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Manufacturing Technology Convergence Program
Wan-jin Chung
Simulations in metal forming
Journal Papers
◾ Measurement of bending deformation of sheet metal using machine vision, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2024정완진
◾ Analysis and clustering of Acoustic Emission Signals in the Tensile Deformation of AZ31B, Metals and Materials International, 2024정완진
◾ Ejector pin-related high-cycle fatigue fracture of the critical die corner during automatic multistage cold forging of an automotive wheel nut, HELIYON, vol.10 No.13, 2024정완진
◾ Effect of shearing on production stability and die life in automatic multi-stage cold forging of an automobile wheel nut, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, vol.131 No.1 pp.329~341, 2024정완진
◾ Hybrid Artificial Neural Network-Based Models to Investigate Deformation Behavior of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy atWarm Tensile Deformation, MATERIALS, vol.16 No.15 pp.5308~5323, 2023정완진
◾ Investigation of forming parameters influence on pillow defect in a new vacuum-assisted incremental sheet forming process, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol.127 No.11-12 pp.5531~5551, 2023정완진
◾ Warm Deformation Behavior and Flow Stress Modeling of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy under Tensile Deformation, MATERIALS, vol.16 No.14 pp.5088~5107, 2023정완진
◾ Analysis of Acoustic Emission (AE) Signal Characteristics of the Magnesium Alloy Sheet (AZ31B) in the Tensile Deformation, Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, vol.40 No.1 pp.39~47, 2023정완진
◾ Realistic finite element analysis model of the pilgering process to deal with initial tube thickness nonuniformity, JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, vol.95 pp.217~228, 2023정완진
◾ Development of Material Deformation Measurement System using Machine Vision, Transactions of Materials Processing,, vol.32 No.1 pp.20~27, 2023정완진
◾ Implicit Elastoplastic Finite Element Analysis of a Wheel Bearing Shaft Clinching Process Using the Multi-Body Function, metals, vol.12 No.11, 2022정완진
◾ Study on the Incremental sheet metal forming process using a metal foam as a die, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIAL FORMING, vol.15 No.6, 2022정완진
◾ A new general finite element method for predicting shearing and piercing, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, vol.120 No.7-8 pp.4581~4595, 2022정완진
◾ Effect of Strain Rate and Friction on Formability According to Major Deformation Modes in Sheet Metal Forming, STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2022정완진
◾ Fracture mechanism of AISI 1025 rod shearing in automatic multi-stage cold forging and critical shearing speed, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2022정완진
◾ Supervised Machine Learning Approach for Modeling Hot Deformation Behavior of Medium Carbon Steel, STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2022정완진
◾ Implicit elastoplastic finite element analysis of tube-bending with an emphasis on springback prediction, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, vol.120 No.9-10 pp.6377~6391, 2022정완진
