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Department of Civil Engineering
Ki Han Song
Transportation Engineering
Seoul National University, Ph.D. 2007, Department of Civil, Urban and Geosystem Engineering
* Thesis Title: A Validation Algorithm of the Congestion Function Parameters in Traffic Demand Model
Seoul National University, B.S. 2000, Department of Civil, Urban and Geosystem Engineering
Assistant Professor (2021.09 ~ present), Department of Civil Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea
Research Fellow (2016.06 ~ 2021. 8) Chief Director (2016.12 ~ 2021.7) Associate Research Fellow (2009.07~2016.05) Dept. of Aviation, Korea Transport Institute, Korea
Visiting Scholar (2008.09 ~ 2009.06) Traffic Safety Center, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Visiting Researcher (2007.12 ~ 2009.06) Institute of Engineering Research, Seoul National University, Korea
Researcher (2007.03 ~ 2007.11) Institute of Engineering Research, Seoul National University, Korea
University Assistant (2006.03 ~ 2007.02) Department of Civil, Urban and Geosystem Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea
Research Areas
Transportation Engineering/Transportation Planning/Advanced Transportation/Airport Planning/Aviation Policy
Fall 2021 Transportation Engineering, Creative Engineering Design
Spring 2022 Transportation Engineering, Basic Software Application, Statistics for Civil Engineering
Fall 2022 Transportation Engineering, Creative Engineering Design, Transportaion Planning(Graduate)
Spring 2023 Transportation Engineering, Statistics for Civil Engineering, Airport Planning(Graduate)
Fall 2023 Transportation Engineering, Creative Engineering Design, Transportaion Planning(Graduate)
Spring 2024 Transportation Engineering, Statistics for Civil Engineering, Advanced Transportation Engineering(Graduate)
Fall 2024 Transportation Engineering, Creative Engineering Design, SMART Mobility(Graduate)
Journal Papers
- Ki Han Song et al.(2024), Comprehensive Safety Index for Road Safety Management System, sustainability, 16, 450,, SSCI)
- Ki Han Song et al.(2022), Perceptions on Regional Benefit of Airport Development and Operation, applied science, Vol. 12(9), 4340,
- Ki Han Song et al.(2023), Determining Factors Influencing Short-Term International Aviation Traffic Demand Using SHAP Analysis: Before COVID-19 and Now, sustainability, 15, 14924,, SSCI)
- Ki Han Song et al.(2022), Impact of Lowering Speed Limit on Urban Transportation Network, applied science, Vol. 12, 5296,
- Ki Han Song et al.(2023), Road-Section-Based Analysis of Vehicle Emissions and Energy Consumption, sustainability, Vol. 15, 4421,, SSCI)
- Ki Han Song, Solsaem Choi(2021), A Study on the Perception Change of Passengers on Sustainable Air Transport Following COVID-19 Progress, Sustainability, Vol. 13, 8056, doi:10.3390/su13148056
- Ki Han Song, Solsaem Choi, Ik Hyun Han(2020), Competitiveness Evaluation Methodology for Aviation Industry Sustainability Using Network DEA, Sustainability, Vol. 12, 10323, doi:10.3390/su122410323
- Ki Han Song, Solsaem Choi(2020), A Study on the Behavioral Change of Passengers on Sustainable Air Transport after COVID-19, Sustainability, Vol. 12, 9207, doi:10.3390/su12219207
- Ki Han Song, Jeong-Woong Sohn, Sang-Kyu Kim(2021), Decision making framework for the proactive policy conflict management: The case of new airport projects in South Korea, Science Progress, Vol. 104(S3), doi:10.1177/00368504211020967
- Sungbong Chung, Ki Han Song(Corresponding Author)(2021), Regional Economic Structure and Airport-Centric Development Strategy Formulation: the case of South Korea, Science Progress, Science Progress, Vol. 104(S3), doi:10.1177/00368504211021695,
- Myeonghyeon Kim, Yuri Choi, Ki Han Song(Corresponding Author)(2018), Identification model development for proactive response on irregular operations (IROPs), Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 75, pp. 1-8.
