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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Technology Entrepreneurship MBA
Year : 
Semester : 
Division subject No Subject Credit In English
Major Required Courses 1470001 Research for the Master's Degree Ⅰ 3
Major Required Courses 1470002 Research for the Master's Degree Ⅱ 3
Major Electives 1470003 Introduction to Technology Management 3
Major Electives 1470004 Introduction to Technology Management Research Method 3
Major Electives 1470005 Accounting for Technology Management 3
Major Electives 1470006 Personnel Management 3
Major Electives 1470007 Project Management 3
Major Electives 1470008 Economics for Technology Management 3
Major Electives 1470009 Management Science 3
Major Electives 1470010 Corporate Finance 3
Major Electives 1470011 Organizational Behavior 3
Major Electives 1470012 Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation 3
Major Electives 1470013 Management Information System 3
Major Electives 1470014 Advanced Operations Management 3
Major Electives 1470015 Technology Assessment Methodologies 3
Major Electives 1470016 Venture Corporation Risk Management 3
Major Electives 1470017 Hi-Tech Marketing 3
Major Electives 1470018 Enterprise Resource Planning 3
Major Electives 1470019 Intellectual Property Rights Management 3
Major Electives 1470020 Technology strategy 3
Major Required Courses 9900011 Independent Study for Start-up 3
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