◾ A New General Fatigue Limit Diagram and Its Application of Predicting Die Fatigue Life during Cold Forging, MATERIALS, vol.15 No.7, 2022정완진
◾ A Novel Flow Model of Strain Hardening and Softening for Use in Tensile Testing of a Cylindrical Specimen at Room Temperature, Materials, vol.14 No.17, 2021정완진
◾ A New Methodology for Predicting Brittle Fracture of Plastically Deformable Materials: Application to a Cold Shell Nosing Process, MATERIALS, vol.14 No.7, 2021정완진
◾ Automatic Multi-Stage Cold Forging of an SUS304 Ball-Stud with a Hexagonal Hole at One End, Materials, vol.13 No.22, 2020정완진
◾ Tool Path Design of the Counter Single Point Incremental Forming Process to Decrease Shape Error, MATERIALS, vol.13 No.21, 2020정완진
◾ Study on Numerical Oscillations of Forming Load Occurring in Forward Open Cold Extrusion, Solid State Phenomena, vol.311 pp.48~55, 2020정완진
◾ Analysis of the section deflection in the incremental sheet metal forming process of the circular cup shape according to the cup geometry, J. Korean Soc. Precis. Eng., vol.37 No.9 pp.675~683, 2020정완진
◾ Optimization design of penetrator geometry using artificial neural network and genetic algorithm, Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, vol.37 No.6 pp.429~436, 2020정완진
◾ Numerical and Experimental Study on Spring Back in Automatic Multi-Stage Precision Cold Forging Process of a Steering Yoke, 소성가공, vol.28 No.3 pp.115~122, 2019정완진
◾ Research History and Recent Trends in the Development of Sheet Metal-Forming Processes, Journals of Korean society of precision engineering, vol.33 No.4 pp.247~255, 2016정완진
◾ Effects of Initial Slug Design on the Earring of a Rectangular Battery Case During Impact Extrusion, Transactions of Materials Processing, vol.24 No.6 pp.425~430, 2015정완진
◾ Improvement of Formability in Automobile Panels by Variable Blank Holding Force with Consideration of Nonlinear Deformation Path, Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, vol.32 No.11 pp.945~952, 2015정완진
◾ A Robust Prediction Method of Surface Deflection Using Stoning Simulation and Curvature Analysis, Steel Research International, vol.86 No.8 pp.886~893, 2015정완진
◾ 극소형 원통컵의 드로잉성과 품질에 미치는블랭크 홀딩력과 블랭크 직경의 영향, 소성가공, vol.23 No.8 pp.489~497, 2014정완진
◾ Effect of shearing on production stability and die life in automatic multi‑stage cold forging of an automobile wheel nut, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014정완진
◾ Finite element simulation of plate or sheet metal forming processes using tetrahedral MINI-elements, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol.28 No.1 pp.237~243, 2014정완진
◾ Influence of Clearance in Half-piecing of Sheet Metal, 소성가공, vol.22 No.8 pp.437~441, 2013정완진
◾ A Study on the Surface Deflection in Rectangular Embossing Considering Planar Anisotropy, 소성가공, vol.22 No.6 pp.310~316, 2013정완진
◾ Influence of Drawing Speed and Blank Holding Force in Rectangular Drawing of Ultra Thin Sheet Metal, Transactions of Material Processing, vol.21 No.6 pp.348~353, 2012정완진
◾ Formability and Dimensional Characteristics of Stretch-Drawn Beryllium-Copper Sheet Products, 소성가공, vol.20 No.5 pp.357~361, 2011정완진