- Joongmin Cho, Young-Joo Lee, Seongkwan Mark Lee, Ki Han Song, Wonho Suh(2021), Analysis of Macroscopic Traffic Network Impacted by Structural Damage to Bridges from Earthquakes, Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, doi:10.3390/app11073226
- Joon-Kyu Lee, Kwang-Eui Yoo, Ki Han Song(2016), A study on travelers’ transport mode choice behavior using the mixed logit model: A case study of the Seoul-Jeju route, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 56, Part B, pp. 131-137.
- Kitae Jang, Shin Hyoung Park, Sanghyeok Kang, Ki Han Song, Seungmo Kang, Sungbong Chung(2013), Evaluation of Pedestrian Safety: Pedestrian Crash Hot Spots and Risk Factors for Injury Severity, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2393, pp. 104-116.
- 김영록, 최연철, 임재환, 송기한, 신홍우 (2018), 중형공항의 소음저감 정책 분석, 한국항공운송학회지, 제26권 4호
- 송기한, 김선태 (2011) 공항과 항공사 공급 특성을 반영한 상대적 공항 허브화 잠재 경쟁지수 개발, 교통연구, 제18권 4호, pp. 19-34.
- 김선태, 송기한 (2011) 상호영향계층분석기법(Cross-impact Hierarchy Process)를 이용한 항공 산업 발전전략 평가체계 개발, 한국항공운항학회지, 제19권 4호, pp. 74-82.
- 설유진, 정성봉, 송기한, 이성모, 전경수 (2008) 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션을 통한 AHP 결과 해석모형개발(도로 및 철도부문 사례를 중심으로), 대한교통학회지, 제26권 4호, pp. 195-204.
- 곽호찬, 송기한, 정성봉, 고승영, 이성모 (2008), Network의 시공간적 특성을 이용한 신설도로의 이용가능성 예측모형 개발, 대한교통학회지, 제26권 4호, pp. 185-194.
- 김동선, 백주현, 송기한, 이성모 (2006) 돌발상황 검지를 위한 Wavelet 기법의 적용성 평가 - 서울특별시 도시고속도를 중심으로 -, 대한토목학회논문집, 제26권 4D호, pp. 581-586.
- 정성봉, 송기한, 홍상연, 김동준, 김동선 (2005) 민원을 고려한 철도대안 우선순위 판단 기법 개발, 대한교통학회지, 제23권 7호, PP. 87-98.
- 정성봉, 송기한, 박창호, 전경수, 고승영 (2004) 미시적 주행행태를 반영한 후미추돌위험 평가모형 개발, 대한교통학회지, 제22권 6호, pp. 133-144.
- 송기한, 홍상연, 정성봉, 전경수 (2002) 다기준 평가항목간 중복도를 반영한 AHP 기법 개발, 대한교통학회지, 제20권 7호, pp. 15-22.
◾ Traffic Operational Analysis from Sensor Application of Electric Autonomous Vehicles and Internal Combustion Engine Autonomous Vehicles Focusing on Difference in Acceleration Profile, seonsors and materials, vol.36 No.12 pp.5353~5363, 2024송기한
◾ Sensor Application: Introducing Autonomous Vehicle Technology in Loading Vehicles to a Pure Car and Truck Carrier, seonsors and materials, vol.36 No.12 pp.5365~5376, 2024송기한
◾ Comprehensive Safety Index for Road Safety Management System, SUSTAINABILITY, 2024송기한
◾ Determining Factors Influencing Short-Term International Aviation Traffic Demand Using SHAP Analysis: Before COVID-19 and Now, Sustainability, 2023송기한
◾ Road-Section-Based Analysis of Vehicle Emissions and Energy Consumption, sustainability, vol.15 No.5, 2023송기한
◾ Impact of Lowering Speed Limit on Urban Transportation Network, applied sciences, vol.12 No.11, 2022송기한
◾ Perceptions on Regional Benefit of Airport Development and Operation, applied sciences, vol.12 No.9, 2022송기한
◾ A Study on the Perception Change of Passengers on Sustainable Air Transport Following COVID-19 Progress, Sustainability, vol.13 No.14, 2021송기한
◾ Regional Economic Structure and Airport-Centric Development Strategy Formulation: the case of South Korea, Science Progress, 2021송기한
◾ Decision making framework for the proactive policy conflict management: The case of new airport projects in South Korea, Science Progress, 2021송기한
◾ Analysis of Macroscopic Traffic Network Impacted by Structural Damage to Bridges from Earthquakes, Applied Sciences, 2021송기한
◾ Competitiveness Evaluation Methodology for Aviation Industry Sustainability Using Network DEA, Sustainability, vol.12 No.24, 2020송기한
