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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Global Safety Engineering
Taehoon Kim
Fire safety
2012.02. BS, Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang Univervisty,
2018.02. PhD, Mechanical Convergence Engineering, Hanyang Univervisty,
2018.03. - 2019.08. Post-doctoral researcher, Hanyang University
2019.09. - Present Assistant professor, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Research Areas
Fire Engineering
Combustion(Fire, Explostion) and spray analysis (CFD)
Journal Papers
◾ 설치 방법에 따른 스프링클러 분무의 살수밀도 분포 균일도 개선, Fire Science and Engineering, vol.38 No.2 pp.17~23, 2024김태훈
◾ Optimization of fire sprinkler design for uniform water flux distribution using a micro-genetic algorithm, Fire Safety Journal, vol.144, 2024김태훈
◾ Derivation of Optimal Design Variables Considering Carbon Monoxide Emission Characteristics of Commercial Gas Stove Burners, Journal of The Korean Society of Safety, vol.39 No.1 pp.1~8, 2024김태훈
◾ Modeling of wood crib fires using a detailed pyrolysis model, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2024김태훈
◾ Characterization of in-cylinder spatiotemporal flame and solid particle emissions for ethanol-gasoline blended in gasoline direct injection engines, Energy, 2023김태훈
◾ Spray Characteristics Analysis of Fire Sprinkler Spray with Image Processing, International Journal of Fire Science and Engineering, 2023김태훈
◾ Factors affecting water flux distribution of fire sprinklers and effect of water flux uniformity on fire suppression characteristics, Fire Safety Journal, 2023김태훈
◾ 화재 진압용 스프링클러 헤드 유형에 따른 살수 균일도 분석, Journal of ILASS-Korea, vol.28 No.2 pp.97~104, 2023김태훈
◾ Resolving the initial spray structure of fire sprinklers with a volume-of-fluid modeling, Fire Safety Journal, vol.133, 2022김태훈
◾ Analysis of Air Flow inside the Compartment under Backdraft Conditions using Solid Combustibles, International Journal of Fire Science and Engineering, vol.36 No.2, 2022김태훈
◾ LES-VoF를 이용한 소방용 스프링클러 헤드의 보스 및 디플렉터 치수에 따른 1차 분열 특성 분석, Journal of ILASS-KOREA, vol.26 No.3 pp.127~134, 2021김태훈
◾ Spatiotemporal Flame Luminosity and Solid Particle Characteristics in a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine, Transactions of KSAE, vol.29 No.2 pp.133~139, 2021김태훈
◾ Effect of Nozzle L/D of Gasoline Direct Injection Injectors on Spray Characteristics Under Different Superheated Degrees, Transactions of KSAE, vol.28 No.12 pp.883~889, 2020김태훈
◾ Influences of exhaust load and injection timing on particle number emissions in a gasoline direct injection engine, FUEL, vol.268, 2020김태훈
◾ Review on spray, combustion, and emission characteristics of recent developed direct-injection spark ignition (DISI) engine system with multi-hole type injector, FUEL, vol.259, 2020김태훈
◾ Numerical approach to analyze propane flash boiling spray using modified gas-jet model, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol.162, 2019김태훈
◾ Optimizing injector nozzle hole layout of a direct-injection spark-ignition engine for wide open throttle condition, Energy Conversion and Management, vol.181 pp.59~67, 2019김태훈
◾ Numerical and experimental study on effects of fuel injection timings on combustion and emission characteristics of a direct-injection spark-ignition gasoline engine with a 50 MPa fuel injection system, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol.144 pp.890~900, 2018김태훈
◾ Prediction of wall impingement in a direct injection spark ignition engine by analyzing spray images for high-pressure injection up to 50 MPa, Fuel Processing Technology, 2018김태훈
◾ Modeling flash boiling breakup phenomena of fuel spray from multi-hole type direct-injection spark-ignition injector for various fuel components, Energy Conversion and Management, vol.160 pp.165~175, 2018김태훈