◾ Efficient prediction of local failures for metallic sandwich plates with pyramidal truss cores during the bending processes, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRECISION ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING, vol.12 No.3 pp.491~503, 2011정완진
◾ Evaluation of surface deflection in automobile exterior panel by curvature based method, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.1383 No.0 pp.1072~1077, 2011정완진
◾ Forming analysis of L-bending of sandwich sheet with pyramid core, steel research international, vol.81 No.9 pp.797~800, 2010정완진
◾ Bendable metallic sandwich plates with a sheared dimple core, SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, vol.63 No.1 pp.81~84, 2010정완진
◾ Analysis of core shear stress in welded deformable sandwich plates to prevent de-bonding failure during U-bending, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, vol.210 pp.1171~1179, 2010정완진
Conference Papers
◾ I. G. Choi, J. S. Kang, W. J. Chung, C. W. Lee, Analysis of acoustic emission signals during bending deformation of aluminum tubes, Proceedings of Tube Hydroforming Technology 2024, 인천, 2024정완진
◾ 최인규, 정완진, 이창환, Damage detection of aluminum pipes subjected to bending loads using Acoustic Emission Testing (AET), Proceedings of 2024 fall meeting, KSTP, 제주도 신화월드 랜딩관 칸벤션센터, 2024정완진
◾ Wan Jin Chung, Nurhidayah Abd Hamid, Kwang Hee Lee, Man Soo Chun, Mesh Effect on the Implicit Elastoplastic Finite Element Prediction of an Automatic Multistage Cold Forging Process, Proceedings of 2024 The 9th International Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology, 대만, Howard Beach Resort Kenting, 2024정완진
◾ 최인규, 정완진, 이창환, Detection of Damage and Breakage of Materials in Tensile Behavior Using Acoustic Emission (AE) Technique, Proceedings of KSPE 2024 Spring Conference, 제주도 제주시 라마다프라자호텔, 2024정완진
◾ 윤정식, 정완진, 이창환, Analysis of Springback Characteristics with Differences in Strain Rate and Punch Radius in Warm V-bending, Proceedings of KSPE 2024 spring conference, 제주도 제주시 라마라프라자호텔, 2024정완진
◾ 윤정식, 정완진, 이창환, Analysis of Springback of Warm Deformation of Magnesium Alloy Sheet in V-bending Using Machine Vision, proceedings of 2023 fall meeting, KSTP, 제주도 사귀포시 소노캄리조트, 2023정완진
◾ 김창대, 벡승욱, 윤정식, 정완진, 이창환, Defect Detection of Wheel Nuts through Object Detection, proceedings of 2023 fall meeting, KSTP, 제주도, 서귀포시 소노캄리조트, 2023정완진
◾ 최인규, 정완진, 이창환, Analysis of Acoustic Emission (AE) Signal during Tensile Deformation with Different Materials, Proceedings of 2023 fall meeting, KSTP, 제주도 시귀포시 소노캄리조트, 2023정완진
◾ EunBeen Mok, Wanjin Chung, Changwhan Lee, A Real-Time Measurement of the Bending Deformation in V-bending Using Machine Vision, Proceedings of PRESM 2022, 제주 부영 호텔 & 리조트, 2022정완진
◾ M. Murugesan, Jae-Hyeong Yu, Wanjin Chung, Chang-Whan Lee, Investigation on MInvestigation on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Sheets Deformed in Different Hot Deformation Conditions, Proceedings of PRESM 2022, 제부 부영 호텔 & 리조트, 2022정완진
◾ SungMin Cho, Chang-Whan Lee, Mansoo Joun, WanJin Chung, An optimization of die tool fatigue life in multi-stage forging process using machine learning and fatigue limit diagram, proceedings of IS-KSTP30, 파크하얏트호텔부산, 2021정완진
