고려대학교 생명과학대학(이학사), 2007.
POSTECH 환경공학부 (이학석사), 2009.
POSTECH 환경공학부 (공학박사), 2013.
주요 경력
POSTECH 환경공학부 박사후연구원 (2013.3. – 2014.7.)
미국 로렌스버클리국립연구소 Earth Science Division 박사후연구원 (2014.8. – 2015.8.)
한국과학기술연구원 물자원순환연구단 선임연구원/책임연구원 (2015.9. – 2023.2.)
연구 분야
– 미량오염물질 환경 거동
– 미세플라스틱 오염
– 나노재료를 이용한 미량오염물질 제어
주요논문 및 저서
[1] S. -H. Na, M. J. Kim, J. Kim, R. Batool, K. Cho, J. Chung, S. Lee, E. J. Kim*, “Fate and potential risks of microplastic fibers and fragments in water and wastewater treatment processes”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 463, 132938 (2024).
[2] M. J. Kim, Y. Herchenova, J. Chung, S. –H. Na, E. J. Kim*, “Thermodynamic investigation of nanoplastic aggregation in aquatic environments”, Water Research, 226, 119286 (2022).
[3] H. T. Bui, H. Y. Park, P. Alvarez, J. Lee*, W. Kim*, E. J. Kim*, “Visible light activation of a dissolved organic matter-TiO2 complex mediated via ligand-to-metal charge transfer”, Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 10829 (2022).
[4] S. –H. Na, M. –J. Kim, J. –T. Kim, S. Jeong, S. Lee, J. Chung*, E. J. Kim*, “Microplastic removal in conventional drinking water treatment processes: Performance, mechanism, and potential risk”, Water Research, 202, 117417 (2021).
[5] E. J. Kim, S. Park, S. Adil, S. Lee, K. Cho*, “Biogeochemical alteration of an aquifer soil during in situ chemical oxidation by hydrogen peroxide and peroxymonosulfate”, Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 5301 (2021).
저널 논문
◾ Progress and future directions bridging microplastics transport from pore to continuum scale: A comprehensive review for experimental and modeling approaches, TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, vol.179, 2024김은주
◾ 김지희, 조경진, 김은주, 혐기성 소화 공정 내 미세플라스틱의 노화에 따른 오염물질 흡착 영향 연구, 환경독성보건학회 프로그램북, 파라이드스호텔 부산 , 2024김은주
◾ Eunju Kim, Wastewater treatment plants as a source of microplastic pollution: Occurrence and fate, ACS abstract, Colorado Convention Center, 2024김은주