual Conference Best Paper Award, Korean Institute of Building Information Modeling, 2013구본상
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