◾ SungMin Cho, Hyodong Kim, Chundal Park, WanJin Chung, Influence of strain rate and friction on formability according to major deformation modes in sheet metal forming process, proceedings of IS-KSTP30, 파크하얏트호텔부산, 2021정완진
◾ 조성민, 최호진, 임호준, 이상길, 이창환, 전만수, 정완진, 피로한계선도를 이용한 다단 냉간 단조 공정에서의 금형의 피로 수명 예측, 한국소성가공학회 2021 추계학술대회 초록집, 파크하얏트호텔부산, 2021정완진
◾ SungMin Cho, Chang-Whan Lee, KeeCheol Park, WanJin Chung, The optimization of variable blank holding force trajectory in cylindrical cup drawing process using finite element analysis and reinforcement learning, proceedings of PRESM 2021, 제주 라마다 프라자 호텔(Online 참가), 2021정완진
◾ 조성민, 이창환, 박기철, 정완진, 강화학습 알고리즘과 유한요소해석을 이용한 원형 컵 딥-드로잉 공정에서의 가변 블랭크 홀딩력 경로 최적화, 한국소성가공학회 2021 춘계학술대회 초록집, 여수 소노캄 호텔, 2021정완진
◾ 조성민, 이창환, 정완진, 인공신경망과 유한요소해석을 이용한 다단 단조 공정에서의 금형 수명 최대화, 한국소성가공학회 2021 춘계학술대회 초록집, 여수 소노캄 호텔, 2021정완진
◾ Sungmin Cho, Chang-wan Lee, Wanjin Chung, Determination of Variable Blank Holding Force Trajectory for Improvement of Formability Using Reinforcement Learning Algorithm, proceedings of International deep drawing research group 2020, Online, 2020정완진
◾ 조성민, 정완진, 몬테카를로 방법 기반 강화학습 알고리즘을 이용한 원형컵 딥드로잉 공정에서의 블랭크 홀딩력 경로 최적화, 제 16회 금형가공 심포지엄, 한국금형기술교육원, 2019정완진
◾ 조성민, 정완진, 다층 퍼셉트론 신경망과 유전 알고리즘을 이용한 사각 엠보싱 공정에서의 미세면 굴곡 예측 및 최소화, 2019 한국자동차공학회 추계학술대회 및 전시회, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2019정완진
◾ 조성민, 송우인, 이진섭, 황원재, 정완진, 강화학습과 유한 요소 해석을 이용한 딥드로잉 공정에서의 블랭크 홀딩력 경로 최적화, 2019 한국소성가공학회 추계학술대회, 제주 칼호텔, 2019정완진
◾ 정규석, 이창환, 정완진, 판재점진성형의 단면변형저감에 대한 실험 및 수치적 연구, 2019 한국소성가공학회 추계학술대회, 제주 칼호텔, 2019정완진
◾ 정규석, 정완진, 이창환, A study on the cross-sectional shape discrepancy of incremental sheet metal forming, International Symposium on PRecision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing(PRESM), The Nalod Da nang, Vietnam, 2019정완진
◾ 조성민, 정완진, Minimization of Surface Deflection in Rectangular Embossing Using Response Surface Analysis and Artificial Neural Network, International Symposium on PRecision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing(PRESM), The Nalod Da nang, Vietnam, 2019정완진
◾ 정규석,정완진,이창환, 판재점진성형의 단면변형 저감에 대한 연구, 2019 한국소성가공학회 춘계학술대회, 경북대 글로벌플라자(대구), 2019정완진
◾ 조성민, 정완진, 인공 신경망을 이용한 사각 엠보싱 공정에서의 미세면 굴곡 예측, 2019 한국소성가공학회 춘계학술대회, 경북대 글로벌플라자(대구), 2019정완진
◾ 조성민, 손동국, 정완진, Minimization of Surface Deflection in Rectangular Embossing Using Machine Learning, The 14th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications(AEPA), 서귀포 칼호텔, 2018정완진
◾ 김료동,정완진, SGACUD 와 DP590 강판의 변형모드에 따라 변형율속도가 성형성에 미치는 영향에 대한 실험적 연구, 2017년도 제14회 금형가공심포지엄, 서울 메이필드호텔, 2017정완진
◾ 김효동,정완진, Finite element analysis by deformation mode using constitutive equation considering strain rate, 2017년도 한국소성가공학회 추계학술대회 초록집, 제주 칼호텔, 2017정완진
◾ 조성민,박래원,이종호,황찬웅,정완진, Progressive plate forging analysis of a vibration motor base plate, 2017년도 한국소성가공학회 추계학술대회 초록집, 제주 칼호텔, 2017정완진
◾ 전만수,정완진,정승, Finite element prediction of deformation of material due to springback after material removal of a forging, 2017년도 한국소성가공학회 춘계학술대회 초록집, 청품리조트,제천,충북, 2017정완진
◾ 김민철,김광민,송하늘,황태민,정완진,전만수, Analysis of springback and its verification of an automatic multi-stage precision cold forging process of a yoke, 2017년도 한국소성가공학회 춘계학술대회 초록집, 청풍리조트, 제천, 충북, 2017정완진