◾ A Study on the Behavioral Change of Passengers on Sustainable Air Transport after COVID-19, Sustainability, vol.12 No.21, 2020송기한
◾ 중형 규모 공항의 소음저감 정책 분석, 한국항공운항학회지, 2018송기한
◾ Identification model development for proactive response on irregular operations (IROPs), Journal of Air Transport Management, 2018송기한
◾ A study on travelers’ transport mode choice behavior using the mixed logit model: A case study of the Seoul-Jeju route, Journal of Air Transport Management, 2016송기한
◾ Evaluation of Pedestrian Safety: Pedestrian Crash Hot Spots and Risk Factors for Injury Severity, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2013송기한
◾ 공항과 항공사 공급 특성을 반영한 상대적 공항 허브화 잠재 경쟁지수 개발, 교통연구, 2011송기한
◾ 상호영향계층분석기법(Cross-impact Hierarchy Process)를 이용한 항공 산업 발전전략 평가체계 개발, 항공운항학회지, 2011송기한
Conference Papers
- 김명현, 송기한 (2018), Demand forecasting and policy suggestion for drone taxi operation in South Korea, The 22nd ATRS World Conference Seoul
- 김명현, 최유리, 송기한 (2018), Identification Model Development for proactive response on IROPs, The 22nd ATRS World Conference Seoul
- 장기태, 박신형, 강상혁, 송기한, 강승모, 정성봉 (2013), Evaluation of Pedestrian Safety: Geographical Identification of Pedestrian Crash Hotspots and Evaluating Risk Factors for Injury Severity, the 92th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Council, Washington D. C.
- 장기태, 박신형, 정성봉, 송기한(2010), Influential Factors on Level of Injury in Pedestrian Crashes: Applications of Ordered Probit Model with Robust Standard Errors, the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Council, Washington D. C.
- 백주현, 정성봉, 송기한, 김동선 (2005) Development of The Feasibility Evaluation Model for Adding New Railroad Station Using AHP Technique, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.6, pp. 292-302.
- 정성봉, 송기한, 홍상연, 고승영 (2005) Development of Sensitivity Term in Car- Following Model Considering Practical Driving Behavior of Preventing Rear End Collision, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.6, pp. 1354-1367.
- 정성봉, 송기한, 박창호, 김창호 (2005) Development of a Risk Evaluation Model for Rear End Collisions Considering the Variability of Reaction Time And Sensitivity, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.6, pp. 3603-3616.
- 김세환, 정성봉, 송기한, 전경수 (2005) Development of an Accident Prediction Model Using GLIM (Generalized Log-Linear Model) And EB Method: A Case of Seoul, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.6, pp. 3669-3682.
- 송기한, 정성봉, 윤태호, 박창호, 이성모 (2009) A Validation Algorithm of the Congestion Function Parameters in Traffic Demand Model, the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Council, Washington D. C.
- 곽호찬, 송기한, 이성모, 정성봉 (2007) Methodology for Estimating Trip Production of Subdivided Zones Using Socio-Economic Indexes: A Case of Korea, Proceedings of 7th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Dalian, China, September 24-27.
- 송기한, 백주현, 정성봉, 이성모 (2007) The Algorithm Finding Optimal Road Sections for the Investment Against Disasters under the Budget Constraint: A Case of Ulsan City in South Korea, Proceedings of 7th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Dalian, China, September 24-27.
- 송기한, 정성봉, 이성모, 김세환 (2005) Development of Level of Safety Using Fuzzy Logic System for Rear End Collisions Based on Microscopic Driving Behaviors, Proceedings of 6th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Bangkok, Thailand, September 21-24.
