청운관 147호
* 2000. 서울대학교 학사

* 2005. 서울대학교 석사

* 2020. 서울대학교 박사
주요 경력
2006-2021 : 식품의약품안전처, 보건연구사

2016-2017 : 호주 국립측정원, 방문과학자

2017-2018 : 호주뉴질랜드 식품기준청, 방문과학자

2021.4.1.~ : 한국식품안전관리인증원 식품안전국가인증제 심의·자문위원

2021.7.1.~ : 식품의약품안전처 식품의약품 등의 안전기술 수준평가 핵심전문가

2022.6.29.~ : 식품의약품안전처 HACCP 발전 협의회 위원

2022.9.1.~ : 식품위생심의위원회 오염물질분과 위원

2023. 1.1.~ : 한국식품저장유통학회 학술운영위원

2023. 5.1.~ : Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives(JECFA) 전문가 위원

2024. 1.1.~ : 한국식품과학회 식품분석분과 위원장

2024. 1.1.~ : 한국식품위생안전성학회 기획이사

2024. 9.3 ~ : 식품의약품안전처 정책연구 심의위원회

2024. 11.1 ~ : 한국식품안전관리인증원 HACCP 포커스 그룹
연구 분야
1. 식품 중 유해화학물질의 독성 및 위해성 평가 연구

2. 식품 제조가공 중 발생 유해화학물질의 저감화 연구

3. 총식이조사를 통한 식품 중 유해물질의 노출량 평가 연구

4. 식품안전 규제과학 연구
담당 교과목
1. 일반화학

물질의 기본입자, 다양한 화학반응과 결합, 에너지 등 물질의 기본 특성에 대한 이해를 통해 향후 식품공학을 전공하기 위한 기초화학 지식을 습득한다.

2. 식품독성학

독성학의 기본원리를 이해하고, 식품 내에 존재하는 위해 요소들의 종류 및 특성, 식품섭취에 따른 독성물질들의 위해성을 평가하는 방법을 습득하여, 식품안전관리를 위한 기초지식을 습득한다.

3. 식품재료학

다양한 식품재료(농산물, 수산물, 축산물, 첨가물 등)에 대한 특징, 성분, 취급 및 가공법에 대하여 학습하고, 식품원료로 사용하기 위한 기준 및 규격 등 관련 규정을 이해한다.

4. 식품위생법규

식품위생법을 비롯한 식품안전과 관련된 법령 및 고시 등 규정에 관한 이론적 배경과 규정에 대해 이해함으로서 향후 식품관련 산업체, 연구소, 정부기관 등에 취업을 위한 전문지식을 습득하며, 향후 관련분야 종사시 현장직무능력 향상을 도모한다.

5. 최신식품문제연구(대학원)

식품산업에서 최신 이슈가 되고 있는 문제들과 현장에서 실무적으로 문제를 해결해나가는 방법, 그리고 향후 도전해야할 과제들에 대해서 살펴본다

6. 식품안전성평가 특론(대학원)

식품 중 존재하는 독성물질의 인체내 독성기작에 따른 인체영향을 이해하고 식품섭취에 의한 노출 및 위해성을 평가함. 또한 실제 식품 중 독성물질의 안전성평가 사례를 연구함
주요논문 및 저서
Development of an analytical method involving thiol methylation for the analysis of pentachlorothiophenol in food using gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometr, Food Chemistry X, (2025) (교신저자, SCI)

Inactivation of foodborne pathogens of fruit juice with different solid contents by using pilot-scale 915 MHz microwave heating system, LWT, (2024) (제1저자, SCI)

Dermal Toxicity studies of 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one (CAS number: 2634-33-5) in Sprague-Dawley rats, Food and Chemical Toxicology, (2024) (제1저자, SCI)

A review of food contamination with nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: toxicity, analysis, occurrence, and risk assessment, Food Science and Biotechnology, (2024) (교신저자, SCI)

Plant proteins, peptides, and non-protein amino acids: toxicity, sources, and analysis, Heliyon, 10, e34890 (2024) (교신저자, SCI)

Contamination of ultraviolet absorbers in food: toxicity, analytical methods, occurrence and risk assessments, Food Science and Biotechnology, 33, 1805-1824 (2024) (교신저자, SCI)

Effects of cooking methods and temperatures on quality and safety of dried red peppers (Capsicum annuum L.), LWT, 191, 115588 (2024) (공동저사, SCI)

Trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene contamination: A review of toxicity, analytical methods, occurrence in foods, and risk assessment, Food Science and Preservation, (2024) (교신저자, SCOPUS)

Contamination of Trichlorobenzene isomers in food: toxicity, analytical methods, occurrence in food, and risk assessments, Applied Biological Chemistry, (2024) (교신저자, SCI)

PCTP: toxicity, persistence, and safety considerations for potential contamination, (2024) (교신저자, SCOPUS)

Effect of rice milling, washing, and cooking reducing pesticide residues, Food science and Biotechnology, 33, 557-567 (2023) (교신저자, SCI)

Determination of 57 pesticide residues in fishery products by GC Tandem mass spectrometry combined with QuEChERS exstraction, Food Science and Biotechnology, 33, 831-853 (2023) (교신저사, SCI)

Alkaloids in food: a review of toxicity, analytical methods, occurrence and risk assessments, Food Science and Biotechnology, 32,1133-1158 (2023) (교신저자, SCI)

Analytical method development and risk characterization of anthraquinone in various types of tea, Food Control, 137, 108923 (2022) (교신저자, SCI)

Determination of methylxanthine contents and risk characterization for various types of tea in Korea, Food Control, 132, 108543 (2022) (교신저자, SCI)

A Medicinal Halophyte Ipomoea pes-caprae (Linn.) R. Br.: A review of its botany, traditional uses, phytochemistry, and bioactivity, Marine Drugs, 20(5), 329 (2022) (교신저자, SCI)

Comaprision study of validation parameters and measurement uncertainty of rapid analytical methods for piperine in black pepper by ultraviolet spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography, Food Science and Biotechnology, 31, 1133-1143 (2022) (제1저자, SCI)

Codex Alimentarius commission on ensuring food safety and promoting fair trade: harmonization of standards between Korea and codex, Food Science and Biotechnology, 30(9): 1151-1170 (2021) (제1저자, SCI)

Determination and risk characterisation of bio-active piperine in black pepper and selected food containing black pepper consumed in Korea, Food Science and Biotechnology, 30: 209-215 (2021) (제1저자, SCI)

Development of an analytical method for simultaneously determining TBBPA and HBCDs in various foods, Food Chemistry, 131: 126027 (2020) (제1저자, SCI)

Assessment of tetrabromobisphenol and hexabromocyclododecanes exposure and risk characterization using occurrence data in foods, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 137: 111121-111128 (2020) (제1저자, SCI)

Comparative study of the bioactive compounds, flavours and minerals present in black pepper before and after removing the outer skin, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 125, 109356 (2020) (제1저자, SCI)

Determination and daily intake estimation of lignans in sesame seeds and sesame oil products in Korea, Foods, 9(4); 394 (2020) (교신저자, SCI)

Comparative analysis of lead content during food processing, Food Science and Biotechnology, 29(8); 1063-1069 (2020) (제1저자, SCI)

Chemical composition and antioxidant capacity of black pepper pericarp, Applied biological chemistry, 63:35 (2020) (제1저자, SCI)

The effects of extracting procedures on occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in edible oils, Food Science and Biotechnology, 29(9); 1181-1186 (2020) (제1저자, SCI)

Validation and measurement uncertainty of GC-MS quantification method for nicotine in dried mushrooms using QuEChERS exstraction, Food Additives & Contaminants: Parts A, DOI: 10.1080/19440049.2020.1800827 (2020) (공동저자, SCI)

Quantitative analysis of bioactive phenanthrenes in dioscorea batatas Decne Peel, a discarded biomass from postharvest processing, Antioxidants, 8: 541-549 (2019) (공동저자, SCI)

Effects of food processing methods on migration of heavy metals to food, Applied biological chemistry, 62: 64 (2019) (제1저자, SCI)

Occurrence and risk characterization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of edible oils by the Margin of Exposure (MOE) approach, Applied biological chemistry, 62:51 (2019) (제1저자, SCI)

Determination and risk characterization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of tea by using the Margin of Exposure (MOE) approach, Food Science and Biotechnology, 27(6): 1843-1856 (2018) (제1저자, SCI)

Effects of grilling procedures on levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in grilled meat, Food Chemistry, 199: 632-638 (2016) (제1저자, SCI)