◾ Wanjin Chung, Woosung Kim, Influence of design parameters on surface deflection in rectangular embossing, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, Ramada plaza hotel,jeju,Korea, 2017정완진
◾ 김효동, 김현우, 유제형, 이재빈, 정완, Elastic deformation of tools by AFDEX elasto-plastic finite element analysis, Proceedings of 2016 fall conference by KSTP, 제주시 라마다프라자호텔, 2016정완진
◾ Sung-Hyun Kim, Hyum Kim, Wan-Jin Chung, Jihong Whang, A method to estimate the flow stress of a material under extreme deformation using the strain and temperature data in the deformation zone of workpiece during machining, International symposium on green manufacturing and applications, Bali Nusa Dua convention center, 2016정완진
◾ 원시태, 정완진, 구자명, A study on the heat treatment charateristics, Proceedings of 2016 spring conference by KSPE, 제주 라마다프라자호, 2016정완진
◾ 김효동, 장은혁, 정완, A study on the influence of the strain-rate on the formability in automobile steel sheet forming according to deformation modes, Proceedings of 2016 spring conference by KSTP, 안동시 리첼호텔, 2016정완진
◾ 엄재근, 정석환, 정완진, 전만수, Elastoplastoc finite element analysis of axi-symmetric cold forging process considering elastic deformation of dies, Proceedings of 2016 spring conference by KSTP, 안동시 리첼호텔, 2016정완진
◾ 정석환, 정완진, 전만수, Epastoplastic finite element analysis of a bevel gear considering elastic deformation of dies, Proceedings of 2016 spring conference by KSTP, 안동시 리첼호텔, 2016정완진
◾ 정완진, 정석환, 전만수, Verification of spring analysis of AFDEX, Proceedings of 2016 spring conference by KSTP, 안동시 리첼호텔, 2016정완진
◾ 김종봉, 이성욱, 양동열, 정완진, Development of Sheet Metal Forming Process Design and Analysis, Proceedings of KSPE 2015 Autumn Conference, 강원 하이원리조트 컨벤션호텔, 2015정완진
◾ 위국환, 이종빈, 정완진, Verification of 2D springback analysis of AFDEX, Proceedings of 2015 fall conference by KSTP, 한화리조트, 제주, 2015정완진
◾ 이요셉, 정완진, 전만수, Comparison of rigid-plastic and elastoplastic analyses of an upsetting process considering elastic deformation of dies, Proceedings of 2105 KSTP spring conference, 한화리조트, 제주, 2015정완진
◾ Eunhyuk Jang, Wanjin Chung, A numerical study on formability improvement of circular cup deep drawing by variable blank holding force control, Proceedings of the 13th Asian Symposium on Precision forging, Gyeongju, Korea, 2015정완진
◾ Wanjin Chung, Mansoo Joun, Development of elasto-plastic module in AFDEX, Proceedings of the 13th Asian Symposium on Precision Forging, Gyeongju, Korea, 2015정완진
◾ S. H. Chung, S, M, Hong, W. J. Chung, M. S. Joun, Elastoplastic finite element analyses of sheet metal forming by using solid elements, Proceedings of the 13th Asian Symposium on Precision Forging, Gyeongju, Korea, 2015정완진
◾ Y. S. Lee, W. J. Chung, M. S. Joun, Residual effective stress of an axisymmetric forging after material removal, Proceedings of the 13th asian symposium on precision forging, Gyeongju, Korea, 2015정완진
◾ 최산, 방형식, 허재승, 정완진, A Numerical Study on the Influence of the Srain Rates in Sheet Metal Formability, 2015년도 제 12회 금형가공 심포지엄, 서울시 한국과학기술회관, 2015정완진
◾ 정석환, 정완진, 전만수, Elastoplastic finite element analyses of a square-cup deep drawing process using solid elements, Proceedings of 2015 KSTP spring conference, 벡스코전시장, 부산, 2015정완진
◾ 이민철, 홍석무, 황지훈, 심재원, 이장호, 정완진, 전만수, Elastoplastic finite element analysis of rectangle deep drawing process of clad-sheet, Proceedings of 2015 spring conference by KSTP, 벡스코전시장, 부산, 2015정완진
