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Department of Craft Design Culture
The Department of Metal Art & Design has the aim of cultivating professional, international, and creative craft designers who can lead the craft and design fields in the 21st century. They will be jewelry designers of fashion, cultural product designers, and metalwork designers who express are in living spaces. In addition, the department contributes disseminates new innovative metalcraft designs in accord with inherent Korean traditional and culture around the world. The program therefore not only develops craft designers with international competitiveness in the global era but also contributes to industries related to crafts and design. To meet its goals, the department carries out coordinated all metalwork designs. Based on this, the department develops the creative jewelry and metalcraft professionals needed in the future society. We will train craft designers to create craft designs for all industries. The overall design gaol for metal work is systemaic study, the integration of theory and technology, and education on the basis of future scoiety needs to foster design related professionals.
  • Systematic and comprehensive study of theories and techniques about all metalcraft arts and the design of jewelry
  • Study of the modalities of creative jewelry design and advanced manufacturing techniques
  • Study of cultural goods and products through cooperation between traditional and modern techniques
  • Study of variety of metal forms necessary for modern housing and environmental spaces
  • Enhance our international competitiveness through professional exhibitions and research activities in Korea and overseas
  • Cooperation with and contribution to the community through active and practical industry-university collaboration

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