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Department of Technology Entrepreneurship MBA
Park, Min Kee
Control Engineering
B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University.
M.S. degree in Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University.
Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University.
Research Engineer, LG Electronics.
Visiting Researcher, University of Tokyo.
Research Areas
Intelligent Control.
Control Engineering.
Journal Papers
◾ Traffic Regulation Algorithm for Metro Lines with Time Delay, j.inst.Korean.electr.electron.eng., vol.26 No.4 pp.590~595, 2022박민기
◾ Actuator Fault Estimation Method using Hexacopter Symmetry, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and System, vol.22 No.7 pp.519~523, 2016박민기
◾ Traffic regulation algorithm for metro lines with time interval deviations, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol.31 pp.1001~1008, 2016박민기
◾ Study of an optimal control algorithm for train interval under disturbance, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, vol.제18권 No.제5호 pp.419~425, 2015박민기
◾ Battery State of Charge Estimation Considering the Battery Aging, Journal of Institute of Korean Electrical And Electronics Engineers, vol.18 No.3 pp.298~304, 2014박민기
Conference Papers
◾ 이찬혁,박민기, Actuator Fault Estimation Method of Hexacopter, 2016 31st ICROS Annual Conference, 서울,코엑스, 2016박민기
◾ 이지환, 주재영, 박민기, Measurement of Radiating Cable Propagation Loss According to the Direction of Propagation in Urban Railway Tunnel, 2015 년도 한국철도학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 여수디오션리조트, 한국, 2015박민기
◾ Byoungsu Lee, Dong-Min Woo, Min-Kee Park, Seungwoo Kim, Development of Home Wellness Robot Platform Using RFID and Vision System, 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Zhangjiajie, China, 2015박민기
◾ Min-Kee Park, Seungwoo Kim, Dong-Min Woo, Joo-Ho Lee, Traffic Regulation Algorithm for Metro Lines With Time Interval Deviations, 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Zhangjiajie, China, 2015박민기
◾ Dong-Jun Lee, MinKee Park, Joo-Ho Lee, Height adjustable Multi-legged Giant Yardwalker for variable presence, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Busan, Korea, 2015박민기
◾ Dong-Jun Lee, MinKee Park, Joo-Ho Lee, Height adjustable hexapod robot for variable presence, 2015 JSME , Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, Kyoto, Japan, 2015박민기
◾ 최정삼,박민기, A Study on the Safety Verification for Seoul Metro Automatic Train Operation System by Formal Method, 2014 Fall Conference of the Korea Society of Urban Railway, 서울과학기술대학교 테크노파크, 2014박민기
◾ 남영희,최규형,박민기, Power Cable Maintenance Using Cable Cure Based on Isothermal Relaxation Current Measurement, 2014 Fall Conference of the Korea Society of Urban Railway, 서울과학기술대학교 테크노파크, 2014박민기
◾ Byoungse Lee, Dong-Min Woo, Min-Kee Park, Seungwoo Kim, Development of Self-Localizer Using Collaboration of Trilateration and Triangulation, 2014 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, China 5, 2014박민기
◾ Ngoc-Hoa Nguyen, Dong-Min Woo, Seungwoo Kim, Min-Kee Park, Terrain Segmentation of High Resolution Satellite Images Using Mulyi-Class AdaBoost Algorithm, 2014 10th International Conference on Natural Computation, China, 2014박민기
◾ 김표,박민기, A Study on the efficient design of the MINI-BOND in AF track, Autumn Conference of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구 인터불고호텔, 2013박민기
◾ 김기웅,박민기, A study about optimal control algorithm for train interval under disturbance, Autumn Conference of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구 인터불고호텔, 2013박민기
◾ 이승호,박민기, LIN Communacation Using the LabVIEW, Power Electronics Annual Conference, 경주 한화리조트, 2013박민기
◾ 박민기,이승호,유성현,황호석, Intelligent Battery Monitoring System for Vehicle Lead Acid Accumulator, Power Electronics Annual Conference, 덕유산리조트, 2012박민기
◾ 남종하,강덕하,황호석,박찬희,이희, Battery Pack and Management System for Automated Guided Vehicle, 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 리솜스파캐슬, 2011박민기
◾ 김길동, A Study on Design of the Fail-Safe Nuclear Power Heater Controller, 2011 한국안전학회 춘계학술대회 초록집, 원주인터불고호텔, 2011박민기
◾ 장성환,정경원, 자바를 이용한 오픈 플랫폼 미들웨어의 설계에 관한 연구, 한국컴퓨터정보학회 동계학술대회 논문집, 숭실대학교 정보과학관, 2011박민기
◾ Chang-Ho Hyun, Integral Control Approach to High-Gain Observer Design, SCIS&ISIS 2010, 2010박민기
◾ 김병년, LED를 이용한 고효율 비상등 시스템에 관한 연구, 한국조명설비학회 2010년도 춘계학술대회 논문집, 강원도횡성현대성우리조트, 2010박민기
◾ 장성환, 손가락 마우스 시스템 어플리케이션에 관한 연구, 한국컴퓨터정보학회 동계학술대회 논문집, 대전보건대학, 2010박민기
◾ 한도영, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 역서, 978-89-6421-246-2 93, Pearson, 2016박민기
◾ William J. Palm Ⅲ ?, Introduction to MATLAB7 for Engineers, 역서, 978-89-97235-99-5, Kyobobook, 2013박민기
◾ 박민기, 동적시스템자동제어, 역서, 978-89-450-3119-8, 피어슨 코리아, 2010박민기
◾ 고신뢰성 기계부품 설계 전문인력양성, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2018.03.~2021.02.박민기
◾ 시간간격 편차를 갖는 도시철도 열차의 운행간격 제어 알고리즘, 산학협력단, 2015.12.~2016.11.박민기
◾ SeoulTech 2016-2020 발전계획, 산학협력단, 2015.09.~2016.02.박민기
◾ SR-UKF를 이용한 Hexacopter의 구동기 고장 검출 및 분리 방법, 산학협력단, 2015.05.~2017.04.박민기
◾ 창의산업융합 특성화 인재양성사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2015.04.~2020.02.박민기
◾ 성과급적 연봉제 개선방안에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2014.09.~2014.12.박민기
◾ 외란을 고려한 열차간격 최적제어 알고리즘 연구, 산학협력단, 2014.05.~2015.12.박민기
◾ 배터리 노화를 고려한 SOC(state-of-charge)추정, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.12.박민기
◾ 표면 변형의 퍼지디스플레이 방법 비교, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.08.박민기
◾ 자동차 납축전지를 위한 IBS 모듈 기능검사장비 개발, (주)코디에스, 2011.10.~2012.09.박민기
◾ 고속 광전송 변복조(CODEC) H/W 알고리즘 개발, (주)오시에스티, 2010.12.~2011.11.박민기
◾ 연구장비 공동이용 지원사업, (사)한국산학연협회, 2010.03.~2012.02.박민기
◾ 교내 우수교육상(2015), 교내 우수교육상(2015), 서울과학기술대학교, 2015박민기
◾ A study on the optimal control algorithm for train interval under disturbance, Best Paper Award, The Korean Society for Railway, 2013박민기
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