◾ Wanjin Chung, Jinhak Kim, Influence of Geometric Parameters on Surface Deflection in Rectangular Embossing, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology, Okinawa, Japan, 2015정완진
◾ Joun, M.;im, M.;Kim., J.; Chung W., Finite element analysis of deep piercing process, Procedia Engineering, Japan, Nagoya, 2014정완진
◾ 정완진, 전만수, Elastoplastic finite element method using three-dimensional tetrahedral MINI-element, Proceesings of 2105 annual fall conference of Korean Society of Technology of Plasticity, 제주 라마다프라자제주호텔, 2014정완진
◾ Jaegun Eom, Wanjin Chung, Mansoo Joun, Comparison of Rigid-Plastic and Elastoplastic Finite Element predictions of a tensile test of cylindrical specimens, Key engineering materials, Palermo, Italy, 2014정완진
◾ 석수진, 이세림, 정완진, 전만수, Development of AFDEX 2D Module for Sheet-Bulk Forming Analysis, Proceedings of the KSMTE Spring Conference 2014, 안동대학교 국제교류관, 2014정완진
◾ 전만수, 정완진, 정승, Effect of blank holding force on plastic deformation and damage in deep piercing process, Proceeding of the KSMPE Spring Conference 2014, 안동대학교 국제교류관, 2014정완진
◾ 정완진, 김진학, 정윤찬, an integrated approach for prediction of surface deflection by using stoning simulation and curvature analysis, AIP proceedings, 1, 2013정완진
◾ 김진학,박관화,오정우,이대웅,장병찬,정완진, A study of prediction on the surface deflection in acute angle embossing process, 2013 fall conference of KSMTE, 제주 KAL 호텔, 2013정완진
◾ 전만수,엄재근,김민철,정완진, Finite element simulation of plate forging processes, proceedings of 2013 fall conference of KSTP, 제주 라마다플라자호텔, 2013정완진
◾ 정완진, 김종길, 김종호, 김민철, An analysis of piercing process of thick sheet with high slenerness ratio, proceedings of 2103 fall conference of KSTP, 제주 라마다플라자호텔, 2013정완진
◾ 이성원,류호연,정완진,전만, Finite element analyses of a square-cup deep drawing process using solid elements and binder force treatment scheme, proceedings of 2013 fall conference of KSTP, 부산 그랜드호, 2013정완진
◾ 엄재근,정완진,전만수, Comparison of rigid-plastci and elasto-plastic predictions of a tensile test, proceedings of 2013 fall conference of KSTP, 제주 라마다플라자호텔, 2013정완진
◾ 정완진, 전만수, elastoplastic module of AFDEX 2D, 2013 annual fall conference of KSTP, 제주시 라마다플라자호텔, 2013정완진
◾ 김진학, 임재혁, 조인영, 양진아, 정완진, a comparative numerical study on the forming limit curves in sheet metal forming considering nonlinear strain path, 한국소성가공학회 2013 금형가공 심포지엄, 한국과학기술회관, 2013정완진
◾ 김진학,정완진, Numerical study on the effect of material properties for surface deflection of rectangular embossing process, proceedings of 2013 spring conference of KSTP, 부산 그랜드호텔, 2013정완진
◾ 전만수,정완진,엄재근, Finite element simulation of multi-body metal forming process, 2013 spring conference of KSTP, proceeding, 부산, 그랜드호텔, 2013정완진
◾ 정승원, 이성원, 정완진, 전만수, Finite element analysis of fine blanking process using force prescribed die, proceedings of 2013 spring conference of KSTP, 부산 그랜드호텔, 2013정완진
◾ 김진학, 정완진, 정회민, development of stoning simulation technique for prediction of surface deflection in sheet metal product, KSTME spring conference 2013 proceeding, 부산 Bexco, 2013정완진
◾ 김진학, 정완진, A Study on the Surface Deflection in Rectangular Embossing Considering Planar Anisotropy, 한국소성가공학회 2012년도 추계학술대회, 코모도호텔(경주), 2012정완진