- 김동준, 정성봉, 송기한, 홍상연 (2005) Development of An Assessment Model Using AHP Technique for Railroad Projects Experiencing Severe Conflicts in Korea, Proceedings of 6th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Bangkok, Thailand, September 21-24.
- 송기한, 홍상연, 정성봉, 김동준, 전경수 (2003) Development of a Methodology for Solving Dependence Relationship Between Multi-Criteria in the AHP Technique: A Case of Korean Rail Path in a City Area, Proceedings of 5th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Fukuoka, Japan, October 29-November 1.
- 송기한 (2020), 항공산업 경쟁력 지표 개발: 한국사례를 중심으로, 한국교통정책·경제학회지, 제13권
- 송기한, 김명현, 신홍우, 김희철 (2018), 공공데이터를 활용한 공항 주변 주택가격 분석 방법론 개발과 적용 –김포공항 주변 단독주택을 대상으로-, 2018 대한교통학회 추계학술발표대회
- 김명현, 최유리, 송기한 (2018), 공항운영 장애 판별 모형 개발 및 적용방안, 2018 대한교통학회 춘계학술발표대회
- 김명현, 송기한 (2018), 저비용항공사 국제선 노선 진입 전략 분석, 2018 대한교통학회 춘계학술발표대회
- 송기한, 이대겸 (2013) ALARP 의사결정을 위한 항공사고비용 산출방법에 관한 연구, 항공운항학회 2013 춘계학술대회
- 김세환, 송기한, 전경수 (2004) 일반화 rough set 이론을 이용한 유고감지 알고리즘 개발, 제46회 대한교통학회 학술발표회.
- 백주현, 송기한, 고승영 (2004), 돌발상황 검지를 위한 Wavelet 기법의 적용, 제3회 한국 ITS 학회 학술발표회.
- 백주현, 송기한, 정성봉, 박창호 (2003) 철도 역사 입지 선정 모형에 관한 연구, 제44회 대한교통학회 학술발표회.
- 홍상연, 송기한, 전경수 (2002) 다기준 평가항목간 중복도를 반영한 AHP 기법 개발, 제42회 대한교통학회 학술발표회.

- Awards
- A Citation of Minister, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (2016.10), No. 14894
- A Citation of Minister, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (2013.12), No. 3789
- Award for Outstanding Research, Chairman, National Research Council For Economic, Humanities and Social Sciences (2014.05), No. 2014-16
- A Certificate of Appreciation, Minister, Department of Defense (2017.12), No. 270
- Award for Outstanding Study, President, Korean Society of Transportation (2018.03)
- Award for society logo competition, President, Korean Society of Transportation (2012.11)
- A Citation of President, Korea Transport Institute (2019.06), No. 2019-31, No, 2019-41
- A Citation of President, Korea Transport Institute (2018.06), No. 2018-I-007, No. 2018-I-024
- A Citation of President, Korea Transport Institute (2017.05), No. 2017-I-06
- A Citation of President, Korea Transport Institute (2016.04), No. 2016-21
- A Citation of President, Korea Transport Institute (2015.12), No. 2015-06
- A Citation of President, Korea Transport Institute (2015.05), No. 2017-I-13
- A Citation of President, Korea Transport Institute (2014.05), No. 2014-01
- A Citation of President, Korea Transport Institute (2012.06), No. 2012-08
- Korean Society of Transportation (2018), 시간과 공간의 연결 교통이야기, Chapter 3
- more than 139 project since 2003: Traffic Engineering Related, Transportation Planning Related, Advanced Transportation Related, Natioanl Masterplan Related, Aviation Policy Related, etc.
- Korean Society of Transportation regular member
- Korean Society of Civil Engineers regular member
- Urban Design Institute of Korea, Korean Society of System Safety, Korean Society of Transport Policy and Economics, Korean Society of Air & Space Law and Policy, The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics, Korea Association For Aviation Security, Aviation Management Society of Korea, The Korea Society of Global Air and Space Industry regular member
- SONG’S TV, Korea Transport Institute Youtube Channel(2020.12.24.~2021.07.08.)
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