◾ Effects of Turbulence Enhancement on Combustion Process Using a Double Injection Strategy in Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition (DISI) Gasoline Engines, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2015김태훈
◾ Effects of the Injection Strategy on the Mixture Formation and Combustion Characteristics in a DISI (direct injection spark ignition) Optical Engine, Energy, 2015김태훈
Conference Papers
◾ 안치준, 김태훈, A Study on Necessity and Improvement Strategies for Disaster Management Systems in Data Centers, 2024 KOSOS Fall Conference Abstract Book, BEXCO, 2024김태훈
◾ 지현호, 김태훈, Analysis of Fire Source Reaching Characteristics for Different Particle Size, 2024 KIFSE Fall Conference Abstract, 대구 수성호텔, 2024김태훈
◾ Hun Heo, Taehoon Kim, Analysis of droplet collision effects in sprays from 1 two adjacent sprinklers, 13th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology 2024, Hotel Susung, Daegu, Republic of Korea, 2024김태훈
◾ 안병규, 김태훈, Study for Safety Management System of Fire and Explosion prevention in Refinery Plant, 2024 KOSOS Fall Conference Abstract book, BEXCO, 2024김태훈
◾ 김승용, 김태훈, Standardization of risk assessment of hazardous risk factors for each facility of electronic R&D center, 2023 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety, BEXCO, 2023김태훈
◾ 문재준, 김태훈, Establishment of Evacuation Scenario for Semiconductor FAB Construction Phase Using Evacuation Simulation, 2023 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety, BEXCO, 2023김태훈
◾ 문정환, 김태훈, 전준호, 김시국, 김동은, Review on the Reclassification of Fire Science, Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering Conference, 쏠비치 삼척, 2023김태훈
◾ 문소윤, 허훈, 김태훈, Estimation of Sprinkler Activation Time in Compartment Fires using Extended Alpert's Correlation, Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering Conference, 쏠비치 삼척, 2023김태훈
◾ 방새미, 김태훈, Analysis of Sprinkler Spray using Particle Tracking Velocimetry, Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering Conference, 쏠비치 삼척, 2023김태훈
◾ Taehoon Kim, Improvement on Water Flux Distribution of Fire Sprinklers by Optimizing Deflector Design, 31st ILASS-Japan Symposium, 도쿄, 2022김태훈
◾ 안찬섭, 김태훈, Analysis of Water Flux Distribution for Various Types of Sprinkler Heads, 2022 Fall Conference of KIFSE, 세명대학교, 2022김태훈
◾ 이중훈, 김태훈, Gas Supply Characteristics of Gas Cylinder with Induction Heating Device, 2022 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety, 여수 엑스포 컨벤션센터, 2022김태훈
◾ 석연화, 김태훈, A Study on the Safety Consciousness and Role Performance of Children's Playground Managers, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드 제주/2층, 2021김태훈
◾ 유정범, 김태훈, A Numerical Study for Fire Extinguishing Performance of the Sprinkler Head near the Beam, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드 제주/2층, 2021김태훈
◾ 김태훈, Improvement in Homogeneity of Fire Sprinkler Water Flux Density by Changing Deflector Geometry, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드호텔 제주/2층, 2021김태훈
◾ 김정대, 김태훈, Analysis of Safety Distance in Case of Arc Flash Hazard using Power System Simulation, Fall Conferernce of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드 제주/2층, 2021김태훈
◾ 김준영, 김태훈, A Study on Necessity and Priority of Smart Safety Management System for Shipbuilding Industries, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2021, 메종글래드 제주/2층, 2021김태훈
◾ 양민혁, 김태훈, Study on Fire Safety of Four Sandwich Panel Insulation Materials, Fall Conference of KIFSE 2021, EXCO, 2021김태훈
◾ 양소진, 김태훈, Improving Evacuation Safety through Fire Alarm depending on Triage in the Event of a Fire in a Geriatric Hospitals, Fall Conference of KIFSE 2021, EXCO, 2021김태훈
◾ 권오성, 김태훈, The effect of detector on detecting fire above a ceiling, Fall Conference of KIFSE 2021, EXCO, 2021김태훈
◾ 주수영, 김태훈, Compartment fire modeling of major combustible materials at construction sites using pyrolysis reactions, 2021 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Safety, 여수 엑스포컨벤션센터, 2021김태훈
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