◾ 전민성, 김광범, 김민규, 양희석, 전웅, 정완진, Development of a Novel Design Formula for Burring Process and Experimental Verification, 2012년도 제9회 금형가공 심포지엄, 메이필드호텔, 2012정완진
◾ Wan-jin Chung Kwang-hee Ko, Chung-min Hyun, Yun-sok Ha, Finite Element Analysis of Ship Hull Plate Forming with Heating and Rapid Cooling, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Metal Forming, Krakow,Poland, 2012정완진
◾ Wan-Jin Chung, Woo-sung Kim, Tae-Chul Jung, numerical and experimental study of surface deflection in rectangular embossing, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Metal Forming, Krakow, Poland, 2012정완진
◾ 정완진, 고강도 강판의 자동차 외판 적용을 위한 미세면굴곡 평가, 68th 철강기술 심포지엄, 서울 코엑스 그랜드볼룸, 2012정완진
◾ 김우성, 김진학, 정완진, A Study on the Surface Deflection in Rectangular Embossing by Curvature Analysis, 2012년도 한국소성가공학회 춘계학술대회논문집, 라마다프라다제주호텔, 2012정완진
◾ W. S. Kim, A numerical study of influence parameters on surface deflection in rectangular embossing process, Proceedings of ICA3M 2011, Seoul, 2011정완진
◾ 이민철,심상현,엄재근,전만수, Finite element predictions for a cold sheet metal forming process using tetrahedral MINI-elements, ASME 2011 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference, Oregon state univ.,Corvallis,Oregon,USA, 2011정완진
◾ 김영천,심응철,이현상,홍용수, Design and manufacturing of progressive die for test work, 한국금형공학 동계 학술대회 논문집, 인천, 송도테크노파크, 2010정완진
◾ 김우성, A numerical study of influence parameters on surface deflection in recangular embossing process, 한국소성가공학회 제7회 금형가공 심포지엄 논문집, 서울과학기술대학교, 2010정완진
◾ 김우성, 정하영, 서정훈, 정태철, A study on the surface deflection of automobile exterior panel by curvature analysis, 한국소성가공학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 대구, 호텔인터불고, 2010정완진
◾ 정밀 냉간단조의 지능화 및 스마트화를 위한 금형수명 사전예지 시스템의 개발 및 응용, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2019.07.~2022.12.정완진
◾ 침투성능 다수준 분석 통합플랫폼 코딩, 국방과학연구소, 2016.12.~2019.07.정완진
◾ 폭발에 의한 물질의 동적거동 정밀모사 프로그램 개발, 국방과학연구소, 2016.06.~2017.12.정완진
◾ Z-stamp 솔버 기술지원(2015), (주)큐빅테크, 2015.12.~2015.12.정완진
◾ 금형의 탄성 변형, 열처리 변형, 가공 변형을 고려한 지능적 정밀 단조 시뮬레이터의 개발, 중소기업청, 2014.12.~2016.12.정완진
◾ 극소형 원통컵드로잉에 있어서 블랭크홀딩력과 다이코너반경의 영향, 산학협력단, 2014.07.~2015.06.정완진
◾ Z-stamp 솔버 기술지원, (주)큐빅테크, 2013.12.~2014.12.정완진
◾ EasyBender 금형의 수명향상을 위한 열처리공정 개선에 관한 연구, (주)서울레이저발형시스템, 2013.11.~2014.07.정완진
◾ ASTAMP 기술지원, JSOL, 2013.10.~2015.09.정완진
◾ 탄두폭발모사 연구용역(프로그램 개발), 국방과학연구소, 2013.06.~2015.11.정완진
◾ 탄소성 판단조 해석 모듈 개발, (주)엠에프알씨, 2013.06.~2014.05.정완진
◾ 서보프레스 모션 선도 개발, 현대엔지비(주), 2013.04.~2014.03.정완진
◾ 버링공정 설계식의 개발 및 실험적 검증, 산학협력단, 2012.09.~2013.08.정완진
◾ 평면이방성을 고려한 사각형엠보싱공정의 미세굴곡에 대한 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.09.~2013.08.정완진
◾ 양산소재 사전성형성 검증 시스템 개발, 현대엔지비(주), 2012.09.~2013.12.정완진
◾ 평면이방성(재질편차)에 따른 미세굴곡 예측/평가 기술 개발, 현대엔지비(주), 2012.03.~2012.11.정완진
◾ 소성변형에 따른 성형해석, 상신이디피주식회사, 2011.10.~2012.09.정완진
◾ 외관 미세굴곡 시뮬레이션 평가기술 개발, (주)엔지비, 2010.10.~2011.09.정완진
◾ 자동차 외판 미세면굴곡의 유한요소해석을 이용한 예측에 대한 연구, 한국연구재단, 2010.09.~2015.08.정완진
◾ 초정밀 마이크로 부품 성형을위한 공정설계 및 해석 인력양성, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2010.09.~2013.02.정완진
◾ 곡면 열가공 유한요소해석 Solver 개발, 삼성중공업(주), 2010.03.~2010.09.정완진
◾ 2019년 대한기계학회논문상 : 대한기계학회논문집A 우수논문, 2019년 대한기계학회논문상 : 대한기계학회논문집A 우수논문, 대한기계학회, 2020정완진
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