Exposure assessment and risk characterization of ethyl carbamate from Traditional korean fermented rice wien, Takju and Yakju, Food additives and contaminants: Part A, 33(2): 207-214 (2016) (제1저자, SCI)

Comparison of the contents of Benzo(a)pyrene, sesamol and sesamolin, and volatiles in sesame oils according to origins of sesame seeds, Applied Biological Chemistry, 59(1); 129-141 (2016) (공동저자, SCI)

Validation and determination of the contents of acetaldehyde and formaldehyde in foods, Toxicological research, 31(3): 273-278 (2015)

Analysis of 3-MCPD and 1,3-DCP in various foodstuffs using GC-MS, Toxicological research, 31(3): 313-319 (2015)

Total diet studies as a tool for ensuring food safety, Toxicological research, 31(3): 221-226 (2015)

Volatile hazardous compounds in alcoholic beverages, Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry, 55(3); 141-148 (2012)

Monitoring of Ochratoxin in alcoholic beverages, Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, 44(2); 235-239 (2012)

Monitoring of anti-impotence drugs and their analogues in food, Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, 43(6); 675-682 (2011)

Analytical method of aflatoxins in edible oil and infant-Children foods, Analytical Science and Technology, 24(2); 150-157 (2011)
저널 논문
◾ Dermal toxicity studies of 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one (CAS number: 2634-33-5) in Sprague-Dawley rats, FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY, vol.193, 2024이준구
◾ Inactivation of foodborne pathogens on fruit juice with different solid contents by using pilot-scale 915 MHz microwave heating system, LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.213, 2024이준구
◾ PCTP: Toxicity, persistence, and safety considerations for potential contamination, Food Science and Preservation, Food Science and Preservation, vol.31 No.5 pp.700~708, 2024이준구
◾ Contamination of trichlorobenzene isomers in food: toxicity, analytical methods, occurrence in food, and risk assessments, APPLIED BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, vol.67 No.1, 2024이준구
◾ Plant proteins, peptides, and non-protein amino acids: toxicity, sources, and analysis, Heliyon, vol.10 pp.e34890~, 2024이준구
◾ A review of food contamination with nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: toxicity, analysis, occurrence, and risk assessment, FOOD SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, vol.33 No.10 pp.2261~2274, 2024이준구
◾ Trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene contamination: A review of toxicity, analytical methods, occurrence in foods, and risk assessment, Food Science and Preservation, vol.31 No.3 pp.360~373, 2024이준구
◾ Contamination of ultraviolet absorbers in food: toxicity, analytical methods, occurrence and risk assessments, FOOD SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, vol.33 No.8 pp.1805~1824, 2024이준구
◾ Effects of cooking methods and temperatures on quality and safety of dried red peppers (Capsicum annuum L.), LWT, 2023이준구
◾ QuEChERS 추출법을 이용한 GC Tandem mass의 수산물 중 잔류농약 57종 분석, 한국식품과학회, vol.33 pp.831~853, 2023이준구
◾ 쌀 가공 중 잔류농약 변화 연구, 한국식품과학회지, vol.33 pp.557~567, 2023이준구
◾ Codex Alimentarius commission on ensuring food safety and promoting fair trade: harmonization of standards between Korea and codex, Food Science and Biotechnology, 2021이준구
◾ 이준구, 한국의 동물대체시험법에 대한 연구현황, China International Food Safety & Quality Conference, 중국 상해, 2024이준구
◾ 박준형, 이준구, GC-MSMS를 이용한 식품 중 PCTP 위해성 평가를 위한 분석법, 국제질량분석학회2024, 호주 멜번, 2024이준구
◾ 이준구, 식품 중 염화벤젠류 시험법 개발 연구, 한국식품과학회지, 대구 엑스코, 2024이준구
◾ 이준구, 한국의 잔류농약 안전관리, 국제잔류농약분석학회, 일본 동경, 2024이준구
◾ 남다솜, 최은진, 이준구, 김영석, 들기름의 열 처리에 따른 퓨란과 유도체의 생성에 있어 항산화제의 저감 효과, 위해평가를 위한 국제 사회의 협력, 독일 베를린, 2024이준구
◾ 이준구, 식품 중 잔류성유기오염물질 안전관리, 식품기술 및 산업 혁신 촉진, 제주 휘닉스파크, 2023이준구
담당부서 : 식품공학과
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